Orana Catholic Primary School
Week 4, Term 4, 2020
Respect is an attitude of caring about people and treating them with dignity. Respect is valuing ourselves and others. We show respect by speaking and acting with courtesy.
A Prayer of Acceptance
Dear Lord
May we love and accept one another just as we are, not waiting for change or perfection. Help us to be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other as we go. May we encourage each other, and build one another up in every circumstance.
From the Principal's Desk
Dear Parents and Carers,
Good luck Mrs Draper
It is Mrs Draper's last day with us before she heads off to have an operation on her hip. We had a lovely morning tea to wish her all the best and a speedy recovery. A quick wheelchair ride was enjoyed also! We warmly welcome Miss Seonaid Parker, who will be replacing Mrs Draper for the remainder of the year.
Staffing 2021
Miss Rachel Gardner, who has been with us for Semester 2 this year will be moving on at the end of the year. We wish her all the best and have loved having her as part of the Orana family.
Assistant Principal News
We had some high calibre applicants for the Assistant Principal position and those we interviewed were outstanding. The substantive position of Assistant Principal of Orana was offered to Kirsty Byrne. Kirsty is currently Assistant Principal at St Vincent's in Parmelia. She has extensive experience in the Early Years with a passion for inquiry learning and outdoor classroom experiences for children. Kirsty has also been heavily involved in maintaining positive relationships with the parish at her current school. As is mentioned previously, there was another outstanding candidate who we have offered a secondment to for the duration of 2021. Kathryn Alp is currently in the middle leadership team at St Jerome's in Munster. Kathryn runs the Gifted and Talented program, oversees technology, maintains the social media and marketing arm of the school.
Early Years Temporary Position
Earlier this week we interviewed for a temporary position. We welcome Miss Shania West to our staff for 2021. Shania is a passionate early years educator who blends inquiry learning with explicit teachable moments. Her educational philosophy marries perfectly with the Orana Vision for Learning.
We warmly welcome Kirsty, Kathryn and Shania to the Orana community for 2021.
This semester the students of Orana have been conducting units of inquiry to investigate our school global concept of RESPECT. We have a big question to ponder, how do we create a culture of respect? Each year level has been working through our inquiry learning framework of dream, discover, define, design, deliver and debrief to investigate this concept.
Over the coming weeks I will be sharing with you some examples of how the children in various year levels are tackling this question.
Kindy White
Kindy White at Orana have been working towards “How do we show respect “. We have a real love for animals in our world and we are concerned for their well being.
We wanted to show respect to the animals of the world by doing something kind and thoughtful. We made bookmarks which we are going to sell to our school community to raise money for the Tiger Habitat and to help the Koalas that were burnt in the NSW bush fires. We can't wait to see how we have helped.
Kindy Blue
Children in Kindy Blue were guided through the Solution Fluency 6Ds inquiry process to find answers to the question ‘What can we do to create a culture of respect in Kindy?’ Together we discovered that what we value in Kindy underpins our classroom culture. We value play, friendships, Jesus, family and caring - our classroom culture reflects this. We wrote a class song about respect and sung it to our Year 3 buddy class and they thought it was super cool.
What we love about FFL in Kindy is that it builds a culture of continuous learning so children are prepared with the capacity to think and solve problems in a rapidly changing world.
Pre-primary White
In Pre Primary White we have been focusing on different ways we can help create happy hearts! We felt that the elderly in our community were people who needed cheering up. We have created beautiful cards with warm messages and illustrations, these have been sent to Agmaroy Nursing Home. We are waiting to hear how much they loved our cards of kindness.
Pre-Primary Blue
How can we create a culture of respect?
We began with defining what we thought respect looked, sounded and felt like. Then we discovered that it was about kindness to ourselves, others and the world around us.
We gave examples of what kindness looked and felt like and came up with ways we could spread acts of kindness.
The children came up with four ways to spread kindness and selected one to do.
- Give compliments to others.
- Write a kind message to their buddy.
- Clean up the rubbish left in the playground.
- Help teach others.
Year 1W
Year 1W have been super busy with helpful tips of how we can be respectful around the school in the way we treat each other, our property and our school environment. Click on the link below for their words of wisdom. It is super cute and informative!
Year 1 Blue
We were concerned about the way we were treating each other and so we made a House of Respect in our classroom and filled it with reminders of how to treat each other respectfully.
Year 2 White
The Two White class worked together to break down the school question. We looked at the meaning of ‘Create, Culture, Respect’. From there we looked at why there might be a problem in building respect. We then came up with our own classroom problem and built a question from there.
‘How could people be treated more fairly at Orana Catholic Primary School?’
We have broken down this question, defining what treated fairly looks like/feels like in comparison to unfairly. As a class we are brainstorming ways in which we can encourage people to be treated fairly with kindness, inclusion, respect, excellence and generosity (linking back to the school values). We have then looked at why this is important.
For the creating stage students are exploring clips and creating a video or poster explaining how to show respect, fair play and including people.
We will then work towards role playing a scenario, where children are treated fairly and different ways of inclusion.
Year 2 Blue
Year 2 Blue students identified the playground as being an area where respect is a problem. During maths students chose a suitable survey question and identified issues they were having. All Year Two students (both classes) participated in the survey answering ‘What do you think is the main problem with respect in Year Two in the playground? They collated the data to identify the top five issues in the playground. Students broke up into groups to work on finding solutions for these problems. Students have created posters, raps, dance, skits (role play), and have made arm bands, using Keynote and Clips on the iPads to present their solutions and share this with all Year 2 students.
The Year 3-6 Essential Question Journey will be shared next week.
Weekend of Saturday 28 and Sunday 29 November. If you are keen to participate over this weekend please email me. Emma.bell@cewa.edu.au
We have some generous families who are offering their talents and also resources required for the set up of the room. It is taking shape and will be a welcome addition to our approach in supporting a wholistic and harmonious learning environment for the students of Orana.
Volunteers Sundowner - Wednesday 25 November 5-6pm
A SEQTA notification was sent today inviting volunteers and committee members to a thank you sundowner.
RSVP link https://bit.ly/2TYa8f1
The 2020 AGM will be held on Wednesday, 25 November at 6.30pm.
TERM 4 DATES to REMEMBER for the coming weeks
Confirmation Commitment Mass 7/8 November
Orana Athletics Carnival - 10 November
Remembrance Day Service - 11 November - 10.40am
Senior Assembly - 13 November
Orana Disco - 13 November
Cuppa and Chat - Friday 13 November
Come join Kath, Emma and Erin on Friday 13th provide some feedback on the Social and Emotional Wellbeing workshops and programs (such as Highway Heroes) that we have run over the past year. We would love to know what you thought of the information provided and any areas of interest you have for workshops in 2021.
Hope to see you after assembly (approx. 9.30am) in the staff room.
Year 5 Leadership Day - 16 November
Year 6 Confirmation Reflection Day - 18 November
Loreto Mass - 19 November
Junior Assembly - 20 November
Every kind act is a prayer, Blessed Mother Teresa
God bless,
Emma Bell
Short-term Principal
The Week That Was!
We’re almost there everyone……just hang in a little longer. As any parent knows, the last weeks of school can often be the most challenging. Click the link below for some great tips of how to survive.
The Christmas season is fast approaching and the Orana Social Justice/Mini Vinnies group has made a commitment to the Sts John & Paul Parish to provide Christmas hampers for those in need. Each class will be putting together one hamper, and next week students will be notified by their classroom teacher as to what item they are to provide. We ask that it be brought to class by Monday 23rd November. We will then deliver the hampers to the church for distribution.
P & F News
Please remember that the School Disco is next week, Friday, 13 November 2020. We will start with the Junior Disco from 5 - 6.15 PM, and then the Senior Disco will start, 6.30 - 8 PM. Please ensure that you complete the Order Form, as it contains the mandatory Permission Slip that you need to sign. If you have paid online, please ensure you indicate your payment reference number.
You can find the permission slip below or it should be included in your children’s note folder. Otherwise, you can get a copy from the front office.
Disco Permission Slip: https://bit.ly/3k27cbS
Year 6 Graduation Committee will host a Sausage Sizzle from 5.30 to 7 PM in the Quad. Hot Dogs are on sale for $3, Cool Drinks/Juice Box are $1 each. Come and support the Year 6 Graduation Committee!
Hot dog Order Form: https://bit.ly/2TZIY7y
Join us for a night on the lawn bowling green, Saturday, 7 November 2020 from 5 – 8 PM. Rossmoyne Bowling Club, 35 Tuscan Street, Rossmoyne.
Please follow the link to make the payment online. This link is only active to midnight Friday, 6 November 2020. This is only to for us to make the minimum booking numbers. If you missed this deadline, you can still come and join us at the bowling green.
Any queries, please direct them to Cory O’Kane, 0405793006.
We are partnering with a local company to bring back the wine fundraising just in time for the festive season – stay tuned for more details!
From our Parish of Sts John & Paul
Please visit the Parish website for the latest information on weekend Masses.