All Souls Catholic School
Newsletter - November 4, 2021
All Souls Day Prayer
Merciful Father,
On this day, we are called to remember those who have died,
Particularly those who have died in the past year,
And pray for their joyful reunion with you, their loving creator.
As your son taught us to call the stranger
neighbor, our fallen are many—
Names we will never know,
Voices we have never heard,
In lands we may never visit,
Yet brothers and sisters all.
And so we pray.
For victims of war, caught in the crossfires of
conflicts we could not quell,
for soldiers and civilians,
adults and children, we pray …
Grant eternal rest, O Lord.
For those migrants who have died seeking a
haven where they hoped to find safety
and opportunity for themselves and for their families, we pray …
Grant eternal rest, O Lord.
Dear Parent/Guardians,
As we enter November, we celebrated All Saints and All Souls day during the past few days. It was wonderful that we were able to celebrate these feast days as a community with Mass each morning.
Last Saturday, we celebrated confirmation for the Parish children and Monsignor Howell confirmed 73 young people. We came together as a community to give witness to these young men and ladies becoming fully initiated into the Church. I wish to thank Mr. Ceja for the two-year preparation and the parents for their support.
Vaccine Update
As you are aware by now the FDA and the CDC have approved the Pfizer vaccine for children ages 5 and up. We would be encouraging all our children to be vaccinated over the next couple of weeks. I have been sending you updates and information sessions about the vaccine in previous correspondence through SchoolSpeak. Please see the update at the end of this section on vaccine updates.
COVID Testing
We are continuing with the Virus Geeks COVID-19 testing program every two weeks. I encourage you to take advantage of this service to you and to your children. The last testing was on November 2nd and the next one will be on Tuesday, November 16th. Testing will resume again on Tuesday, November 30th, after we return from Thanksgiving.
New School Website
I am pleased to announce we have redesigned the school website. The new version is more mobile-friendly. Our website is our main advertisement for gaining information about the school for prospective families.
Return of Bingo
We are preparing for the return of Bingo in the very near future. I wish to thank Mr. Derrick Wong for his leadership and enthusiasm for spearheading the return. We will need everyone’s support in encouraging people to attend Bingo. More information to come.
Book Fair
It is great news that we will be able to run the Book Fair again this year. The dates for the fair will be from Tuesday, November 30th to Friday, December 3rd. This is a great opportunity to purchase books for your child and for your child’s class.
Volleyball and Baseball
I wish to thank the coaches for their time and effort in coaching our students these past months and thanks to the Athletic Board for organizing the program.
Basketball season is just starting and if you wish for your 4th through 8th grade student to play basketball, please register online. The link is on the school website and on SchoolSpeak.
Visit from the Associate Superintendent
Last Tuesday, we welcomed the Associate Superintendent, Dr. Tara Rolle, to our school. She spent some time visiting classrooms and speaking with teachers and students. She commented to me that we have a very happy school with lots of creative learning experiences occurring.
Thanksgiving Appeal
Our Student Council is sponsoring the Annual St. Vincent De Paul Thanksgiving Appeal. This year, the St. Vincent De Paul Society has asked if we could collect travel-size personal hygiene supplies. Thanks to everyone for your support.
Morning Drop-Off
We have noticed a couple of people dropping off children in the line queue. Please do not do this as it is very unsafe to do. I ask that we all have patience during this time. The safety of our students is a high priority. Thanks for your attention to this matter.
God Bless,
Vincent Riener
Vaccination Options for Children Ages 5 to 11
The following is a list of COVID-19 vaccination options for children. A flyer in English and Spanish with these options can be found here. Please note, this list of options will continue to expand as we go through the next few weeks. Continue to visit SMC Health’s website and the MyTurn website for updated information and opportunities.
Health Care Providers
Check with your child’s pediatrician to schedule an appointment. Kaiser Health is making pediatric vaccination appointments for their members. Stanford Children’s pediatric vaccination clinics can be found here. Sutter/PAMF will have appointments available shortly.
Local Pharmacies
Several pharmacies in San Mateo County offer appointments and walk-up options for vaccinations for children. Please visit their websites – CVS, RiteAid, Safeway, Walgreens, Costco, and Lucky – for the most current information on how to schedule appointments. For a list of pharmacies and locations, visit the SMCH website, which continues to be updated as new options become available.
SMC Health Vaccination Clinics
San Mateo County Health is organizing vaccination clinics for children. Visit MyTurn to schedule an appointment – search by the Event Center address (1346 Saratoga Ave., San Mateo) on the MyTurn site. These events are being further supported with community-funded efforts to make the Event Center site child-friendly. More information can be found on the SMCH website. Dates include:
- Saturday, November 6, 9:00 am to 4:00 pm
- Wednesday, November 9, 2:30 pm to 7:00 pm
- Thursday, November 10, 2:30 pm to 7:00 pm
- Friday, November 12, 2:30 pm to 7:00 pm
- Saturday, November 13, 9:00 am to 4:00 pm
Additional dates will be added as needed.
School Vaccination Clinics
Vaccination clinics are scheduled at the following school sites. Many of these events are already full, but as other opportunities open up, registrants may come off the list opening up additional spots.
- Monday, November 15 - Bayside Academy, San Mateo-Foster City School District 2025 Kehoe Avenue, San Mateo: Register
- Tuesday, November 16 - Sunset Ridge Elementary School, Pacifica School District 340 Inverness Drive, Pacifica: Register
- Wednesday, November 17 - T.R. Pollicita Gym, Jefferson Elementary 50 Orange Street, Daly City: Register
- Thursday, November 18 - Hoover Elementary School, Redwood City 701 Charter Street, Redwood City: Register
Community and Other Clinics
San Mateo County Health will continue to share options on its website.
Coadministration of Vaccines
According to the CDC, it is not only okay to administer the COVID-19 and flu vaccine at the same time, they encourage it – “If a patient is due for both vaccines, providers are encouraged to offer both vaccines at the same visit. Coadministration of all recommended vaccines is important because it increases the probability that people will be fully vaccinated.”
Parent Information
Many parents still have questions about the vaccine and whether or not to vaccinate their children. Here are three ways parents can learn more about the vaccine.
- Tonight, November 4th, at 6:00 pm, SMC Health is hosting in Spanish with English interpretation a webinar and Q&A with families about vaccinations for youth. Join via Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube: @SMCHealth.
- Johns Hopkins Medicine shares important details about vaccines for parents.
- SMCOE and SMC Health created flyers in English and Spanish that share some of the reasons for youth to get vaccinated.
Thanksgiving Drive
Chess Wizards
This year See's Candies Fundraiser will be ONLINE ONLY. No monies will need to be sent to school.
All funds of this event will be allocated to the automatic new blinds for our classrooms. All orders may be placed online through the link below, starting today!!
Orders must be submitted no later than November, 30 2021 and will be delivered directly to your address of choice.
Tuition Fees For School Year 2021-2022
November Lunch Menu
Cafeteria Payments
Dear All Souls Families,
You can now pay and add credit to your child/children's cafeteria account through SchoolSpeak. Your payment will be processed through PayPal with a 3% convenience fee for all transactions.
Sign-in to your SchoolSpeak account and select "Lunch Order" in the quick links menu on the left. The "Pay" tab will direct you to your payment options. You may pay the cafeteria balance through your existing PayPal account or as a guest using your credit or debit card. You may also add credit to your child/children's cafeteria account. If you wish, you may still make cash or check payments to the school office.
Please note, for the families that have a credit card on file I will no longer be charging your credit card for lunch payments. You are responsible for paying and adding credit to your cafeteria account.
Feel free to contact me with any questions.
Ms. Escobar
7 School Family Mass - 10:30am
10 School Assembly - 2:30 (UPDATED)
11 Veterans Day
15 Staff Development Meeting - 12:20pm Dismissal
16 School Board Meeting - 6:30pm - Annex Meeting Room
22-26 Thanksgiving Holiday - Thanksgiving Day 11/25
30 School Assembly - 2:30