UUCSJS Midweek Message
September 1, 2021
- Minister's Midweek Meditation
- Explore Our Monthly Theme
- Announcements
- Notes From the Board
- This Sunday
- Last Sunday
- Events This Week
- Connect to Our Faith
Minister's Midweek Meditation
Rev. Dawn is available for pastoral care appointments Wednesday through Friday 10 am to 3 pm. Please email minister@uucsjs.org to schedule an appointment.
Need Help?
Team members can provide you with support during/after an illness, a death in the family, or other loss or hardship. They can find you resources, run errands, or provide meals in time of need.
Reach out to:
- Tracey Catino at (609) 674-8721 email: Traceysnaps@msn.com
- Denise O'Meara at (610) 316-7495 email: denome53@gmail.com
- Helen Utts at (609) 338-3391 email: HelenUtts@aol.com
- MaryLou DeMaria-Berhang at (201) 247-5635 email: MLberhang@gmail.com
- Tony Zitelli at (201) 463-2800 email: happy85a@aol.com
Explore our Monthly Theme
What Has Made Surviving the Pandemic Possible?
The pandemic changed us. It also changed the way we related to the things around us. Put simply, many ordinary objects we took for granted suddenly became precious. They became essential for helping us get through it.
Artist/ethnographer Paula Zuccotti created a fascinating experiment to honor this. Via social media, she invited people to photograph 15 items that they relied on during the pandemic. Explore that project and check out some of the responses here: https://lockdownessentials.org/About-the-project and
And so...your assignment: Find and take a picture of at least a handful of the ordinary objects you relied on during the pandemic. If you want to share images of what has gotten you through the pandemic, please email religiouseducation@uucsjs.org. I'd love to see and share what has helped you survive the pandemic.
And music!
Planning a special event? The Communications Team can help. Visit https://uucsjs.breezechms.com/form/42685e for more information.
Margaret Circle September Meeting
Contact Betsy Searight or email admin@uucsjs.org for more information.
Book Club News!
September Book Club will be Friday, September 17th at 7:00 pm on ZOOM. (An in person meeting could be added.)
Deacon King Kong, Cuffy “Sportcoat” Lambkin is a 71-year-old deacon for a church in the projects. One day, he gets trashed and goes to the neighborhood plaza and shoots Deems Clemens, a ruthless 19-year-old local drug dealer. Sixteen people see the shooting, but no one talks. The author explores the aftermath of the shooting and the effect on both the people involved and others around them in this oft-neglected neighborhood in South Brooklyn.
Terri Ballas will be leading the discussion.
October's selection is UNDER THE UDALA TREE by Chinela Okparanta
To view the list of all titles scheduled for the upcoming year click here:
Questions: morellb@msn.com
Fundraising Opportunities
1. Purchase a shopping pass for $5 each
2. Shop at Boscovs (in-store only) on October 20th and receive 25% off your purchase
3. UUCSJS receives all funds from purchased shopping passes!
Passes are available by emailing Nick Bonar (or admin@uucsjs.org) and will be available at in-person services beginning Septmeber 12, 2021.
New Car Raffle
Rev Dawn is working on a fundraising idea to raffle off a NEW CAR and make money for the congregation at the same time.
If you're interested in fundraising, have a background in marketing, or are looking to do outreach for the UUCSJS, get in touch with Rev. Dawn at minister@uucsjs.org to join the team putting together this amazing project!
Notes From the Board
Monthly Meeting of the UUCSJS Board of Trustees
This Sunday
Musical Transitions
Lay Leaders Barbara Miller & Gina Roché
We will be singing some of our favorite hymns and getting to know our new Music Director, Gina Roché. led by Barbara Miller and Gina Roché.
Sunday at 10 am at www.tinyurl.com/uucsjszoom or call in to (929)436-2866 then enter: 2246776604#, 0#, 306591#.
Make sure to update your Zoom software before Sunday morning so you aren't late to church!
Upcoming Services
Join us on September 12th for "Return and Celebrate!" our annual ingathering water ceremony and return to in-person worship services at UUCSJS.
And on September 19th for "Marking Progress And Moving Forward" when we will consider where we are in our spiritual travels and what we’d like to explore next. Join us as we explore and embrace the possibilities before us!
Information on upcoming services can be found HERE.
Last Sunday
Events This Week
CLICK HERE to reserve the Zoom Room or to add your event to the calendar.
Connect to Our Larger Faith
Click on the images for more information.
Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the South Jersey Shore
Email: admin@uucsjs.org
Website: www.uucsjs.org
Location: 75 S Pomona Rd, Egg Harbor City, NJ, USA
Phone: (609) 965-9400
Facebook: facebook.com/uucsjs
Twitter: @UUCSJS