The Patriot Update (1.12)
A Revere High School Community Newsletter

Sunday January 8th, 2022
Volume 1, Issue 12
Hello Patriots!
There are two items on the horizon for RHS over the next few weeks.
First, we have only two weeks left until the end of Semester 1 on Friday 1/20. Students, guardians and educators should be in close communication for any student who might need to make a strong push over the next two weeks. Reminder that semester grades are final and stored on students' transcripts!
Second, we are working with students and various Revere Public and Mental Health Agencies to plan our semester 2 Substance Use Awareness and Prevention Programing. More information is shared below, but any student interested in working on this should reach out to me or their Assistant Principal.
As always, please reach out with questions or ideas for this memo. Thank you to everyone who contributed!
Christopher T. Bowen, Principal
Past Patriot Updates
Sunday 10/09 - (Patriot Update 1.1); Sunday 10/16 - (Patriot Update 1.2); Sunday 10/23 - (Patriot Update 1.3); Sunday 10/30 - (Patriot Update 1.4); Sunday 11/06 - (Patriot Update 1.5); Sunday 11/13 - (Patriot Update 1.6); Sunday 11/20 - (Patriot Update 1.7); Sunday 11/27 - (Patriot Update 1.8); Sunday 12/04 - (Patriot Update 1.9); Sunday 12/11 - (Patriot Update 1.10); Sunday 1/18 - (Patriot Update 1.11)
Looking Ahead the Next Two Weeks: 1/8-1/20
- Substance Use Awareness and Prevention Nigh for RHS Guardians.
- No School. Monday January 16th is a No School Day for all, in honor of the Legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King.
- School Improvement Council. The SIC consists of students, faculty and guardians interested in improving Revere High School. The group meets hybrid (in-person in Room 114 and on zoom) one Wednesday each month. Our next meeting is on Wednesday 1/16 at 3:00.
- Semester 1 Ends. Friday January 20th is the last day of Semester 1/Quarter 2. Teacher grades are due on Wednesday 1/25. Report Cards will be sent home on Friday 1/27.
- Semester 2 Courses Begin. Most students classes will change beginning on Monday January 23rd as we switch to our semester 2 schedule. Faculty should remind students to check their schedule prior to the 23rd, which they cane easily do on PowerSchool.
- Early Release Day. Wednesday January 25th is a an Early Release Day for students, with dismissal and Grab & Go Lunch at 12:00pm. Faculty will participate in our RHS Principal's Meeting.
Substance Use Awareness and Prevention @ RHS
Student Substance Use Awareness and Prevention Steering Committee
Substance Use Awareness and Prevention Steering Committee. RHS Students are invited to join this Steering Committee or share their ideas through this link. This group will collaborate with school leaders, educators, community health officials, and community partners to organize a semester 2 learning experience on substance use for all RHS students. Community agencies we work with are Revere Cares, MassCALL3 Youth Substance Use Prevention, North Suffolk Mental Health, Revere’s Substance Use Disorder and Homeless Initiatives Office, Boston Medical Center and Massachusetts General Hospital. Collaborating with these groups, we will design an experience for adolescents to have their questions and concerns about substance use and mental health answered by trained educators and peers. The first step is finding out what students want us to include in this work, which is why we need them on the steering committee!
Interested students had the chance to meet with Mr. Bowen on Thursday and Friday this past week to share their concerns and ideas. At these conversations, the following topics surfaced as needing future attention by Revere Schools and the Revere Community
- Discuss the connection between mental health and substance use
- Acknowledge and create space to address grief associated with as a result of addiction and overdose
- Demonstrate an understanding of the risks involved in illegal substance use & abuse
Develop decision-making skills & strategies when in an environment that involves illegal substance use
Identify the signs of a possible overdose and alcohol poisoning
Identify reliable resources to utilize in situations involving illegal substance use & abuse (personal, family or friend support)
Demonstrate the emergency first aid skills needed in situations involving substance use and overdose
Demonstrate the mental health first aid skills needed to identify and support individuals with mental health concerns
Substance Use Awareness and Prevention Night for Guardians
Wednesday January 18th 6:30-8:00 in the RHS Learning Commons. Food, translation and child care provided! Thanks to a collaboration between our family liaison Sandra Figueroa, our colleague Ryan Barry at MassCALL3 Youth Substance Use Prevention, and our High School Response Team from North Suffolk Mental Health, RHS is hosting an in-person event for parents and guardians to learn about adolescent vaping and other forms of substance use.
Topics covered will include the following:
- What goes into vapes?
- What are the risks of vaping?
- How can I talk to my kids about vaping and substance use?
While students are absolutely welcome at this event, the primary audience is parents who want to learn more about how they can talk with their students about substance use.
Vision of the Graduate
Vision of the Graduate: Caregiver Feedback
The Vision of the Graduate Working Group will meet again on Monday 12/19 @ 5pm to review student feedback gathered in advisory last week. Anyone interested in joining this group should email Ms. Goldman
Caregivers are encouraged to also give their feedback on the Vision of the Graduate! For each of the five elements of the Vision of the Graduate, we are asking families what should we at RHS and in the community KEEP, STOP, CHANGE or START to support all students be ready to ...
- Innovate (to solve complex problems)
Lead (across difference)
Engage (with my community)
Thrive (mentally, physically, and financially)
Succeed (in meaningful post secondary experiences)
Please help the Vision of the Graduate Committee out by taking these Caregiver Surveys
Revere High Athletics Round Up
Winter Sports @ RHS
Athletic Calendar: Come support fellow RHS Patriots at Upcoming Athletic Events
Athletic Department Twitter: Follow RHS Athletic Director Frank Shea on Twitter @ADReverePats to stay up-to-date on wins from the week.
RHS Cheer Fundraiser and Community Service
On February 3rd from 4-8pm, please consider donating gently used clothing and home goods to support RHS Cheer's FUNDrive "drive through" at the back of Revere High School. RHS Cheer is collecting the following items
- Clothes: men's, women's and children's clothes, coats, shoes, scarves, handbags, wallets fashion accessories, ties, belts, back packs, etc.
- Household Textiles: bedding, comforters, blankets, sheets, towels, linen, tablecloths, curtains, pillows, etc.
- Small Household Goods: kitchen items, home decorative items, knick-knacks, toys, games and small electronics.
Please send questions to Janine Mendoza <>.
Senior Class Updates
Cap and Gown Orders
Seniors – Please see the link below to order your Cap and Gown for graduation. Deadline: January 15, 2023. Click Here to Order Your Revere 2023 Cap & Gown
Yearbook Orders and Advertisements
Please see the following message from the yearbook committee!!
We are reaching out because you may be interested in placing a recognition ad in the 2023 Revere High School Yearbook. Time is running out to shine a spotlight on your student with a yearbook recognition ad. Submit your order before 2/9/23. Showcase your business in the book that never loses its appeal. Students and their families will visit the pages of the yearbook countless times and cherish it for a lifetime. In addition, proceeds from ad sales are a fundraiser for the yearbook program at our school. We appreciate your support! To create your ad please use this link. You may also order a yearbook here (they will not be distributed until June).
Seal of Biliteracy Announcement
The Multilingual Department and Revere High School are excited to begin our second Seal of Biliteracy process this spring! The Massachusetts Seal of Biliteracy is an important award given to graduating seniors to recognize their skills in English and a partner language. Recipients will be honored at an awards ceremony in the spring and will receive a medallion to wear at graduation. The Massachusetts Seal of Biliteracy will also be noted on high school transcripts and can earn students college credit at many local institutions. More information about the Seal of Biliteracy is located on our website and the attached informational flyers.
Here are the requirements for the award:
- Score at least a 472 on the ELA MCAS (Students scoring at least a 501 may be eligible for the Seal of Biliteracy with Distinction.)
- Demonstrate at least “intermediate high” skills in reading, writing, listening, and speaking in another language. This testing will be conducted during school hours and free of charge. (Students scoring at least “advanced low” may be eligible for the Seal of Biliteracy with Distinction.)
- Write an essay about the value of bilingualism (3-5 paragraphs in English and 3-5 paragraphs in your partner language. These essays will be compiled into a book to share with the community. Click here to view last year’s multilingual anthology.
Seniors on track for graduation who are interested in learning more about the Seal of Biliteracy program should sign up here. We will hold an information session during Advisory on Jan. 19 to share more details about the process. Please continue to check your student email for updates.
If you have any questions, please email Chelsey Bencks at or visit Room 103.
Speech and Debate Update
RHS Speech and Debate Team at the Newton South Winter Fest Tournament
Nine members of the Speech and Debate Team competed in the Newton South Winter Fest tournament on Saturday. 1/7. Among the highlights were Susie Nicolas taking first place in Declamation and Erta Ismahili making the final round of competition in Student Congress. Other competitors included Raihan Ahmed in Public Forum Debate, Endurance Nkeh and Taylor Leonard in Poetry Reading, Enzo Garza in Declamation, Kamilla Souza in Children's Literature, Salsabil Mendoza in Group Discussion and Leah Zuniga in Radio Broadcasting. Overall, the team finished in ninth place among the 29 schools that competed.
RHS Alumni Update
Jimmy Dubon, RHS Class of 2021
Last week Art Teacher Andre Hester organized a visit from RHS Grade Jimmy Dubon, business major at UMASS Boston (and former RHS Art Student). Jimmy met with some of Hester's classes and showcased sample from his design line and products from his business.
RHS External Learning & Guidance Opportunities
Data Management Internship @ Revere City Hall
Are you interested in pursuing a career in data management after high school? If so, please reach out to Ms. Walsh,, to connect about a paid internship opportunity with Revere City Hall!
Sound and Vision Media Internship
Student interns wanted at Sound and Vision Media. They are looking for students who can work on video editing with Adobe Premier Creative Suite, After Effects, Sound recording in the studio and in the field. Copywriting, Tape Duplication and Digital transfers, knowledge of booking Zoom meetings, helping around the office, knowledge of targeted successful on-line digital campaigns, social media management, creating social media ads, and knowledge of Youtube pre-roll. If interested please reach out to Ms. Walsh
STEM Internship Round-Up
Take a look at the many STEM Internships Ms. Walsh has organized by Application Deadline. More information is posted for students on the RHS Opportunities Google Classroom for students! There will be an info session during advisory on Wednesday 1/11. Students may sign up for that here.
FREE SAT Prep Classes - Deadline January 11th
Let’s Get Ready’s Spring 2023 Virtual Access Program Applications are open! The link to the application can be found here. Application deadline is January 11, 2023. After this date, applications will be closed.
RHS Robotics Team Update
Robotics Kick-off Live Stream
On Saturday January 7th, the RHS Robotics Team hosted a kickoff livestream for this year's competition where they distributed kits from FIRST to 24 local teams and viewed the livestream of the game reveal with some of those teams. Our students, mentors, and alumni then began strategizing for this year's robot. The team will have approximately two months to design, build, and test our robot before we begin competing in March.
Important Links
- Bullying, Harassment and Bias Reporting: You can use this link to make a report of bullying, harassment or bias.
- RHS Student Activities 2022-2023: You can use this link to explore student activities and when they meet.
- Community Service Opportunities: Students looking to find Community Service Opportunities should reference this spreadsheet. Community members who have opportunities for service can reach out to any RHS Administrator.
Revere Schools Hiring Paraprofessionals
Are you or someone you know looking for a part-time role in the educational setting? Please spread the word! Revere High School is seeking part-time paraprofessionals to work in a variety of settings working with unique populations including students with special needs. Experience working with students with special needs, challenging behaviors, and/or early reading instruction preferred. These positions are 5 days per week, 3 hours and 55 minutes per day (19.5 hours per week). There are morning and mid-day/afternoon shifts available. Interested candidates can email interest to Caitlin Reilly, Deputy Principal, at or apply online at: