November 9th, 2023
Membership in ASASP has increased steadily over the past year.... Thanks To You.
Standing United We Can Achieve Anything....
In the past year ASASP has added 55 new members to our union. We have grown from 995 to 1,050 members. The support that you have shown is phenominal. It is appreciated and reciprocated daily from our staff. Believing that every member is innocent until proven otherwise, we will continue to fight for EVERY MEMBER'S right to due process and your rights according to the negotiated agreement. We will continue to unite this union, strengthen our resources and our resolve to protect our members best interest every day. United we stand, divided we fall......
227/1050=21.6% Can we have 30% Participation By 9am..Please complete the survey
The Evaluation Survey Even It Doesn't Affect You, Let's Stand Together!!
Can PGCPS Decide ON or OFF for Administrators Like They Have Done For Teachers?
Please Take the On Cycle Off Cycle EVALUATION SURVEY Right Now.
ASASP, straddling the fence sends the wrong message. Please be informed that PGCPS Executives says that you all never complain about evaluations, so they think you love it.
They have gotten the impression and expressed to union officials numerous times, that you like being evaluated every year despite the teachers in this county being totally on or totally off cycle. They think you like being overburdened, overworked, understaffed and beat down.
I know some of our overachievers just love being tested and put under unnecessary pressure and stress, but you can't straddle the fence on this.
They think that you love being scored on your INFORMAL OBSERVATIONS, even though as a principal or assistant principal you can't score teacher's INFORMAL OBSERVATIONS.
We have to stand together as one for the changes that we demand this system needs to make to create a more equitable work place for all employees.