The Eagle Eye
Children are the heart of Imlay!
You can translate our newsletter to any language in three easy steps:
Nuestro boletín se puede traducir a cualquier idioma en tres sencillos pasos:
1. Cuando reciba el boletín de la escuela en su bandeja de entrada de correo electrónico, abra el correo electrónico y haga clic en el título del boletín para abrirlo en Smore.
2. Una vez en Smore, desplácese hasta el final del boletín. Sobre la palabra roja "Informe" verá la palabra "Traducir". Haga clic en "Traducir".
3. A continuación, seleccione su idioma preferido en el menú desplegable y el boletín se traducirá automáticamente al idioma que elija.
Dear Imlay Families,
A Message from Mrs. McCalley, Principal
Dear Imlay Families:
Traditionally, the first couple weeks of school are unique. Whether in person or virtually, the teachers primarily focus on building relationships and explicitly teaching norms and routines. This leads to connection, and a successful academic experience. We will continue to build stamina each week, students will continue to attend live instruction with teachers, and the addition of independent/asynchronous activities will increase.
Please send me pictures of our students engaged in distance learning activities; we would love to showcase them in morning announcements and on social media. Also, if you have an extra moment, please send a note to encouragement/thanks to your teacher. They are working incredibly hard to create the best possible learning experience for our children in ways they never have before. During these times, it's essential to support each other positively and build community. Thank you for all you are doing to support the students in your care.
Please reach out if you have any questions! 503-844-1090
Together we soar!
Thank you,
Principal McCalley
Need Books for Your Student to Read?
Are you looking for books for your student to read? HSD is providing several different online portals for students to use to get books to read.
- Log in to My Apps with your HSD student account
- Look for an icon with a pile of books
Go to:
Student Online Expectations for Comprehensive Distance Learning
The following tips regarding distance learning etiquette come from the Student Online Expectations for Comprehensive Distance Learning guide, sent out by the school district last week:
Students should never be required to have their camera on, however, it is highly encouraged for engagement purposes. When participating in a video call (like Google Meet), be aware that everyone on the Meet has a glimpse into your surroundings. This includes your clothing, items hanging on your walls, and other people in your house who may be in the background. Remind other people in your house that you are participating in a Meet before you begin. It is recommended that, if possible, to try and sit with your back against a wall or a large piece of furniture so people cannot walk behind you.
When utilizing the chat feature in Google Meet, comments should be related to the learning discussion and school appropriate at all times. We will continue to follow all standards of student conduct during distance learning.
Be kind, friendly, and positive. Inside jokes and sarcasm don’t translate well to an online learning environment. Support one another, even when people make mistakes.
This is an academic setting, not social media. Follow normal academic guidelines for chats and school work including proper punctuation, capitalization, and grammar.
Practice academic integrity. Use your own knowledge & experience to complete your coursework. When utilizing outside resources, be sure to include citations and paraphrase when you are able.
School Grounds Still Closed
As a reminder, even though local city parks are reopening, HSD school grounds are still closed, including playgrounds. I understand we have community members who may not be aware of this restriction. Washington County has not reached phase II yet, but once it does, we can open our grounds back up. Notification from the Hillsboro School District will come once they are open to the public.
Imlay Specific Tech Help
Here is the phone number for parents & students if they need tech support, especially locked accounts and password issues. It will go to voicemail if we are outside school hours or on another call. Please leave a message with lots of details if you get voicemail!
Imlay Tech Support Helpline : 971-231-9141
Family/Tech Support in Spanish: 971-208-7972
Wonders Reading Information and How to Navigate Assignments
Parents are welcome to refer their child for services designed for students identified as talented and gifted. Students who score at or above the 97th percentile on a nationally standardized, norm-referenced test of overall reading or math or on a mental abilities test, and have other confirming evidence that they learn at a rapid rate and advanced level, are identified as TAG students. With parent input, individual plans are made to adjust the rate and level of the student’s instruction to meet his or her specific needs.
If you think your child may qualify for TAG services, and want information about the referral and identification process, please contact Angie Foster, Imlay's TAG Coordinator at
Ms. Zephirin, School Counselor Information
Parent Vue Verification Needed!
What is Online Verification?
Parents/Guardians review and update information for students currently attending Hillsboro School District. Having accurate contact information for parents is critical for communicating school and district news, as well as attendance and emergency notifications. Only one parent/guardian can complete the verification process.
How do I access Online Verification?
Login to your ParentVUE account. Click on the Online Registration tab in the top right hand corner and then select 2020-2021 Verification.
ParentVUE account creation instructions were emailed to parents without active accounts on 8/3 and a paper copy will also be mailed the week of August 10, 2020. Please call 503.844.1871 if you have questions regarding your ParentVUE account.
Once you finish the online verification, you can see who is your child's assigned teacher!