SST16 PBIS Newsletter
If a student doesn't know how to behave: WE TEACH IT!
SST16 PBIS Consultant: Missy Baker
We are here to support 24 Southeastern Ohio School Districts. PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention and Support) is an implementation framework for maximizing the selection and use of evidence-based prevention and intervention practices along a multi-tiered continuum that support the academic, social and emotional competence of all students.
Upcoming Professional Development
TRAINING Opportunities
PBIS Tier I Training: December 9th and 15th (see the below flyer with the registration information)
PBIS Tier II and III Training: (anticipated February 2023 at the AMESC)
Opioid Training: (anticipated January 2023)
SWIS (Behavior Data Collection System) training and support: by request
PBIS Award Recognition Information (TBA- the recognition process is being recalibrated)
Region 16 PBIS Bronze Award Winners 2021-2022
Congratulations to the below Region 16 PBIS BRONZE award winners for 2021-22.
FREE Registration: 2022 OLAC & PBIS Showcase
With a shared vision for building the capacity of those who lead, teach, and serve students in Ohio’s schools and beyond, we are excited to continue our partnership with the Ohio Department of Education and the Ohio PBIS Network to host the 2022 OLAC & PBIS Showcase.
This one-day, virtual conference is designed to share powerful examples about how district, building, and teacher-based teams are working together to impact all learners AND showcase Ohio’s schools implementing PBIS with high fidelity.
For the past two years, thousands of Ohio superintendents, principals, teachers, counselors, and others have participated in this FREE professional learning event.
Tuesday, Dec 6, 2022, 09:47 PM
VIRTUAL with recorded sessions
OPIOID Crisis: upcoming training
The opioid crisis is on the rise in the United States, specifically in Ohio. The Ohio Department of Health reported a 25% increase in overdose deaths in 2020. Since the pandemic, anxiety, and depression are on the rise for children in Ohio. Fake prescription drug tablets that look like anxiety medications contain dangerous opioids, such as fentanyl, are being sold in Ohio. These are just a few things that highlight the current crisis.
It is imperative to train Ohio educators on how to recognize and prevent opioid use among students. As part of the School Climate and Transformation Grant, Ohio aims to increase awareness of how trauma and opioid use are interconnected and promote alignment of preventive and mitigation strategies with the PBIS framework implementation. Department staff created an Opioid Mitigation Strategies within the PBIS Framework training to meet this goal and request that PBIS master trainers incorporate this into their menu of training.
Ohio’s master trainers do a wonderful job every day when training and coaching schools and districts in PBIS implementation. The Department thanks you for your daily work and for joining this effort to best support Ohio’s students as they face the impacts of the opioid crisis daily at school, at home, and in the community.
House Bill 318
PBIS Connections to State Initiatives
House Bill 318 was introduced in 2015 and made a law in 2018.
Governor Kasich signed House Bill 318 in August 2018, with an effective date of Nov. 2, 2018, to address multi-tiered behavioral supports to reduce out-of-school suspension and expulsions, especially for prekindergarten through grade 3 students. District implementation of PBIS now is a non-graded reported card measure on Ohio School Report Cards. Ohio law requires each school district to implement a PBIS framework for all of schools in the district. Each district’s local professional development committee is required to monitor the training of staff obligated to complete the PBIS training by Nov. 2, 2021, three years from the effective date of the bill.
Report Card Measure for Implementation of Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)
Positive Behavior Intervention Supports (PBIS) and the Use of Restraint and Seclusion Frequently Asked Questions
How to Avoid Non-Compliance for PBIS and Restraint and Seclusion
Topic: Meeting Expectations of the Positive Behavior Intervention Supports and Restraint and Seclusion Rule
Rule: Positive Behavior Interventions and Support and Restraint and Seclusion
On April 9, 2013, the State Board of Education approved Ohio rule 3301-35-15, standards for the implementation of positive behavior intervention supports (PBIS) and the use of restraint and seclusion. The rule was revised and re-approved on June 24, 2021.
The purpose of the rule is to ensure Ohio school districts establish consistent policies and procedures for the use of PBIS and emergency restraint and seclusion. The intent is to create safe environments for students and staff and reduce the need for emergency physical restraint and seclusion through behavior support and training.
Excellent resource: Checklist for Meeting the Expectations of PBIS and Restraint and Seclusion
Major Takeaways from OCALI Conference 2022
This information was generated by ODE after reviewing family complaints submitted after the new rule on June 24, 2021.
In 2021 ODE added a FAMILY complaint process to the Ohio Rule.
ODE can use items G-K of the rule to determine district compliance with the rule.
ODE recommends adding a section in the ODR that has a check box for notifying parents within 24 hours of the incident and one for a follow-up email.
Districts must provide ANNUAL professional development by qualified trainers to a set of staff on your campus.
They recommend at least (3): 2 people for restraining and 1 for witnessing and monitoring. Beware of the size of your campus/etc. That number could change drastically.
Written policies need to be created that include items like what type of training, roles, and responsibilities of the trainees, who performed the PD, and procedural information.
Contracted staff must be trained if they are involved in the restraint and seclusion incident.
Keep records of professional development on PBIS. The district should have written procedures for implementing PBIS and restraint and seclusion training.
Districts MUST annually provide families with procedures for both PBIS and restraint and seclusion practices/training.
This should be more than just information on the website.
Support plans for substitutes! The plan should be included in a substitute packet regarding how to implement PBIS and who to contact in a crisis situation.
There are guidelines that involve the 3rd incident of restraint and seclusion including a 10-day rule, FBA, and a behavioral plan.
Keep accurate meeting minutes.
Monitoring: a written procedure for monitoring the Ohio Rule.
PBIS Consultant Missy Baker with Dr. Tim Lewis at the National PBIS Forum
Dr. Lewis has been involved with developing school-wide systems of behavioral support for over 15 years. He has worked directly with school teams around the world, secured several federal grants to support his research and demonstration efforts, and is a frequent contributor to the professional literature examining various aspects of Positive Behavior Support. Specifically, he is the Co-Editor of the journal Behavioral Disorders, Associate Editor of the Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions and is a member of nine other editorial boards.
Resources For District Support
Tier I Live Binder- full Tier I Modules and Resources
TFI (Tiered Fidelity Inventory) with Action Plan
Reducing the Effectiveness of Bullying Behavior in School
Kinship Connections PPT Shareable
Data Guide for Enhancing Your PBIS Framework to Address Student Mental Health
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports
Positive Behavior Interventions and Support: Please contact for support and resources.