Sitton Standard
A monthly update from St. John's Nest of Knowledge

October at Sitton
Dear Sitton Families,
We hope this message finds you well as we step into the beautiful month of October at Sitton. You may have noticed that the Sitton Standard has a new look! You can expect this new school smore newsletter to come to your inboxes at the start of each month. You'll see snapshots from classroom instruction, hear about upcoming events and know what questions you can ask your child about their school day. We hope you enjoy the new format, and as always feel free to reach out to Ms. Berry, Mr. Martinez or another staff member if you have feedback regarding the updated Sitton newsletter!
September was a whirlwind. We so enjoyed welcoming students and families on the first day of school on the red carpet. The joy was contagious and it was so fun to see that high energy and joyful community during back to school night! Thank you to all of our educators, families, and community partners that made the event such a huge success. We've been practicing our routines and procedures here at school as well as getting to know one another as a classroom community. We plan to continue this work in October and wanted to share some highlights of what's in store for this month:
As we dive into October, we want to express our gratitude for being a part of the Sitton Elementary School family. We look forward to a month filled with learning, exploration, and the growth of our wonderful community. We will continue to come together through various events both in and out of the school Whether it's our PTA meetings, parent-teacher conferences, or community-building activities, we encourage your active participation. If you have any questions or suggestions, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. Let's make this October a memorable and enriching experience for our students.
Warm regards,
Becky Berry
Principal, Sitton Elementary School
Sitton Google Calendar Linked Above!
October 4: Picture Day
October 5: October Fire Drill, Principal's Coffee, & PTA Meeting
October 6: First Friday Community Pantry and Resources!
October 13:No School (Professional Development Day for Educators)
October 19: Diverse Learner's Night at Roosevelt High School
October 30-November 2 :Sitton Spirit Week (more info to come in purple folders)
October 31: Sitton Story Book Run
November 3: No School Teacher Planning Day
Sitton Story Book Run
Why we celebrate a storybook run instead of Halloween as a school community
This year we will host our annual storybook run on Halloween! During the fun-run students will run or walk laps in a festive (and hopefully not too soggy) all-school event with music and lots of cheering. The run is also a fundraising event and more information will come out in purple folders soon! All students are invited to dress up like their favorite character from a book and/or bring the book to school with them. This event is meant to be inclusive of all of our students, so that everyone can enjoy being part of the fun without feeling left out. "story book" costume has a wide range of definitions and we welcome your child's creativity but please do not send your student in overly scary or violent costumes. If you have feedback on this policy, please reach out to Ms. Berry!
September Sitton School Attendance: 90.89% (GREAT WORK!)
Did you know that missing just two days of school a month can make it harder to learn to read?
When students are absent from school it can not only impact their learning but it can also affect the whole classroom if the teacher must slow down learning to help children catch up. In an effort to support consistent daily attendance we are implementing a new notification system to make families aware of monthly chronic student absenteeism. If you would like any support to help get your child to school feel free to reach out to Mr. Martinez or the Main Office.
Our Garden is Growing!
Classes have been taking turns coming out to the garden for a lesson on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. We've been exploring seeds, harvesting potatoes, popcorn, and herbs, and learning about the three rules of the garden: Keep your feet on the paths; respect the plant and animal life; only harvest when you have permission.
Ten people volunteered many hours to design and build the new 10' x 12' garden shed! Big thanks to Sitton parents Elpidio Canales and Jacqueline Martin, student Uri Canales, staff Amanda Burns, Merri and Jimmy Whipps, and community supporters Sam Stember, Llewyn Whipps, Dan Hannon. They were a dream team that together contributed 47 hours of work to raise the shed! We are so excited to be able to store our garden tools and supplies for garden lessons where they are accessible! This will also make it possible to have weekend garden work parties.
If you are interested in staying in touch with the garden and opportunities to volunteer there, simply email sittongardenclub@gmail.com to be added to the list. Folks on the list receive 1 or 2 emails/month.
Field Work Updates!
Kindergarten Sensory Fair- Volunteers Needed!
What: Kindergarten Sensory Fair! This event complements the literacy units “Biociencias” and “My 5 Senses”. Kindergartners will attend various stations and have fun experiences for each sense (a binoculars and microscope station, a guessing game bag of items to touch, a projected Eye Spy game, etc) We need about 10 volunteers to help with setup, leading stations, or cleanup!
When: Thursday, October 12, during Specials time: 1:30-2:00 (volunteers needed at 12:45)
Where: cafeteria and art room
Who: Email kcondron@pps.net if you are available to help with setup, leading a station, or cleanup!