Phoenix Flyer
Volumen 12, Edicion 12 - Enero 25, 2019
Fronteras Spanish Immersion Charter School
Minutos de Mrs. Hutchins
Immersion Education – Teaching academic content in another language
Hello Fronteras Families!
Congratulations to our Geo Bee top finishers!
1st - Sayer Sanders
2nd – Ruth Schweisthal
3rd – Kaija Backus
Way to go kiddos! And kudos to all of our participants! Thank you to Srta. Pierce and Sra. Cook for leading this activity!
Saturday of Science was a major success! Thank you to all of our amazingly talented and fun volunteers! We had a blast building doodle bots, studying slime, learning the chemistry of color, identifying animal tracks & skulls, and investigating a crime scene! We’re already planning for next year’s workshops!
Upcoming events that students and families can look forward to this month include:
· Middle School Battle of the Books, Feb. 1st @ Mat-Su Central
· Elementary Battle of the Books, Feb. 2nd location TBA
· School closed Feb. 6, 7, 8 while staff attend 7th Annual International Immersion Conference
· JNYO, Feb. 9th @ Wasilla Middle School
· 3rd – 8th grade English Spelling Bee, Feb. 12th
· JNYO State Competition, Feb. 22nd – 24th @ Wells Fargo Complex UAA campus
· Read Across America, Feb. 25th – Mar. 1st
· Spring Break Mar. 11th-15th
Have a wonderful weekend!
Most Sincerely,
Mrs. Hutchins
“Like snowflakes, the human pattern is never cast twice. We are uncommonly and marvelously intricate in thought and action.” - Alice Childress
Calling for Cans!
The front office has taken on the kindergarten challenge to collect 100 cans of food by the 100th day of school, January 31st! Please help the front office meet this challenge by bringing us canned or non-perishable items for the Food Bank.
2019 Junior Native Youth Olympics (JNYO)
BP Teachers of Excellence
BP is accepting nominations for the 2019 BP Teachers of Excellence program, which recognizes Alaska teachers’ exceptional work. In addition to honoring teachers for the 24th year, the program is also accepting nominations for unsung heroes in Alaska’s schools, such as principals, counselors, teacher assistants or others. Anyone can nominate a BP Teacher of Excellence or a BP Educational Ally, by visiting The deadline for nominations is February 1, 2019. The program honors K-12 teachers and other school staff from public or private schools across Alaska who have made important contributions to education and their communities. BP will select one Teacher of the Year, to be announced at the awards ceremony in May. Educational Allies will also be announced and recognized at the award ceremony.
Meet the furry family members of our staff!
Dr. Isley's pets, Judah (big dog), Annie (little dog) and Beauregard (cat)
Sra. Torres' dog, Otis!
Sra. Hernandez' cat, KitKat!
Mrs. Strickler's dog, Moses!
Sra. Hernandez' dog, Jordy!
Miss Kenda's dog, Mira!
Congratulations to the middle school girl's volleyball team who won both games against Teeland and Palmer on Thursday, January 17th! So proud of you!
The 2018-2019 Fronteras JV Wrestling Team!
Fronteras students competed in the robotics competition on Saturday, January 12th!
Middle schoolers getting their robot ready for the robotics competition!
Saturday of Science!
Super Sleuths!
Reagan and mom conquer fingerprinting!
Middle Schooler, Ari, helps Mia and dad fingerprint!
Saturday of Science Shirts For Sale!
$10.00 Shirt
$5.00 Shirt
NAEP News!
The links below are available for parents and students who have questions about the upcoming NAEP Testing.
The Nation's Report Card website has resources for all audiences.
Nation’s Report Card: Digitally Based Assessments
Learn how NAEP is using new technologies to assess students in a digital environment. Introduce this brief interactive tutorial to students selected for the tablet assessments, so that they can become familiar with how to use the on-screen interactive tools.
Nation’s Report Card: Student’s page
Students selected for NAEP can test themselves and answer real assessment questions for different subject areas.
Nation’s Report Card: Educator's page
Teachers can create their own tests using NAEP assessment items, and can also explore NAEP results.
Nation’s Report Card: Parent’s page
Parents can review what participation in NAEP means for their child and how results from assessments are used.
Sparkle Twins!
Did You Know?
Equatorial Guinea was a Spanish colony on 2 separate occasions: between 1778 and 1810 and from 1844 to 1968. Because of its long influence over the country, Spanish has remained an important language. In fact, Equatorial Guinea is the only country in Africa where Spanish is an official language. Approximately 67.6% of the population can speak it. Spanish is the language used for public administration and education.