Campbell Elem Counselor Newsletter
August 2022
Welcome Back Indians!
We are excited to get the 2022/2023 school year started. This newsletter will be sent out monthly. The purpose is so you can stay up to date on the events and fun stuff happening on campus.
Welcome Back
We're glad you're here.
The Admin Team
Principal Crow and Assistant Principal Cummings
Art Class
So much talent!
September Calendar
Mental Health Tips
Starting school and getting back into a routine after a long summer break can be challenging. School work can be stressful. It's easy to feel anxious about what we can't control.
Take a mindfulness break. Be in the moment. Take some deep breaths. Check out this video for some breathing techniques.
3 Minutes Mindfulness: Body Relaxation for Classrooms I calmer classrooms
Counselor Corner
We will begin our Counselor Corner sessions in September. Our first meeting we will do a getting-to-know-you activity and review our "Let's Be Kind" Chant.
Brandy Clifton
Thanks for reading! I am the School Counselor. Reach out any time. My door is always open!
Email: bclifton@campbellisd.org
Website: https://www.campbellisd.org/domain/24#calendar1380/20220829/month
Phone: 903-246-9305