January 2024

News & Notable Dates
- 15: NO SCHOOL: Martin Luther King Day
- 1: Last Day of the First Semester
- 2: NO SCHOOL -- Teacher Work Day
- 5: Second Semester Begins
- 19: NO SCHOOL -- President's Day
- 20-23: NO SCHOOL -- Mid-winter Break
Club meets every Wednesday that we have a full day of school.
End of First Semester
The first semester ends on Thursday, Feb 1! Please encourage your students to talk to their teachers and make up all their work so they can finish strong and earn their credits. If you'd like to know how your students are doing to help support and encourage them, reach out to their Focus teacher to check in.
If you'd like help contacting your child's focus teacher or learning how to log into Schoology to track their work and their progress, the ACES Family Engagement Liaison can help: contact Julie Hills at HillsJB@mukilteo.wednet.edu.
Food Drive Champions
Congratulations to Maura Schapper's focus class for bringing in the highest number of food drive items before the winter break! And thank you to ALL families that contributed. This food will go to stock the Family Engagement Liaison resource room and fill weekend and emergency food bags throughout the spring.
If your family could use one-time or regular food support in the form of shelf-stable, easy-prep pantry items, please fill let us know by filling out the ACES weekend food support form and our family liaison will be in touch.
Senior Families
Senior Parent meetings
The monthly senior family meeting will be held on on zoom both January 16th at 7pm or January 17th at 1pm (same content, two different times). The FAFSA has opened, and we will be going over how to make an FSA ID and reviewing the form together to answer any questions. We will also cover scholarship opportunities for a variety of post-secondary options. Your student is welcome to join (but not required).
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 407 865 9170
Passcode: 123456
If you cannot make the meeting times and you would like to schedule a one-on-one daytime or evening zoom appointment with College & Career Specialist Patti Stracener, contact StracenerPJ@mukilteo.wednet.edu or (425) 366-3942.
Students of the Month
Congratulations to our ACES November/December students of the month: Katelyn, Alix, and Jasmine! Each month, students are selected for standing out from their peers in areas such as preparation, respect, leadership, compassion, excellent or improved attendance, excellent or improved academics, or being an inspiring role model to the ACES community.
Around Campus
In January, Club continues to offer options for students to cook, sew, play video games and music, and hang out with friends after school. Several students are also starting a dance team that meets during Club on Wednesdays. All ACES students are welcome! \
Club meets every week when there is a full day on Wednesday, from 2-4pm, with an activity bus to take students home after.
The Class with the Biggest Heart
Last Thursday, Emily’s Biology class dissected cow hearts and lungs to help students learn more about the circulatory system! The hearts came from Andal’s Meats in Mt. Vernon, and students had a wonderful hands on learning experience.
Community Events and Resources
You are Not Alone: Youth Suicide Prevention Task Force FREE Community Training
Mukilteo Recreation Department will be hosting an event in partnership with the Children's Wellness Coalition-Suicide Prevention Taskforce. There will be trainings on warning signs and suicide prevention, resources on support and services, medication disposal, therapy dogs, food, swag, and much more!
The event will take place on February 3, 2024, from 9am - 1pm at the Rosehill Community Center. Breakfast and lunch will be free with food options provided generously by Tapped Mukilteo. This event is geared toward parents, teachers, coaches, middle and high school youth, and all community members looking to better equip themselves to help others.
No registration required. Click here for more information.
Dental Services at Sno-Isle
Sno-Isle TECH Dental Clinic is now open to the public and taking appointments for basic cleanings, home care instructions, fluoride treatments, diagnostic x-rays, and minor restorations. The clinic will remain open through March. Dental Assisting students work in the on-site clinic alongside a local dentist, while perfecting their dental skills. A $50 donation is suggested and supports the program. If you are interested in scheduling an appointment, please call 425-348-2240.
ACES High School
ACES Website: https://www.mukilteoschools.org/Domain/57
Location: 9700 Holly Drive, Everett, WA, USA
Phone: (425) 366-3900
Facebook: @ACESHighSchool
Twitter: @ACESHighSchool
Instagram: @aceshighschool