Newsletter-Week 4 Term One
Newsletter 04 1 March 2023
Principal's Message
Kia ora,
Thank you to those families that were able to support both our Mufti Day and Ice block sales, they were a huge success and a lot of money was raised. The schools in the Hamilton Diocese have adopted Gisborne as the region where we are going to target our fundraising.Thank you to Delwyn Bowen and the Young Vinnies for coordinating the fundraisers.
It was unfortunate we we could not hold our swimming sports last week. However, the good news is that we have secured a new date, Monday the 13th of March. Watch your class teacher’s messages on Seesaw for more information. Swimming sports is for our Year 4 to 6 students. We will need you to indicate if you are able to assist again that day via a link that will be sent to you in Seesaw. We are looking forward to St Michael’s joining us on the day.
Our Year 5 and 6 classes started their Noho Marae camps this week. Room 5 left on Monday and returned on Tuesday afternoon. The weather was mostly kind and the children managed to get a dip in the waterhole and had some fun on the slippery slide. Room 4 left yesterday and arrive back at school this afternoon. Room 3 left today and arrive back at school tomorrow afternoon. The other two classes have their trips next week. David has been at camp with the children and Brigitte is there today assisting with cooperative games and activities. I take my turn for a sleep over tonight! Fingers crossed and prayers that we continue to have reasonable weather for our camps. Thank you to the teachers in the Totara team who have put in lots of time organising this experience for our tamariki, and especially to our wonderful parents who are able to help. We couldn’t do camp without you!
Gala Day is next Friday the 10th of March!!!!!!
Thank you for your kind donations so far.
See the schedule below for items to bring on various days.
Items are to be taken to the hall foyer and placed in your child’s class box.
Points are given and the top class will be given a pizza lunch.
Again, thank you for your generous time and donations in supporting our awesome school. Thanks to the PTA who are already working furiously behind the scenes along with Brigitte Holmes - let’s make this our best Gala yet!
Have a great week everyone.
Sylvia Dunkley, Deputy Principal
Communication options for whanau at St Mary's .......
Online Communications at St Mary’s
St Mary’s Catholic School communicates with our community in a number of ways. Check below which communication you need to be informed about what is happening at our school and in your child’s learning.
School App: Connect to schoolwide communications via the app you can install on both Apple and Android phones. Find St Mary’s in the settings and subscribe to the groups required. JPC also uses the same app.
Weekly digital newsletter, sent out on Wednesday each week. Subscribe at the bottom of this page.
Seesaw: Used for classroom communications, ensure you are connected to your child to get weekly updates from your child’s teacher. Your child will also post snapshots of their learning so you can stay connected to what is being learned in class.
School website Find information about our school here.
Social media: Our Facebook page is updated regularly with events that happen at school.
Email: Sent to the email addresses provided by parents or caregivers. This is our least preferred option and is used seldomly.
Should you need assistance please contact our office.
Director of Religious Studies
On the second Sunday of Lent we hear about the Transfiguration. This is an event in the life of Jesus when his appearance was changed and became glorious. This event was witnessed by three of his apostles, Peter, James and John. The Transfiguration took place to strengthen the apostles faith in preparation for Jesus’ ascent to calvary and help them to face the challenges ahead. In the same way Jesus sends certain members of his flock (namely us) special experiences of his grace that may strengthen their faith. We should welcome these experiences for the graces they are and look for the joy in these times.
During this season of Lent try to take some time with the family to pray together. Make it a special quiet time where you can reflect on the little things that you can be grateful for and that bring joy to your lives.
Take care and have a great week.
God bless.
Lorna Dobson
2023 GALA COUNTDOWN....9 days until the Gala!!!!
Senior Camp 2023
For those who have attended camps already - we hope you had fun!
This FRIDAY the 3rd of March, is the last chance to register for Miniball (basketball) for Terms 2 & 3.
Rats Duathlon
Registrations are up on the website and close on the 10th of March.
Registrations for football for next season are up on our webpage, under sports. Please click on the football tab. These close on the 31st of March.
Sports Fees
Please make sure all sports fees are paid by Friday the 3rd of March. If you need help with payments please call the office.
Maybe ask Margo about a camp fee notice going in?
Sports Photos
Please take photos of the students playing sports and their team. Send to
These photos will be used for our school magazine at the end of the year.