CTS Snapshot
Welcome to our CTS Snapshot - a weekly celebration update. We are delighted to share with parents and carers alike student triumphs at Corby Technical School. We are proud of every student and every success they have - please feel free to share with us any achievements they might have.
Snapshot News:
We are delighted that our Year 10 students were the winners of the Knife Angel competition, with the Year 8 group in second place. The competition was launched in advance of the Knife Angel’s arrival in Corby and the theme was ‘what the knife angel coming to town means to me'. Entries were judged by Cllr David Smith, WNC Portfolio holder for Community Safety, Angie Kennedy, CEO of C2C Social Action who was the driver behind the Angel’s visit to the county and a member of Northampton’s Museum’s team.
Pictured below are the students with the Knife Angel and also their winning entries. Year 10 created a piece of art that represented Angel wings and used words that mean protection and safety in a number of languages. Year 8 art club students who were awarded second place used circles in which they also painted what the knife angel means to them , these circles will be hung together like a mobile .
The prizes awarded were tickets to a Northampton Town football game for first prize and then for both groups a tour of the stadium and a Q&A session with the players .
Year 12 Work Placement:
Year 8 Football Team:
Congratulations to the Year 8 Football Team who won the District Cup on penalties. These students have performed exceptionally well all season whilst showing excellent teamwork, empathy and resilience. Well done Year 8!!! ⚽🙌🏆
Year 7 DT:
Pictured is some amazing card modelling done by 7CA. They all designed and made a card model for an angle poise lamp. Mrs Firmin was very impressed with the variety of designs, their perseverance and support of each other.
Year 8 Maths:
Amazing Maths work from students in 8B3 made it all the way to a display board in Mrs van der Lith’s classroom. They are setting a very high standard for the type of class work expected in every Maths book.
Year 7 Creative Writing Club
This week in Creative Writing Club, students were creating cut-out poems according to Dadaist principles with some excellent results! Pictured below is work by Year 7 students Gabriela R and Aurelia W.
Top Lesson Stars:
Year 7:
Bradley 7SI, Alan 7SI, Harley 7SW, Isabelle 7TU, Harrison 7ST, Lucas 7SI, Haydn 7SI, Gabriel 7TE, Nicola 7SW, Josh 7SW, Katie 7TU and Aurelia 7TU.
Year 8:
Evie 8ST, Laura-Lee 8Si and Gurkirat 8TA.
Year 9:
Naythen 9ST, Mariyah 9SW, Liam 9ST, Brooke-Amy 9CO, Shae 9CA, Rene 9CA and Maisie 9SW.
Year 10:
Rhia 10TE, Julia 10TE, Harvey 10TE, Jaasau 10CA and Shammah 10ST.
Year 11:
Avantika 11ST, Brian 11TA, James 11TE, Saul 11TE, David 11ST and Jasmine 11ST.
Subject Highlights:
Miss Patrick has made the following nominations this week:
Year 7:
Year 7 have been introduced to GarageBand this week and have impressed me with how quickly they have learnt to navigate this program! A special mention to Natan and Gabriel (7TE) this week for their perfect ‘four to the floor’ drumbeats, which were accurately edited in record time – well done, what a great start to the term!
Year 8:
This week year 8 have begun to learn about Electronic Dance Music and have started by created a drumbeat for their own dance track. All groups have done very well this week but Miss Patrick would like to celebrate these students for their brilliant use of appropriate musical terminology this week: Klaudia and Daniel (8SW), Leighton and Ayren (8CO), Addison and Alexander (8SI) and Olivia G and Charlie (8TU) -keep up the great work!
Year 9:
This week year 9 have performed a piece of music, which they learnt by reading the notes themselves. 9SW applied themselves very well to this task, and by the end of the lesson all groups had learnt most of the piece! Miss Patrick particularly enjoyed listening to Esosa, Shanice, Elina, and Zsofia’s performance which used bells and was perfectly in time with the pulse – excellent work!
Mrs Bartlett would like to congratulate the Year 11 Spanish students who have just successfully completed yet another set of exams: the Listening and Reading papers. Well done to them all for their continued determination and hard work, all the MFL team are really proud! Now on to the Writing exam!
Mrs Gonzalez-Villamil Lean has nominated Year 7 students Daisy R and Joshua for the energy they have started this term with in Spanish, Finn (8TE) for his engagement in lessons, Nadia (9CA) for her positive engagement and participation this week and finally, 11BSP1 for their positive attitude to their listening and reading GCSE’s and focus toward the writing one. You can do this!
Miss Kaur has nominated Jana (10A1) for consistently showing resilience in Maths lessons she puts in extra work at home to ensure she is challenging herself!
Mr Lee is very proud of all of the year 11’s who sat their first Maths GCSE paper last Friday. They were clearly well-prepared for this exam. They have come back to school this week and have begun focused revision for Paper 2 and 3 – Mr Lee is impressed with their continued determination and enthusiasm to succeed.
Ms Adamska would like to nominate Year 8 student Henley for 100% marks in the Find the gap test on Probability. Well done! Also nominated are Tanya, Cailin and Mariana for an excellent contribution in the lessons this week.
Mr Horne has nominated Year 8 students Lauren and Irena who have worked well to increase their understanding of percentages and Year 9 students Ava, Rene and Phoebe who have worked hard and shown a good understanding of changing a value by a given percentage.
Sixth Form:
This week, we welcomed Josie MacEwan into school to present to Year 12/13 on the benefits of volunteering. The focus was mainly on the NHS and the wonderful volunteering opportunities that are available within the organisation. Josie explained that benefits of volunteering, including developing their transferrable skills set and making themselves standout on a UCAS personal statement and/or job application. We hope some of our students take full advantage of this opportunity.
Mr Harley has nominated 9SW for making excellent progress in the coat hook design project during the practical element of making their aluminum coat hooks. This week, they have made and bent the aluminum bar using the jig and follower and worked very well together in the workshop.
Scientists of the Week are:
Year 7 student Laura for excellent effort.
Year student - Cailin for excellent work in Science.
Year 9 student Lacey for great revision work this week.
Year 10 student Tanya for great work on polymerisation this week.
Year 11 student Alice for great Physics revision this week.
Mrs Feeley has nominated the following students this week:
Year 7 students Freya, Amber, Kerryn, Isabelle, Jessica, Katie, Alicja, Sophie, Daisy and Georgie, Year 8 students Emily, Laura-Lee, Jasmine, Lily and Maisy and Year 10 students Halle, Sophie, Shammah, Milena, Amelia and Kia for fantastic effort in PE this week.
Also nominated are Year 10 Sports Science students Tanya, Isla, Ana and Devandre for demonstrating excellent knowledge and understanding in their assessment this week and Louis for his hard work.
Mr Clamp has nominated Year 8 student Kevin J who has shown an excellent work ethic in PE and has shown a lot of enthusiasm at extra-curricular sessions this week.
Mrs Brown would like to say well done to her Year 10 English class for the excellent start on their Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde unit. We are already having some philosophical questions about the beliefs and ideologies in Victorian times.
Also nominated are the A Level Language and Literature group who are securing excellent grades on their Unit 1 assessment work.
Miss Lodge has nominated 9B1 for their great start to our poetry unit this term. They have made some insightful comments and done some great analysis of the poem 'Remains'. Also, well done to 11AP1 for completing their first English Literature exam. They have worked so hard and Miss Lodge is so proud of them!
Mrs Vaghadia has made the following nominations this week:
7TA RE are looking at Sikhism in RE and the following students drew excellent pictures of the Khanda, Laura W, Henry, Bailey and Kenzie. Super effort to these four for drawing such detailed pictures, well done! Also nominated are 10ST for excellent work in RE, students contributed in a mature manner on the topic we are currently studying and there were some interesting discussions in the classroom, 12P PSHE student Carmen for excellent work on her piece on depression this week, it was an excellent piece of resource made well done.
Finally, Year 10 Sociology students for always working consistently hard in the lesson and excellent classroom contributions. A special thank you and well done to 10ST students Alex, Ellis, Shammah & Georgiana for delivering an excellent assembly on British Values this week. Well done you all spoke beautifully and clearly.
Mr Strumpher has nominated 7TU Geography for working so well in the lesson and who are always eager to learn. This week we looked at challenges in Urban Areas and how we could improve it. Well done to Aurelia for her excellent responses in the classroom.
Mrs Brook has nominated Sophia (7SI) for her excellent answers in Geography to the big question.
Miss Buffini would like to say how impressed she was with 10A and B History class for their work on the Berlin Blockade piece of writing. Also to the Year 8’s who have started the emotive topic of Slavery in History, Miss Buffini is very proud of the way they have responded to the topic.
Mr Gealy would like to congratulate the Year 11 Geography students for their great response and attitude towards their first exam. They have two more exams left and we hope you all give that extra effort to get you over the finish line.
School will also be closed on the following dates:
- Thursday 2nd June – Spring Bank Holiday
- Friday 3rd June - Platinum Jubilee Bank Holiday
Corby Technical School
Email: enquiries@corbytechnicalschool.org
Website: www.corbytechnicalschool.org
Location: Cottingham Road, Corby, United Kingdom
Phone: 01536 213100
Twitter: @CTSCorby