Cobra Strike
From the Desk of the Junior/Senior High School Principal

"We're fools whether we dance or not, so we may as well dance." Japanese proverd
I get asked a lot about chaperoning dances. The running joke I have when anyone asks me at the end of a game is me trying to hand off the keys so someone else can do it. i am going to let you in on a secret. I like chaperoning dances. Getting to be there and be part of my students having good clean fun is energizing for me. Be it laughing when Kryndon Proffitt abandons his date in favor of a slow dance with Sam McKinney, or laughing as the entire student body bounced up and down as they recite the lines of the poetic genius that is "Baby" by Justin Bieber I enjoy it all. Students don't nearly get enough opportunities to just have fun and a high school dance is one of them.
This dance in particular was great because it was on the heels of a hectic week from King and Queen of Courts. Between spirit week, pep rallies, and playing non-stop games all week from the make up games from snow days, it was a full week. I will say there was a bright star this week in the form of Mrs. Sides and her leadership of StuCo this week. You would not think this was her first year leading the charge as everything was seamless. At no point in the week did i have any concern with events because I just knew that Mrs. Sides had it covered. Especially with us witnessing three other Queen of Courts ceremonies in the past few weeks and experiencing how long they can be, I was amazed that we didn't even need to put on added time to the halftime clock for the ceremony. She had the whole things down in spades.
And I congratulate all the students selected for the court. When I was at other schools, I would always have a favorite for winning the crown, but for this court as well as all of the courts since coming to JH I just want them all to win because they are all great students.
"Always try to be nice, but never fail to be kind" The Doctor
Keep on making a difference.
Derek E. Smith
Cobra Venom
The ladies in the kitchen whipped up an amazing hot ranch sauce for the students this year. It goes on just about everything. We decided to put it in bottles and sell it. The proceeds will benefit the Honor Flight program, but you are the real winners by having a bottle of Cobra Venom for just $5. It is Stryker approved! Contact Carrie Harris (carrie.harris@jhcobras.net) or they will be selling them at the next two home high school basketball games.
JR/SR High Events This Week: Feb 12-17
Monday Feb 12
MS Boys Basketball Vs Valley Falls @ Home 4:30 pm
Tuesday Feb 13:
HS Basketball Vs Horton@ Home 4:00 pm
Wednesday Feb 14: Valentine's Day
Thursday Feb 15:
Forensics NEKL @ JCN 8:00 am
MS Boys Basketball @ Everest 4:30 pm
HS Varsity Basketball @ JCN 5:00 pm
HS Boys C Team Basketball @ Home 4:30 pm
Friday Feb 16:
HS Basketball @ McLouth 5:00 pm
Saturday Feb 17:
Forensics @ Royal Valley 8:00 am
Little Cheer clinic
HS Powerlifting @ Horton
Honor Flight
We are in full swing getting ready for our next Honor flight mission. We are taking our next trip this summer and need help from our community. First and foremost, we need veterans. If you are a fellow veteran, or you know one that would like to go, please fill out the below application and either email it to me (derek.smith@jhcobras.net) or mail it to the school.
Second, we again need your support to go on this trip. While the guardians are doing some great fund raising events, we would greatly appreciate business sponsorship for the trip. We are working on a tiered sponsor ship which we will get out to the community soon. But these trips are completely independently financed and we are always looking for help.
I will be releasing the official guardian list this coming week so you can see which students will be going on this trip. Once we get enough veterans, we will start to partner them with the guardians to get ready for the trip. Honor flight was one of the most meaningful experiences for me as a veteran and now I get the honor of serving my fellow veterans.
Cobra Cup Standing
The Cobra Cup is heating up especially with the big wins this week for spirit week events.
House Gold Rush came out on top with the most school spirit displayed during spirit week
and Triple G retained the crown of best house cheer at the pep rally.
This semester is going great and I am seeing a lot of positive interactions among the students. the winning prizes are as follows
House of the month: Ice cream during seminar
House of the semester: pizza party
House of the year: name on the Cobra Cup, all day field trip, and bragging rights for another year.
This past week saw some great things from students. The top performers for each house are:
House Gold Rush: Leo Peterson
House Triple G: William McKinney
House Snake Kingz: Nevaeh Anderson
House Corn Fed Cobras: Talen Browning
Derek E. Smith
Being that I taught biology and the life sciences, I have always had a love for animals. Imagine my delight when I got to be the one to deliver our newest critter to the Biology room. Look at this little cudler. She snuggled up to me as I brought her down the hall. I told Mr. Keehn that I want to get her a harness so I can start taking her on walks.
Always try to be nice, but never fail to be kind.
Email: derek.smith@jhcobras.net
Website: jhcobras.net
Location: 12692 266th Rd Holton, KS 66436
Phone: (785)248-4386
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Jackson.Heights.USD335