Concord Chronicle
Church Family Newsletter | August 26, 2022
Major's Minute
This week I was due to get a blood draw for a follow-up to my physical. I was feeling a little anxious because I had to fast for 12 hours for this one. I was rushing Gwyn out the door saying, "C'mon! We have to go get lunch now because I won't be able to eat until tomorrow afternoon!" I was already feeling sad that I wouldn't be able to eat some of the goodies I had just purchased for dinner or for breakfast.
While leaving, Cindy asked, "How long are you supposed to fast?"
"12 hours!" I exclaimed.
"When is your blood draw?" she asked for clarification.
"2:30 in the afternoon ..." already feeling weak about not being able to eat for such a long period of time.
"You can still have dinner. Your fast won't start until 2 in the morning." She looked at me with a confused smile.
"Oh my goodness - YOU'RE SO RIGHT! Thank you, Cindy, for working the math out for me!" relieved and excited that I could have one more meal before the fast began. LOL!
I was laughing at myself at how worried I was about not being able to eat. It's not like a could use a fast every now and then for my own health's sake.
If only I/we would be that worried if we were told that we couldn't read God's Word for 12 hours. "Give us today our daily bread," Matthew 6:11. That verse refers to our physical and spiritual needs every day. Just as we need food to sustain us, we need His guidance and provision to sustain us through life.
I'll tell you ... the next day, as soon as I got my blood drawn, I went through a fast food drive-through. (I was slightly embarrassed that I couldn't even wait until dinner to eat. But to be fair, I still had another appointment to get to before heading home.) I said a prayer of gratitude for my snack and for God's constant provision in my life.
I'm excited that Corps Cadets, Adult Bible Study, and Women's Bible Study will be resuming soon. Please see the schedule below. I encourage you to get plugged into a discipleship group as you study and grow together.
We all need Jesus.
AnnMarguerite Jones
Now Wait A Minute ... !
I often counsel folks never to pray for patience, because in granting such a request — by definition — you will have to wait!
There is a long-running joke in our household that my wife prays every night, “Lord, give me patience — and I want it right now!”
In her defense, I do have to say that it is one of her most productive attributes. She is a detail-oriented person who always wants to take action — now! Lots of stuff wouldn’t get done if she wasn’t pushing, pulling, agitating, and cajoling for results right now but sooner if possible.
Now although patience will nearly always involve waiting, patience and waiting are different manifestations of a spiritual discipline with profound consequences. The Bible seems to be telling us that there are different aspects of waiting. For example:
“Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.” Psalm 27:14 NIV
“And the priests waited on their offices: the Levites also with instruments of musick of the Lord, which David the king had made to praise the Lord, because his mercy endureth for ever, when David praised by their ministry; and the priests sounded trumpets before them, and all Israel stood.” 2 Chronicles 7:6 KJV
To wait for something or someone means to make sure we don’t jump in prematurely and take action before the other party or event. The plan of time is not something a Christian gets to control.
As an aside, I am always amused by preachers and scholars who claim to be able to predict precise dates and times for prophesied events. God invariably leaves them with egg on their faces! His disciples asked Jesus when His kingdom would come on earth, to which He replied: “I don’t know, only the Father knows that!” If Jesus wasn’t privy to that knowledge what makes anyone think they have a superior insight into God’s plan?
Paul, writing to his pupil Timothy says this:
“… I charge you to keep this command without spot or blame until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ, which God will bring about in his own time …” 1 Timothy 6:13-15 NIV [emphasis mine]
So it is obvious that scripture is telling us to wait for the Lord and His timing and not get ahead of our headlights.
But the scripture also tells us to wait on the Lord which is different than waiting for the Lord.
"But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.” Isaiah 40:31 KJV
I’m sure you have been waited upon.
If you go to a nice restaurant, a person — appropriately called a “waiter” — will attend to you to establish what your wishes are for your meal. They will await your command. They will take your order and cause your words to be transformed into a delectable dish that brings you pleasure. As Shakespeare said, “’tis a consumation devoutly to be wished…!”
The objective is your satisfaction.
May I suggest a similar process for us who are called to wait upon the Lord?
We should see our role as inquiring about what the Lord’s wishes are, to understand correctly what is required, and then to execute those requirements faithfully to bring about His satisfaction. This is indeed the role of a servant, and no one has ever modeled it better than Jesus himself.
If scripture is to be believed, and if you are reading this I would assume you think it should, the rewards for this kind of waiting are spectacular: renewed strength, higher achievement, tirelessness, and increased endurance!
It should be noted that in order to properly wait upon the Lord, we need to come into His holy presence. As King David reminds us this entails clean hands and a pure heart. Also, our job as a waiter entails that we show up ready to “take the order” and this means we cannot let ourselves be distracted by other, less important, concerns.
Rather than my title of “Wait a minute…” let me suggest that we should be “Wait continuously…”.
That may mean rearranging how we spend our time, but the satisfaction and approval of our God are most definitely worth the effort.
Blessings on you and yours,
Jim Black
What is The Salvation Army ROOTED Experience?
Rooted isn’t simply a Bible study.
Rooted isn't just another curriculum.
Rooted isn’t just about head knowledge.
Rooted isn't about just "going through the motions".
Rooted is a small group discipleship experience that inspires questions, conversations, and experiences designed to connect people to God, the Church, and their purpose.
Rooted isn’t simply a Bible study or a book. Through Rooted, people will learn to practice 7 Rhythms essential to a healthy relationship with Jesus. Individuals will establish firm roots in the truth of God’s Word through personal study and then come together to discuss and practice what they’re learning in a space where they are safe and known.
Corps from across the territory will be doing this together. Others will be starting this week, however, we will be starting on September 13 and going through November 15. This is open to men and women - midweek on Tuesday nights at 6 PM.
Designed to be facilitated over 10 weeks through a local church or ministry, Rooted will energize existing groups as well as provide a clear pathway for new people to become connected—all while establishing foundational beliefs and practices for life in biblical community.
Please let Major Ann know if you are interested in attending. If we have more than 10 signed up, we will need to start a second group. (Won't that be exciting?!)
CAMEO's Exploding Boxes
(No, we are NOT terrorists - ahem! - Jim Black!)
Aaron Sullivan's Farewell Sunday
Territorial Women Officers' Retreat: Flourish
All California Men's Retreat: True Grit
This Week's Schedule
- 9:00 AM - Praise Team Practice - Chapel
- 10:00 AM - Sunday School - Classroom 3
- 10:00 AM - Corps Cadets - Library
- NOTE: Adult Sunday School will resume September 4 with Jim Black at 10 AM - Library
- 10:15 AM - Time of Prayer - Prayer Room
- 11:00 AM - Worship Service - Chapel
- 12:15 PM - Fellowship Time - Fireside Room
- 12:30 PM - Corps Council Meeting - Library
- 6:00 PM - Men's Bible Study - Fireside Room
- 7:00 PM - Senior Band Practice - Chapel
- NOTE: Songsters will resume September 13 at 7 PM; Band will move up to 8 PM. Rooted Bible Study will resume on September 20 at 6 PM (Hybrid - Library and Zoom).
- 10:00 AM - CAMEO: The Lord is My Sheperd Bible Study - Hybrid
- 6:00 PM - Ladies' Game Night
NEXT SUNDAY (September 4)
Our new Divisional Youth Secretaries, Captains Michael and Jillian O'Brien, and their family will be our guests. (See their family pic below.)
We will also have our first Youth Music Rehearsals after church. We will order pizza for those staying to practice.
Upcoming Events
- Sept 10 - Divisional Music Rehearsals (Suisun Kroc Center)
- Sept 17 - Divisional Community Care Rally (Concord Corps)
- Sept 23-25 - Craft Weekend & Young Adult Retreat (Camp Del Oro)
- Sept 26-30 - Christmas Assistance Sign-Ups (Concord Corps)
- Oct 1 - Fall Craft Fair (Concord Corps)
- Oct 7-9 - Western Territory Staff Band Ministry Weekend (Concord Corps)
- Oct 20 - Divisional Senior Day - DHQ
- Oct 22 - Divisional Music Rehearsals (Suisun Kroc Center)
"Ohana" Divisional Community Care Ministries Rally
The theme "ohana" means family. And that is what we are!
Registration is due August 31, but if you know you would like to go, please let Major Ann know as soon as possible.
Young Adult Retreat
The cost for the full weekend is $65.00 per person but for those who are interested in attending for just a day (Saturday), the cost is $30.00 per person for ages 18-30 years old. Please be aware that there will be no children (aside from infants who are nursing) or pets allowed at this event.
Registration is due September 19.
Anti-Human Trafficking Training
Human Trafficking is a crime impacting more than 20 million people worldwide. Knowing this alarming statistic, it is important that your Corps are empowered to identify and support victims of human trafficking. The International Rescue Committee (IRC) HOPE Anti-Trafficking Program serves Northern California, San Joaquin to the Oregon border, 30 counties in total. In this training, you will learn about human trafficking, and most importantly how to respond to and serve survivors.
About our Trainer:
Rodger Freeman has over 25 years of experience in training audiences of various sizes on issues regarding human trafficking, domestic violence, and sexual assault. He has trained agencies in northern California on how to successfully identify victims of human trafficking, screening methods, and trauma-informed techniques for working with victims. In addition to facilitating trainings to law enforcement, medical providers, and social service employees, Rodger also directly worked with survivors as a victim advocate for both a non-profit and a university for over 25 years.
Event Location, Date & Time:
Divisional Headquarters
3755 N. Freeway Blvd.
Sacramento, CA 95834
September 22, 9:00am – 11:00am
Who can come? Anyone in your Corps that is providing direct support to clients, volunteers, and congregation members.
RSVP to either in-person or live streaming: https://forms.office.com/r/6kxTa0tN7r
The Salvation Army Concord Corps
Email: annmarguerite.jones@usw.salvationarmy.org
Website: https://www.SalvationArmyConcordCA.org
Location: 3950 Clayton Road, Concord, CA, USA
Phone: (925) 676-6180
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/tsaconcord