Inglewood Primary School
NEWSLETTER No 28 - December 4 2020
Our Mission:
Learning to think, to do, to be
Ako ki te whakaaro, ako ki te mahi, ako kia ora ai te mauri
Our Vision: To provide a teaching and learning environment where of those involved: demonstrate respect, expect the best, achieve through opportunity, communicate actively & feel good and safe
Nau Mai Haere Mai, Talofa, Faʻafeiloaiga, Bula
Week 8 Term 4
Kia ora koutou
It is hard to believe that Tuesday was officially the first day of summer. Hopefully, you weren't blown away by the incredible wind we experienced on that day.
Over the next two weeks, we have a number of special events planned and look forward to welcoming whānau as we celebrate the many successes and achievements of our wonderful students.
This Friday we look forward to the annual Year 8 Dinner Dance at the Inglewood Town Hall. This is a fabulous occasion to honour our graduating Year 8 students as they move on to secondary school.
Welcome New Staff Members
Claire is an experienced teacher who will be joining Puke Haupapa. She has spent much of her career teaching at the intermediate level and is returning to teaching after taking maternity leave.
Joy is coming to us from teaching junior students at Opunake Primary School and will be a part of Panitahi. Joy spent time teaching in an international school prior to moving to Taranaki.
Service Awards, Final Assemblies and Last day of School
As we have no hall, Inglewood high School Hall is out of actions and the Mamaku Centre is too small, this year the Service Assembly, and Final Assemblies will be held at the Inglewood Town Hall.
The times are as follows:
Tuesday 15 December
Service Award - Y3-8 / 10am to 11.30am at the Inglewood Town Hall
Tuesday 15 December
Final Assembly Year 0-4 / 1.30pm to 2.30pm at the Inglewood Town Hall
Wednesday 16 December
Final Assembly Year 5-8 / 1.00pm to 2.30pm at the Inglewood Town Hall
Thursday 17 December
School finishes at 12 noon
First day back 2021
Students of the Week - Term 4 Week 8
Naki Plumbing & Gas NE-Y3
For her growing confidence and outstanding positive behaviour in Panitahi Adams. Maggie shows REACH in all aspects of school life. Miharo Maggie!
RJ Mason Transport Ltd Y3-Y4
Max Morgan
For his positive attitude towards his learning. Max always strives to do his very best. Mahi whakamataku!0
Superior Builders Taranaki Y5-Y6
Lilly Polglase
For always being a positive and smiling face in our class and giving all thing ago. You are a great role model of REACH. Ka pai!
Inglewood High School Y7-Y8
Rebecca Stiglmayer
For consistently high work standard in class. Being a great role model to others and REACH Rep in Puke Haupapa White.
Birthday Wishes
School Goal - Term 4 Week 8
REACH Goal: Communicate with kind words and actions
Te Reo: Korero ki te atawhai i nga kupu me nga mahi paiCurrent IPS School Roll - 413 students
Missing Library Books
ParentLink News
Annual Christmas Raffle
ParentLink are happy to be able to do our Annual Christmas Raffle once again this year. We are however doing this a bit differently. Each school family will receive a sheet with 15 raffles to sell. Raffles are $2 each. Money and sheets are due back to the school office by Friday 11 December. We have two raffles each consisting of grocery items and an air fryer. These will be drawn on the 14th of December.
School Gala
ParentLink are pleased to announce that on Saturday 13 March 2021 we will be holding a School Gala and Market Day. We are needing some of our amazing parents to help us with organising ideas, marketing and general help. If you are interested or have an idea for our Gala, please contact us by email at We require expressions of interest by Friday 11 December so that we are able to go full steam ahead with organising mid to late January.
We look forward to hearing from you and thanks in advance for your support of our school. If you would like further information, please don’t hesitate to contact the school office.
Absentees - Important Notice
Sports Uniforms - Singlets/Netball Dresses/T Shirts
New IPS Student Shirts
Weet-Bix Kids TRYathlon - Wednesday 31 March 2021
Term 4 Calendar (This may change on a weekly basis)
Friday 4 December
Year 8 Dinner Dance
Monday 7 December
Whole School Assembly
Monday 14 December
2021 New Class Transition - 2pm
Tuesday 15 December
Service Assembly Years 3-8 - 10am - Inglewood Town Hall
Thank You Lunch - 11.30am School Staffroom
Final Junior/Middle Assembly 1.30pm-2.30pm - Inglewood Town Hall
Wednesday 16 December
Final Senior/Intermediate Assembly 1pm - 2.30pm - Inglewood Town Hall
Thursday 17 December
School finishes at 12noon
Last Day of Term 4 - Have a wonderful holiday break
Monday 1 February 2020
Learning Partnership Day
Tuesday 2 February 2020
Full School Teaching Commences
2021 School Term Dates
8 February - Waitangi Day Mondayised
5 March - Teacher Only Day
8 March - Taranaki Anniversary Day
2 April - Good Friday
5 April - Easter Monday
6 April - Easter Monday
Term 2 - 3 May to 9 July
7 June - Queens Birthday
Term 3 - 26 July to 1 October
Term 4 - 18 October to 16 December
25 October - Labour Day
26 October - Teacher Only Day
Community Notices
For Sale
Flyers Swim School
BOOK NOW for Term 1, 2021!
Lessons run from 2nd Feb - 13th April
Tuesdays & Saturdays
Ages: - Aquatots (9mth - 3yrs)
- Water Confidence (3 - 6yrs)
- Learn to Swim (4 - 9yrs)
Contact Aimee or Bailee 027 283 1773
Check us out on Facebook