4J Parent News
September 2023, Volume 2

Information for Eugene School District 4J parents and guardians
In this message
• Top Educator: Mariah Engle, kindergarten teacher at Chávez, named Lane County's top teacher
• Extra Yards: Megan Marsh, Buena Vista kindergarten teacher, recognized for excellence
• Welcome Back: The 2023–24 school year is off and running; let's revisit some precious moments
• Air Purifiers: Portable devices delivered to every 4J classroom to help provide cleaner air
• State Assessments: Results show incremental increase overall in ELA, math and science
• I Love U Guys: Learn more about system that students, staff use in emergencies
• Super Insights: Listen to the newest episode of our new podcast• Upcoming Events: Mark your calendar for back-to-school pow-wow, North Eugene opening, more!
• School News: A blossoming Camas, scholarly semifinalists, and much more!
• Work With 4J: Serve local youth and the community—apply for a 4J job today!
Chávez Kindergarten Teacher Named Best in Lane County
Congratulations to Mariah Engle, kindergarten teacher at Chávez Elementary School, for being honored as Lane County’s top teacher and named one of four finalists for Oregon Teacher of the Year.
Ms. Engle was recognized as one of Oregon’s 17 2023-24 Regional Teachers of the Year during the first assembly of the new school year on the morning of Wednesday, Sept. 20. She received a $1,000 check. The Oregon Lottery, which runs the annual Teacher of the Year program, will announce the 2023-24 Oregon Teacher of the Year next month.
Ms. Engle said she’s inspired by the students and her colleagues who show up every day striving to do their best.
“You are my why,” she told the crowd that included district leaders, including Superintendent Andy Dey, as well as school board and family members. “You are my reason that I show up every single day, and I want to do my best because of you. Thank you for this recognition and the inspirations and lessons — and, most of all, thank you for the love we have for each other. I’m so grateful to call you my family.”
Superintendent Dey praised Ms. Engle's dedication, innovation and inclusivity, noting the profound influence she has on her students and their families.
"Her commitment to celebrating diversity in her classroom and ensuring that every child has what they need to thrive and succeed is truly inspiring," he said. "She creates a nurturing and safe environment where our youngest students feel welcomed and supported as they begin their educational journey."
Ms. Engle joined 4J as a classroom teacher in 2017, starting at Howard Elementary School before moving to Chávez the following year.
Incredible job, Ms. Mariah. You've made your school and our district very proud!
Buena Vista Teacher Honored for Going the Extra Yard for Students
There's no ducking it: Megan Marsh, kindergarten teacher at Buena Vista Spanish Immersion Elementary School, is one awesome educator.
On the morning of Monday, Sept. 18, Ms. Marsh was recognized during Extra Yard for Teachers Week to support and celebrate teachers and their important work. The Oregon Duck, temporarily free from its push-up training regimen, thrilled her and her excited students with a surprise visit and $1,000 check for her kindergarten classroom.
Congratulations, Ms. Marsh and thank you, University of Oregon and the Oregon Duck, for your support of teachers! (Photo courtesy of Carl Davaz)
New School Year Off to a Strong Start
And we're off ...
It's hard to believe it's already two weeks into the 2023–24 school year. We've settled into our routines in the classroom and at home, and quickly adapted to two notable changes this year: our early-release days moving to Wednesday and our new school schedule for high school students. We look forward to another year of learning, friendships and opportunity.
We appreciate your partnership in working to make certain every student has access to a high-quality and relevant education. Here’s to another exciting year of life and learning!
Newest Classroom Additions: Air Purifiers
Students weren't the only new arrivals to our classrooms to start the new school year. Each room used as a classroom in 4J has been equipped with a portable air purifier — provided at no cost by the Oregon Health Authority to ensure clean air in our classrooms. Each school also received one larger unit for use in its gymnasiums. These high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filtration units also came with a three-year supply of replacement filters.
State Testing Results Show Slight Overall Improvement
The percentage of 4J students proficient in English language arts, math and science increased slightly during the 2022–23 school year compared to the prior year, according to summative test results released by the Oregon Department of Education this week.
In total, 4J students whose results from spring testing met or exceeded the state standards rose 0.4, 0.1 and 1.9 percentage points in ELA, math and science, respectively, compared to the 2021-22 school year. Grade-level results varied compared to the previous year. Participation also was higher for all three subject areas at 4J compared to the prior year. Our district continues to have results well above the statewide averages.
"These metrics only provide a small piece of the puzzle," 4J Superintendent Andy Dey said. "That said, I'm optimistic we'll see continued improvements resulting from the hard work of our teachers, newly adopted curricula and our targeted investments in support of learning and wellbeing."
Protecting Students During Emergencies
With a new school year underway, we wanted to provide a reminder of the procedures that students and educators follow in an emergency at school. 4J administrators, educators and students are trained to follow a simple, clear and flexible standard protocol to help ensure their safety.
The Standard Response Protocol, developed by the I Love You Guys Foundation, is built around five different action words: Hold, Secure, Lockdown, Evacuate and Shelter — that is followed by an instruction:
• HOLD: Students and educators are to remain in their classroom or area, even if a class period is ending, until an all-clear is announced.
• SECURE: Students and educators go into the school building, if they aren’t already there, and all doors, windows and other access points are secured and locked. Classroom activities can continue uninterrupted, when possible
• LOCKDOWN: Students and educators lock doors in classrooms, offices and other securable areas, move away from windows, turn off lights and maintain silence.
• EVACUATE: Students and educators move from one location to another on- or off-site.
• SHELTER: Students and educators take specific steps to protect themselves in response to a specific threat or hazard, such as an earthquake or hazardous chemical spill.
The actions can be sequenced as situations evolves, either escalate or de-escalate. For instance, a Hold instruction could be followed by an Evacuate directive if it's confirmed a fire alarm is detecting an active and spreading fire. A Lockdown instruction could be followed by a Secure directive if additional information gathered following a report of an armed individual near school grounds de-escalates a perceived threat.
The benefit of the protocol is it’s built on clear and simple action words that can provide quick response and flexibility in an evolving situation, as opposed to students and educators having to recall specific steps to take for each individual type of emergency.
Information will be shared with families and staff during emergencies as quickly as possible, recognizing there can be a delay in notification as confirmation of information can be difficult in a rapidly evolving situation.
Natives Program to Hold First Back-to-School Powwow
The 4J Natives Program will hold its first back-to-school powwow this Saturday, Sept. 23, kicking off with the grand entry at 1 p.m.
This free community event runs until 6 p.m. at the former Bailey Hill School, 2295 Four Oaks Grange Road, located near Kennedy Middle School. There will be drumming, dancing, a raffle, and food and craft vendors. Every child ages 10 and younger will receive a free stuffed animal.
Join us for a day of celebration, culture and community! Questions? Contact 541-790-8500 or natives@4j.lane.edu
Mark your calendar for these other exciting events:
• North Eugene High School Open House | Tuesday, October 10, 6:30–8 p.m.
Join us at 250 Silver Lane as we celebrate the grand opening of the new North Eugene High School building, the first traditional high school built in the Eugene-Springfield area in more than a half-century. There will be self-guided tours, light refreshments, speeches and, of course, a ribbon-cutting. We can't wait to see you there.
• 2nd Annual 5K for 4J & Fun Run, Roll & Stroll | Saturday, October 14, starting at 9 a.m.
Get ready for the Eugene Education Foundation's second annual 5K for 4J and Fun Run, Roll & Stroll in support of 4J’s students. All ages are welcome to this community event at Alton Baker Park. Proceeds will be distributed as classroom grants to benefit the the academic learning and social growth of 4J students. Register now
Super Insights: New Podcast Episode Out Today
The next episode of Super Insights, our new podcast featuring Superintendent Andy Dey, dropped today.
The podcast gives listeners an in-depth look at the major programs, priorities and issues for our district. The new episode focuses on 4J's new Office of Student Well-Being and its work to support the mental and emotional health of our students. The first episode introduced you to Dr. Dey, and the second episode focused on 4J's new high school schedule.
- Blossoming Camas: Construction continues on 4j's newest elementary school
- School Security: Improvements at Churchill, Sheldon and South Eugene better control access
- Scholarly Semifinalists: More than a half-dozen 4J seniors named National Merit Scholarship semifinalists
- Axe Throwing: South Eugene football team, 1-9 last year, now 2-1 after win against Willamette
Join The Team, Apply for 4J Jobs
Assistant Principal • Autism Consultant • Bus Aides • Bus Drivers • Coaches • Educational Assistants • Food Service Assistants • March Band & Color Guard Assistants • School Psychologist • Spanish Immersion Teacher • Special Ed Educational Assistants • Special Education Teacher • Speech & Language Specialist • Vocational Training Assistant • and more!
Coming Up in 4J
10/4 School Board Meeting
10/10 North Eugene High School Open House
10/13 No School: Professional Development
10/14 5K for 4J & Fun Run, Roll & Stroll
10/18 School Board Meeting
11/1 School Board Meeting
11/10 No School: Veterans Day (Observed)
11/15 School Board Meeting
11/20–22 No School: Parent-Teacher Conferences
11/23–24 No School: Thanksgiving Break