Patriot Post
August 2021
Welcome to the 2021-22 School Year and Welcome Back to Beckman!!!
First Day Procedures
Beckman is Changing the Bell Schedule Beginning 2021-22
Here is the link to our bell schedules this year.
1) Starting later to meet the requirements of SB 328.
2) Creating a Wednesday that “felt” similar to the break in the week we had in the hybrid model.
3) Creating a schedule that is simple, consistent, and easy to follow.
4) In case there are additional COVID related shifts, the schedule needs to be adaptable to Distance Learning if the need arises.
5) Creating time for teachers to reteach, review, and provide enrichment activities.
Wednesday Bell Schedule and Purpose
Athletics are Back!
"Happy Birthday" Message on the Marquee
For $25 you can have a birthday wish displayed on the Beckman Marquee. All proceeds go directly to PTO and benefit students in need.
Make-Up ID Card and Yearbook Photos
Safety Plan for 2021-22
Website: https://www.tustin.k12.ca.us/school-opening-and-safety-plan
Sleep and It's Impact on Mental Health
“If you had sort of a magic pill that you could take that would help increase your mental health, increase your physical health, lower your stress, make you more efficient… most people would be itching for a dose. Well, we do have that magic pill. It’s called sleep.”
Denise Pope – Challenge Success
Parents and students,
Our partnership over the last 4 years with the Challenge Success team at Stanford has led to many positive changes here on campus. Recently Denise Pope (Challenge Success founder), contributed to this article on the impacts of sleep on mental health. PLEASE take a moment to read this brief article as it contains helpful information for parents to help address teen sleep loss. At Beckman, we are trying to address the lack of sleep by working to reduce workload, addressing course overload, and adjusting our bell schedule. There is still more work to be done, but we need your help.
The last 18 months have been extremely difficult for everyone. The pandemic has left an indelible mark on communities across the world and ours is no exception. When we return to school in the fall, we expect there to be some excitement, some nerves, and some fear as well. We know that our students struggled during remote learning and as a result, we know many of our students will be coming to us with intensified mental health concerns. As this article points out, SLEEP is extremely important and will be extremely important as we move forward this year.
PTO Corner
Now more than ever, Beckman PTO needs your support! The ongoing length of the pandemic creates critical gaps and challenges for PTO as well as students, parents and teachers. With your SUPPORT today – your voluntary membership donation – PTO can continue to fund and offer the programs and activities our Patriots rely on! Please help us bring parents and teachers together to provide a well-rounded learning environment with programs and activities that benefit EVERY student! We invite you to check out flexible membership options along with prizes and giveaways: Gift Cards, exclusive Beckman Spirit Tees, Movie Night pass, chance opportunity drawings -- and so much more! Simply follow this link www.beckmanpto1.com/event-details/beckman-pto-membership-drive-2021-22 or the convenient QR code to the left
A sincere ‘Thank you’ to those that have joined PTO 2021-22 already!
Visit our Back-to-School checklist for meaningful ways you can support Beckman PTO!
EdFund Update
EdFund Needs You!!!!
A HUGE Thank You to everyone who has joined EdFund to date! We need your support for curriculum enrichment like Train Heroic, Naviance and Grants to support classroom curriculum and Teachers! Join at the BLU180 level and be entered in our drawing to win a $250 Amazon Gift Card!
Please follow us @Beckmanedfund and join Beckman EdFund on Facebook