Bee Informed
Newsletter from Medina City Schools-November 17, 2020
Bee Informed
Back-to-School Student Information Update Portal Remains Open
The District requires that you confirm your contact information and sign off on all of the necessary paperwork each school year for each student enrolled. If you have not already completed this year's update, you may still do so by clicking on this link.
Medina High School November Student of the Month
Weston is described as an excellent student, a natural leader, a hard-working athlete, and a compassionate teammate. He is a uniquely gifted individual and an outstanding citizen of Medina who is committed to making the world a better place. While always willing to help others, sharing his gifts and talents has not only enriched the lives of those around him but him as well.
He is a National Merit Commended Scholar with a class schedule consisting of all Advanced Placement courses. Weston is a member of the National Honor Society, HOPE Squad, and Recycling Club and has been a student leader in HUDDLE/SHUDDLE, Link Crew, and Fellowship of Christian Students. He is a member of the Heartland Community Church Youth Group and is a Bible Study Leader. In addition, he volunteers in the Joyce B. Ebner Tutoring Center as a peer tutor and is a member of the Medina High School Boys Soccer Team, and has played club soccer.
After graduation, he plans on attending college majoring in computer science and statistics. Weston is the son of Lawrence and Angela Mansier.
Middle School Students Participate in Veterans Day Essay Contest
Medina City Schools’ students in grades sixth through eighth recently had the opportunity to participate in the Second Annual Veterans Day Essay Contest to address the question, What Does Veterans Day Mean To Me? This was a collaborative effort between the District and American Legion Post 202.
Eleven members of the Post along with Medina City Schools’ Board of Education member Ron Ross carefully read close to 300 entries which included those from students currently enrolled in the Medina Online Digital Academy (MODA). “Some of the entries submitted brought us to tears,” said Dave Taylor, Essay Project Officer for Legion Post 202.
This year’s winners were:
6th Grade
1st Place: Lincoln Marks-A.I. Root Middle School
2nd Place: Jack Smith-A.I. Root Middle School
3rd Place: Eve Lindon-MODA/Claggett Middle School
Honorable Mention:
Brandon Toth-Claggett Middle School
Mackenzie Ward-Claggett Middle School
Brady Vein-Claggett Middle School
Abbey Svec-Claggett Middle School
Isabella Marzano-Claggett Middle School
Ashleigh Kannenberg-Claggett Middle School
Aiden Baranovic-Claggett Middle School
7th Grade
1st Place: Mason Cooper-Claggett Middle School
2nd Place: Corrine Christeon-Claggett Middle School
3rd Place: Evelyn Niple-Claggett Middle School
Honorable Mention:
Barrett Kerrigan-Claggett Middle School
8th Grade
1st Place: Kendal Schmidle-Claggett Middle School
2nd Place: Ryan Stephens-Claggett Middle School
3rd Place: Keira Ridgway-Claggett Middle School
Honorable Mention:
Sam Andrews-Claggett Middle School
Bryce Howington-Claggett Middle School
The essays were judged by the eleven members of the Legion and Board member Ron Ross. A rubric focusing on four areas was used to determine the winners: Purpose/Focus, Organization, Elaboration, and Mechanics. Collectively, the judges reviewed each entry selecting the first round of essays that fit the rubric. They were then passed on to a different evaluator for a second reading. To make the final decision to determine the winning essays, the judges listened intently as the essays were read aloud to select by majority vote first, second, and third places in each of the three grade levels.
Each winner received a certificate and monetary award thanks to the generosity of Board member Ron Ross. Last year, the students with winning essays attended the November regular meeting to read them to the Board. This year, due to the pandemic, the winners were recorded on video which was shown on Veterans Day on social media and Armstrong Channel 201. To view the video, please visit Medina City Schools’ YouTube Channel.
Staff Members Presented with Distinguished Service Award
On Monday, November 9, and Tuesday, November 10 respectively, two Medina City Schools staff members, Waite Elementary art teacher Jenn Hayden and Garfield Elementary kindergarten teacher Tiffany Emerson Kosman were presented with the Distinguished Service Award; the highest award bestowed upon a Medina City Schools’ employee.
Recipients are nominated by their peers and selected by a District Committee. Below are a few words that were shared about each of them by Superintendent Aaron Sable.
Jenn Hayden, art teacher, Waite Elementary
“Jenn has been a part of the Medina City Schools’ family for over 23 years as an elementary art teacher working her artistic magic at Heritage, Canavan, Blake, and Waite Elementary Schools.
Her art program is something to be admired; productive, exciting, and nourishing taught with incredible patience and caring. The artwork her students create is filled with love and compassion and is a total reflection of Jenn’s personality.
One of the most experienced art teachers in the District, she is respected for her innovative ideas, lessons, and community involvement helping her students reach their maximum potential. Her art students can be heard whispering, “When I grow up, I want to be just like Mrs. Hayden.”
Jenn is a strong leader; quiet and powerful. She is an ever-changing lifelong learner herself and instills that in her students through new and creative opportunities to express themselves through their artwork. She has transformed the art program of the ’90s into a social media craze that is embraced by her students and their families.
Each year, her student artwork becomes more spectacular. Jenn’s displays throughout the community along with her Spring Art Shows at Waite are full of energy and happiness. She spends countless hours after school and on the weekends preparing her students’ artwork for exhibitions at the Board of Education Office, Medina Hospital Medical Offices, and the stores around the square for Youth Art Month in March.
Jenn’s overall experience and creativity make her an asset to the Medina City School District and we are very excited to have her as part of the Bees family.”
Tiffany Emerson Kosman, kindergarten teacher, Garfield Elementary
“Tiffany is truly a shining example of all that is remarkable about Medina City Schools. A Bee herself, she attended elementary school at both Fenn and Canavan Elementary Schools and is a proud graduate of Medina High School. Tiffany has returned to her alma mater and has been with the District since 2006.
Her love of teaching was evident even before graduating from Ashland University with both her undergraduate and Master’s degrees. As a junior, Tiffany supervised a project through the University and the Ohio State Extension called Fishy Science. The curriculum, developed by Tiffany for first-grade students provided a weeklong hands-on inquiry-based experience that was presented to Canavan Elementary students and teachers by Tiffany and fellow college students she enlisted.
Tiffany’s greatest professional accomplishment has been her incredible work as a dedicated kindergarten teacher for Medina City Schools. There is no limit to Tiffany’s desire to help her students grow and thrive. She has been known to spend hours on the phone or in after-school meetings talking with families to learn as much as possible about the children in her classroom. She consistently provides for her students using her resources so that everyone in her classroom has an opportunity to participate in the activities during the school day.
In a time when so many are stressed with their family obligations and the rigorous demands of results-based teaching, Tiffany continues to persevere. She is always looking for the next best strategy, the secret to unlocking learning or just getting a giggle out of a student.
Tiffany is a leader. She is a math CDC and has served on countless District Leadership committees. Even when things are very difficult, she always sets a “can-do” tone at Garfield Elementary School. She will say, “We’ve got this!” There is something about her down-to-earth approach that encourages her colleagues to believe anything is possible.
Tiffany is an excellent teacher who other professionals rely on and emulate. Medina City Schools can be so very proud to have a homegrown teacher in Tiffany.”
Jenn Hayden, Art Teacher, Waite Elementary
Tiffany Emerson Kosman, Kindergarten Teacher, Garfield Elementary
Registration for the Medina Online Digital Academy Is Now Open For Second Semester
Elementary Second Semester MODA Registration Form (Grades Pre-K (on IEP) through 5
Secondary Second Semester MODA Registration Form (Grades 6-12)
How to Access Student Report Cards
After Prom Committee Selling Class of 2021 Signs
The Medina High School After Prom Committee is once again selling Senior Yard Signs for the Class of 2021. This is the largest fundraiser for After Prom and although we are in uncertain times, the committee is still going forward with planning and fundraising for this safe, drug & alcohol free event. The sale of the yard signs will begin on Monday October 26th. The cost of each sign is $15. For complete details and to place an order, please click on this link.
Peer Tutoring Available
Students will be paired with National Honor Society students and other honors students. They will meet one to two times per week depending on their schedules. In addition, optional virtual tutoring will be available.
Tutoring applications are available online or at Medina High School in the Tutoring Center. All tutoring sessions will be coordinated through Carolyn Grenfell, Tutoring Center Director. Interested students and/or parent/guardians should contact Carolyn Grenfell at grenfellc@medinabees.org.
"When Big Yellow Stops, Everyone Stops"
Medina City Schools Mobile App
Board of Education Meeting Calendar
Monday, December 7, 2020
Board of Education Work Session
6:00 PM
Monday, December 21, 2020
Board of Education Regular Meeting
6:00 PM
The District and the Board of Education feels it is important to continue holding meetings of the Board. During this time, upcoming meetings will be held virtually for the public via Facebook Live, YouTube, and on Armstrong Channel 201. Currently, public comments can be made through Zoom. A link will be provided during the meeting with comments taken during the public comment portion of the meeting.
Replays of the meeting will then be available on Medina City Schools' YouTube Channel Armstrong Channel 201, and MedinaTV Facebook page.
Boosters Corner
Nothing pleases the Medina Athletic Boosters more than celebrating our Medina Bees student-athletes and their success on the field. Last month, the Boosters presented the Medina Gymnastics squad with their state jackets from last year’s 9th place finish at the State meet. More state jackets will soon be handed out as the Culture of Champions added to their success this fall with the success of the boys’ soccer team as well as runners from the boys and girls cross country teams. In fact, the seniors on the boys soccer team will have four different years on their jackets. Congratulations Bees!
As part of the Medina Athletic Boosters partnership with the Positive Coaching Alliance (PCA), Medina’s captains and team leaders completed a 90-minute Zoom workshop earlier this year on becoming a better leader for their teammates on and off the field. Bees’ coaches also participated in the seminar which allowed each to express their thoughts and concerns on leadership within their team. Lacrosse coach Jake Kubasta was one of many coaches who felt it was a great experience for everyone. “I spoke to my guys right after (the seminar) and they said it was a very positive experience. Since all three missed out on their junior season last Spring, they missed out on their first opportunities to take on more of a leadership role as upperclassmen. This workshop gave them a lot to think about and has really motivated and excited them for the coming year.” Bees softball coach Jess Toocheck (’04) agreed completely. “Loved the session tonight! Thanks for the opportunity! Think these are very important topics for our athletes to cover and helps to truly create that culture of champions,” said the Bees head coach.
You can be part of Medina’s winter sports program by joining the Medina Athletic Boosters. Memberships are available at the Elite ($500), Gold ($250), Silver ($100), and White ($50). Log on to the Boosters website at www.medinaboosters.org and click on the “Join the Hive” icon in the upper right corner. All new or renewing members for the 2020-21 school year will be receiving a free gift courtesy of Amy Hoes of Howard Hanna Realty.
Musical Bees Had A Successful Season
Their theme this year was "We can do it." And that they did with the guidance and support of band directors Jason Locher, Margaret Blasko, and Megan Snide and the vigilance of each of the band members who worked hard to be sure the set protocols were being followed in an effort to keep everyone healthy and safe.
In addition to their successful year, band members were able to sport their new uniforms.
Flyer Central
Website: https://www.medinabees.org/Page/502
Medina City Schools
Email: busbya@medinabees.org
Website: www.medinabees.org
Location: 739 Weymouth Road
Phone: 330.636.3030
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MedinaCitySchools
Twitter: @MCScomm1