This Week at Creek
Week of February 18th
No School Monday, February 18th
Upcoming Events
Freshman College Visits - Wednesday, March 6th
ACT for all 10th and 11th graders - Wednesday, March 13th
- All 9th and 12th graders will have the opportunity to participate in an EHO day
- Permission slip may be found HERE
If students have questions about either event, they may see their Academy Principal or Academy Counselor.
ACT Practice Exams
Students may access ACT practice exams at the following links.
Tates Creek Men's Volleyball Fundraiser
TC Men's Volleyball is hosting a fundraiser at Blaze Pizza on 2/27 from 5:00-8:00 pm. Please show the flyer to support our team!
TCHS Powder Puff Football
Do you or someone you know have a business that would like to sponsor our Powder Puff t-shirts this year?
The TCHS Powder Puff football game is a big fundraiser for our prom each year. Roughly 75-100 students participate in this event. We are looking for sponsors to help cover the cost of team t-shirts with any additional funds going into our Prom Fund.
Your company information will be printed on the back of the team shirts, and featured on sponsor posters on the game and online!
Contact Amanda Sewell for more information or to become a sponsor!
Interested in Summer PE or eSchool Health?
The deadline to sign up for Summer PE is February 29th
Sign up for eSchool Health
Upcoming College and Career Readiness Events
Spring ACT Prep for 10th & 11th graders only will be held on March 6th & 7th to prepare them for their ACT Test on March 13th. The ACT test will be taken by 10th and 11th graders only. (Please see the attached flyer for registration)
TCHS College and Career Fair will be hosted on April 16th in the Media Center from 9-11am. Vendor information will be forthcoming.
FCPS District Job fair will be held at BCTC Leestown Rd on April 30th from 10-12 pm. Each high school will be taking 20 seniors to this event. Please see Ms. Christopher for a permission slip.
Do you need FAFSA Assistance? Please have your child scan the QR code so that Ms. Christopher can meet with them. *Parents/guardians, if you need assistance with your portion of the FAFSA form please email Ms. Christopher at mykila.christopher@fayette.kyschools.us
- For all College and Career information Please visit Ms. Christopher’s website @ bit.ly/ccrtchs
Attention families of Tates Creek SENIORS
If you would like to submit a baby photo or your student's senior quote to the yearbook, please submit them to THIS link. All quotes and messages must be submitted by 2/29/24 to be included in the yearbook.
If you would like to purchase a yearbook, click HERE.
Please feel free to contact Mrs. Suttles with any questions or concerns (megan.suttles@fayette.kyschools.us)
Prom Fundraiser
TCHS Prom is scheduled for April 27th! Here's your chance to support us.
Need new Creek gear? Consider supporting this year's 24 Carat Prom by purchasing a new short or long sleeve tie dye shirt! Short sleeve are $15 and long sleeve are $20
See a Prom Committee member or email Mrs. Sewell (amanda.sewell@fayette.kyschools.us) or Ms. Hastings (brooke.hastings2@fayette.kyschools.us) to order.
Multilingual FAFSA Night
The Multilingual Family Ambassador Team is hosting a valuable and informative event, FAFSA NIGHT where a representative from KHEAA will provide multilingual 12th grade students and their families information and assistance on how to navigate the college financial aid process on Thursday February 13th from 5:00 – 7:00 at 701 E. Main St.
Student Code of Conduct Feedback Survey
As the Student Code of Conduct Committee begins its work, they are looking for YOUR feedback and encourage you to complete the survey(s) below before the Committee begins meeting in March.
Important Notice About Graduation
The district has not yet set dates for graduation. These dates will not be set until the threat of winter weather has passed. We will share the information as soon as it is available.
ATTENTION 2024 Graduates!
Please see the following message from Jostens regarding the purchase of TCHS cap and gown packages.
SENIORS! Please click here to watch your TCHS personalized video!
To view the TCHS personalized page and browse graduation packages, CLICK HERE.
To order ONLY the cap and gown unit (includes cap, gown, and tassel), CLICK HERE.
Jostens is encouraging all students to place their orders as soon as possible to ensure delivery of cap and gown prior to graduation.
If you have additional questions, please reach out Jostens Representative, Russ Rivard, at rusty.rivard@jostens.com or TCHS Academy Principal, Mr. Matt Ward at matthew.ward@fayette.kyschools.us.
FAFSA opened December 31st. If you need assistance, see Ms. Christopher.
ACT Information
This year's ACT will be given on Wednesday, March 13th. More information coming soon.