Barclay Bulletin
November 30, 2022
Report Cards and Standards Based Grading
1 - Not Meeting Standards
2 - Working Toward Standards
3 - Meeting Standards
4 - Exceeding Standards
This first marking period we often find students scoring 2's or 3's. While they may be meeting some standards, they are still working towards others. Students working toward standards may be able to demonstrate abilities on class assignments but have difficulty consistently demonstrating the ability on independent assessments or assignments later in our modules. Students exceeding standards are able to explain more than simply demonstrating an independent proficiency on a standard. Teachers will provide additional information in the comment section of the report cards specific to what they see as strengths and areas for growth.
If you have questions specific to report cards, I recommend you reach out to your child's teacher prior to the conference so that your questions may be addressed either before or during the conference.
I recommend families using the report cards as ways to show student progress throughout the year. Students always have an opportunity to improve on their skills throughout the year, and moving from a 2 to a 3, or a 3 to a 4 allows you to focus on what skills are being mastered as the year progresses. Try not to focus on how many 1's,2's, 3's, or 4's a report card shows, but how much growth a student is able to make as time progresses. Picking areas to focus on for the upcoming marking period will allow for manageable growth rather than taking the report card and expecting growth for every standard.
Feel free to reach out to me with any questions you may have, but I recommend beginning with the classroom teacher, as they can provide you with specific evidence firsthand as it relates to progress.
Attendance Line Information
If your student is going to be absent, you may contact our attendance line 24 hours a day either via e-mail or phone:
Just be sure to include the following information in your correspondence:
Child's full name
Your full name
Your child's teacher
Reason for the absence
Barclay Elementary School
Location: 40 Allen Street, Brockport, NY, USA
Phone: 585-637-1840
Twitter: @BCSDBarclay