Celebrating Teachers!
Teacher Appreciation Week 2020
Dear Teachers,
This spring, you've faced unprecedented challenges, and you've risen to them with grace, care, and excellence. Your dedication has kept children safe, engaged. Most importantly, you've allowed your students to experience a sense of community, despite physical barriers. We have always been impressed by your ingenuity and passion. but especially right now, as you have navigated through this uncharted territory with flexibility and grit.
We see you, and we thank you. You are truly appreciated!
- Your friends & admirers at Region 18 Education Service Center
A Teacher Appreciation Week for the Ages
If you have to put someone on a pedestal,
put teachers.
They are society's heroes.
-Guy Kawasaki
Teachers deserve our praise!
We're not the only ones who think so... read this and feel pumped!
Love to read?
Here's a list of "feel good" books especially compiled for teachers!
The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you.—B. B. King
Region 18 Education Service Center
Email: info@esc18.net
Website: esc18.net
Location: 2811 La Force Boulevard, Midland, TX, USA
Phone: (432)-563-2380
Facebook: facebook.com/region18
Twitter: @Region18ESC