Cardinal Connections Parent Copy
May 2, 2022
Important Dates
- May 2 - Progress Reports Sent Home
- May 2 - 6 - Benchmark FastBridge Assessments (K - 5)
- May 4 - Visit from Principal Connolly to 5th Grade classes
- May 5 - GSRP field trip to Wolcott Farm.
- May 10 - No School for Students
- May 10 - 12 - In-Person Title One Book Fair - Hosted at Erie Elementary
- May 11 - Donuts with Grown-Ups
- May 12 - Mr. Donnelly from AMS visits to fit 5th-grade students for instruments for 6th Grade
- May 17 - 5th Grade Orientation at Algonquin
- May 17 - PTO Meeting 7 pm
- May 20 - Greenfield Village Field Trip for 4th & 5th Grade
- May 23 - May 27 - Penny Wars
- May 24 - Kindergarten Kickoff
- May 26 - Kindergarten & 1st Grade Field Trip
- May 27 - Field Day - All Day Event
- May 30 - Memorial Day Break - No School
- June 3 - Spring Fine Arts Night
- June 13 - Kindergarten Ceremony
- June 13 - 5th Grade Ceremony
- June 14 - ECSE Ceremony
- June 14 - Students attend AM only
- June 15 - End of Third Trimester
- June 15 - Last day of school - Students attend AM only
I hope all is well with you and your families. Back in November, an accident took place on Mulberry St. where a student was hit by a car. We have asked that no one drop their student off by parking across the street from the school. Since this accident, I have asked my staff to park in the back to give families space to park in the lot while dropping off. We are still seeing parents parking on the other side and walking students over or letting the students out to cross over on their own. Please use the parking lot to drop your student off and reframe from parking across from the school. While I understand that the accident didn't happen while that parent was dropping off the students for school, we want to be proactive in avoiding any danger that could occur in the future. Please use the parking lot. There are plenty of spaces available.
I also asked that you not pull up between the buses or the signs out front indicating "Bus Only." I understand that many of you are rushing to get to work, but we want to avoid any accidents. We want to ensure the safety of our students, and this is the only way to do so.
I appreciate your understanding!
~ Mrs. Wright
Message from our PTO....
What's Happening in ECSE with Mrs. Lee....
What's Happening in First Grade with Mrs. Strohm & Mrs. Silver....
What's Happening in 2nd Grade with Mrs. Chimenti
Cardinal Crawl Fundraiser Field Trip
- Wesley Rocho
- Kerri Glenn
- Madison Gray
- Keagan Rosso
- Crane Newsome
- Hailieanne Tombs
- Amelia Wood
- Christian Wilson
- Alexis John
- Charlotte Stone
- Ryleigh Ward
District Tutoring List
Incoming Kindergarten Smore - Registration Information & More....
New Student Enrollment
Message from Mrs. Perucca, Art Teacher
Hello Clinton Valley Families,
Chippewa Valley Schools’ Festival of the Arts 2022 is being held at the Clinton Macomb Public Library! Please stop by the library any time between Friday, April 22nd, and Monday, May 2nd to view artwork created by some of our very talented Clinton Valley students.
Thank you for all of your support of our Arts program,
Mrs. Olivia Perucca
Message from Mr. Sunje, P.E. Teacher
Dear Clinton Valley Families
Please consider volunteering your time to have fun during our Clinton Valley Fun Field Day this year on Friday, May 27th. Volunteers will run field day activities and/or assist with lunch. We are gathering volunteers. You can sign up for Lunch Helper (putting pizza on a plate and hanging out in the classroom while they eat), Activity Helper, or both!
All volunteers must have an approved Criminal Background Check. Please complete this form and return it along with a copy of your Driver’s License and/or Michigan ID card to the school office no later than May 11, 2022. All fields are required.
CRC Form
If you have any questions, please send me an email at
Algonquin Principal and Band Director Visit to CVE
Hello! Some staff from Algonquin will be visiting 5th graders to talk to them about middle school life, invite them to our upcoming middle school orientation, and get students “fitted” for an instrument.
Here are the details:
On Wednesday, May 4, Mr. Connolly (Principal) and Mrs. Abbott (Counselor) will visit your school to speak to 5th grade students about their transition to middle school. We will dialog about academics, lockers, middle school life, and more. We will invite them to the May 17th 6th grade orientation at Algonquin MS and encourage them to finish the year strong to set themselves up for success. We expect our talk to last no more than 15 – 20 minutes.
On Thursday, May 12, Mr. Donnelly, the AMS band director, will visit CVE to talk to students about signing up for BAND CLASS. Why is he coming? Because getting students started in Band is a lengthy process and a 3-year commitment, students need to be informed about their decision to sign up.
Mr. Donnelly will take students through something called an “INSTRUMENT FITTING”. What are instrument fittings? Instrument fittings are an opportunity for 5th-grade students to try out the various band instruments before starting band in 6th grade. This is a way we can allow 5th-grade students to try out the different instruments before they commit to anything. When Mr. Donnelly comes to CVE, he will bring 3-5 professional technicians from A & G Central Music that will walk each student through the different mouthpieces of the instruments, letting them try out each mouthpiece. The techs will then let the kids know which of the five starting instruments they are best suited for. Each student will be able to use an individual box of mouthpieces to try out during that time. Each box is cleaned before and after use by the techs at A & G.
Mr. Donnelly writes: In my experience as a band director, I have found that this is the best way to ensure every student gets the opportunity to be a part of the band. At Algonquin, we have plenty of school-owned instruments for students to use next year if renting an instrument is out of the question. We want to make sure that every student that wants to be a part of Band is given that opportunity.
Mr. Donnelly’s schedule on May 12:
1:00 – 2:30pm Clinton Valley Elementary
6th Grade Middle School Orientation
This year's orientation date is Tuesday, May 17th. Teachers will be providing more information soon. They will be sending home permission slips, and parent letters.
M-STEP Testing Dates for 3rd through 5th Grade - 3rd Grade Starts Next Week
Positivity Project
Leadership Quotes
“Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done, because he wants to do it.” -DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER
“The greatest leader is not necessarily the one who does the greatest things. He is the one that gets the people to do the greatest things.” -RONALD REAGAN
“A genuine leader is not a searcher for consensus but a molder of consensus.” -MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR.
“When the world is silent, even one voice becomes powerful…Let us remember: one book, one pen, one child, and one teacher can change the world.” -MALALA YOUSOFZAI
“Be the kind of leader you would follow.” -UNKNOWN
Elementary Assessment Schedule
- Testing Window - September 13 to October 1
- 3rd - 5th Grade
- Reading and Math (There is no particular order to test)
NWEA - Winter Testing
- Testing Window - December 1 to December 22
- 1st Grade
- 3rd - 5th Grade
- Reading and Math (There is no particular order to test)
NWEA - Spring Testing
- Testing Window - March 1 to March 25
- 3rd - 5th Grade
- Reading and Math (There is no particular order to test)
FastBridge - Fall Diagnostic Benchmark Window
- Testing Window - September 13 to October 1
- K - 2nd Grade
- Reading and Math (FastBridge Math in 2nd Grade ONLY)
FastBridge - Mid-Year Diagnostic Benchmark Window
- Testing Window - January 4 to January 25
- K - 2nd Grade
- Reading and Math (FastBridge Math in 2nd Grade ONLY)
FastBridge - Spring Diagnostic Benchmark Window
- Testing Window - April 25 - May 18
- K - 2nd Grade
- Reading and Math (FastBridge Math in 2nd Grade ONLY)
Progress Monitor (Tier 2 bi-weekly, Tier 3 weekly)