All Hail the Vanguardians of the Galaxy
Roving Reporter
Ok, so the first part isn't true but the second part definitely is! I'm coming to see you! When? That's for you to decide! We want to LIVE-STREAM to Safari Montage and showcase you and the incredible work that's being done in all of your schools.
We will have a recurring time slot to live-stream each week (TBD), but if you've got something to show at a different time, I WANT TO KNOW! Please e-mail me at and let me know!
Coaching Reflections
You can also work on the September reflection! It's a little different than August, so take a look!
Vanguard Communications
Send it to first and we'll add it to the VanWeekly. We'd like to keep all group communications streamlined to help keep inboxes clear! Thanks!
Way to Go, Robbie!
In addition, Robbie is training a student Tech Club to help support the teachers in her school! Thank you for going above and beyond, Robbie!
Vanguard Interviews
Full STEAM Ahead!
About Us
Twitter: @FCSVanguard