The Weekly Update #4
October 23rd, 2023

October 27th!
We hope you all have a safe 3-day weekend! We're excited to start Quarter 2. Students are feeling more acclimated to the building, they're almost done with all the finishing touches in at our school, teachers have built great classroom communities, and students are engaged in their learning. Thanks for your continued support of the Athey Creek Community.
Important Dates:
10/30 No school: Teacher grading day
10/30: Building Dedication (6:00 p.m.)
11/3: Fall dance (6:30-8:00 p.m.) ($5 for dance, $2-3 for optional concessions, no dinner served)
11/15: 6th grade game night (4:15-7:00 p.m.)
As your student's final grades for Quarter 1 begin posting on October 30th and after, please keep in mind the following:
- Teachers have offered revision opportunities for summative work (when applicable)
- Formative work does not count toward the final grade
- If your student has several NTIs (they are not completing practice or formative work)
- If your student earns 2s or 3s on summative assessments (standards) this quarter, please encourage them to check-in with their teacher regularly during Q2. It's important they complete re-takes, understand concepts they're missing, understand scoring rubrics, etc. Some content areas will revisit or spiral standards--unfortunately, it's not a one-size fits all solution
- Encourage your student to advocate with their teacher if they have questions about their skill gaps!
- Lastly, encourage positive self-talk. Your student CAN do hard things. They CAN show growth and progress. Each staff member in the building believes this!
Athey Dance
Friday: November 3
Time: 6:30-8:00 p.m.
Where: Athey Creek Middle School
Cost: $5 and bring $2-3 for optional concessions (no dinner served)
If you would like to volunteer to help, please sign up here!
Spirit Week!!!
Please join us for Spirit Week, here are the days!
Tuesday: 10/31- Pajama Day
Wednesday: 11/1= Twin Day
Thursday: 11/2= Color Day, 6th= red, 7th= pink, 8th= blue
Friday: 11/3= Sports Jersey Day
* If students don't participate in pajama day, please remember: no masks, weapons, violence, cultural appropriation, or anything deemed inappropriate by administration.
6th Grade Game Night
Date: November 15
Time: 4:00-6:45 p.m.
Where: ACMS
Who: All 6th graders are invited, see attached flyer
We're looking for a charismatic and collaborative team member who loves kids! Would you like to join the Athey Creek Team? Our student services team would love your support. You could choose from a 6 hour or 7 hour day! If interested, please see the application/job listing, here.