Tiger Tracks
March 24, 2023
π Coming Up!
Dear Parents,
Isn't it wonderful to have more daylight? Spring (well for Alaska) still means that we have snow and puddles everywhere. Please make sure your students have the appropriate winter gear here at school. Thank you for your help with this.
We have several upcoming events for the month of April coming up. Students in grades 3-8 will begin their state testing. Students in 5th -8th grade will take the science test on April 28th and April 29th.
The following week all students will be tested. Below is the schedule:
April 3 - English/Language Arts - 5th-8th Grade
April 4 - Math - 5th-8th grade
April 5 - English/Language Arts - 3rd-4th grade
April 6 - Math - 3rd-4th grade
We will have make-up testing the following week. Please help your child arrive at school on time, have a good night's sleep, and a hearty breakfast.
Parking Lots Volunteers Needed - Would you be willing to help in the front parking lot from 8:05-8:15 am? We have had a few parents see that after the first bell rings that it safety is an issue as some cars vehicles are going fast and not stopping for the students trying to go across the cross-walk. Would you be willing to help monitor the parking lot and help. Please let Mrs. Duff know if you are interested in helping at duff_tammy@asdk12.org.
News from the ABC Board
It is that time of year again for your opportunity to run for a seat on our NLABC Advisory Board for a two-year term. There are 4 seats we will need to fill for next year. Applications and details will be coming out soon via email. The election will run in May. This board helps maintain our school's philosophy, dress codes, and curriculum. Please consider running for a seat.
Multicultural Program
We are still looking for students and/or families that would like to present at our Multicultural Program this Spring. Here is the link to sign-up: https://forms.gle/FJdkPuiwkRveKM7W9
The Anchorage School District offers additional schools or programs outside of the typical neighborhood school. The District utilizes a randomized lottery system to provide equal opportunity for all students who would like to participate in one of these alternative schools or programs.
Please go to https://www.asdk12.org/site/Default.aspx?PageID=3302
for more information.
- March 27 Deadline to order School's Yearbook
Basic soft cover is $20.
Hardback cover is $25.
There are also other packages available at additional cost.
Deadline to place the order is March 27, 2023.
To begin your order, click on the yearbook cover or go to ybpay.lifetouch.com
1. Enter the yearbook ID code 14576723
2. Click NEXT and it will lead you to the prompts for purchasing the yearbook.
- April 4 and April 28 Kindy Round-up
Please click on picture for more information.
This is an event where participants perform their talent or talent of acting, singing, dancing, acrobatics, drumming, martial arts, playing an instrument, and other activities that showcase a unique form of talent. The talent show is open to the entire school and all are encouraged to sign up.
When? The talent show is on Thursday, May 18th at 8:30 AM in the Northern Lights MPR.
How do I sign up? Grades K-5 will sign up using this Google Form. Grades 6-8 will sign up using this Google Form. These forms will close on April 21st, so make sure you sign up before April 21st!
When are the auditions? Grades K-5 will audition during their music class time the week of April 24-28. Middle School and 6th grade will audition on Weds., April 26th from 2:45-4:00 pm in the music room.
Rehearsal Dates? There is no dress rehearsal this year so make sure youβre ready on Thursday, May 18th at 8:15 AM, meeting in the MPR.
Important Information:
All backing tracks or music are due on or before the audition, via flash drive or email (No CDs).
All lyrics for songs to be sung or used in the act are due at the point of signup.
All vocal soloists must sing a cappella or with a karaoke track.
Acts should be around 2-3 minutes long.
If your act requires mats or other equipment, make sure you note that in the google form so that you are ready to audition.
All costumes must be school appropriate according to the NLABC handbook, and appropriate for the act.