point of view
Excelsior Springs, Missouri
The buck stops here
Harry Truman was president in an era when America imagined & did big things, he held to the fundamental belief that government – We the People – exists to do things, to serve its citizens, to make things better. People who knew him then & people who study him deeply today come back to the same word for Truman – character. He knew right from wrong, he spoke the truth, he was decisive, & he stood his ground. He knew how to navigate among the many imperfect choices that politicians confront & how to find a path to progress, even when progress can be maddeningly slow & uneven.
Week of May 8
Wednesday, 5PM - Historic Preservation Commission
Thursday, 9:30AM - Thrive Steering Committee, 11AM - Urban Redevelopment Corporation
Friday, 7:30AM - Council Work Session
Upcoming Agendas
- Historic Preservation Commission - Review administratively approved Certificates of Appropriateness: exterior paint @ 424 Isley, Roof @ 554 S.KC Ave., roof & gutters @ 519 S.KC Ave., fence @ 216 Spring Street, Terra Cotta Style Spanish roof @ 530 Elms Blvd., painting brick & repair mortar @ 405 S. Thompson
- Urban Redevelopment Corporation - Consideration of 353 project @ 206 Spring Street
- Council Work Session - agenda items under development includes board appointments to Parks/Rec & Capital Improvements; agreements with GEMT for ambulance billing collections & for Cemetery Sexton, engineer selection for Dry Fork Greenway & Garland Bridge, Administrative Search Warrants, change order for Hall of Waters, Code amendment pertaining to occupied rental inspections
Making a Difference
Work Anniversaries this week: Camron White, Assistant Fire Chief - 23 years; Jason Griffin, Police Officer & Riley Smith, Lifeguard - 1 year
Highlighting community leaders serving on Historic Preservation Commission - Susan Blaser (Construction), Rick DeFlon (Architect), Jason Van Till (Realtor), & Betty Bissell, Darryl Courts, Marilyn Gerdes, & Dennis Hartman (Historians). Thank you for your leadership & preservation of our heritage. Your work has returned economic value to our oldest neighborhoods & Central Business District.
Last Week
- Mayor's Prayer Breakfast was inspirational with words from the keynote speaker, Tim Doyle, providing perspective about community evolution & over time, for better or worse, communities become what their residents are willing to support.
- Enjoyed hearing all of the good work presented in ES Hospital's annual report. In the last couple of months the City Council has received annual reports from DEP, ESH, & Community Development, there is good work taking place, planned for the coming year & we can be assured there is great leadership & staff in place in these organizations.
- Westside CID received 94% voter approval. The District is organizing to improve our westside gateway & will provide funding & direction for planned projects.
- The Community Center Outdoor Pool has taken shape & we are in the last 45+ days. We will see lots of changes in the next few weeks, completion of the parking lot expansion, finalizing work @ Powell Lake, fencing, final grade, operating protocols, staff training.
- Transystems was selected to be the City's Owner Rep for the RAISE projects. Our recommendations are under review by our funding partner.
Choose Your Attitude!
Email: mmcgovern@excelsiorsprings.gov
Website: cityofesmo.com
Location: Hall of Waters, 201 E. Broadway, 64024
Phone: (816)630-0752