North Star News
October 7, 2022
North Elementary
440 N. 10th Street Noblesville, Indiana 46060
Phone: 317-773-0482 Fax: 317-776-6274
Follow us on Twitter at @Northelem2
Follow us on Facebook at North Elem and North Elementary School PTO
Principal's Point
Wow, it's hard to believe that October is here already and that we are wrapping up our first quarter of school. We ended with a great fun run, racing to our goal, thank you to all of our volunteers and PTO board members who made this event possible!
As we prepare to head into our fall break, this weekend, we just wanted to send a thank you for being our partner in this work and guiding us to a successful start to our year.
We know there is always work to be done, and we push to make each day better than the last, but we want you to take a moment and reflect on all the ways your children have grown over the first nine weeks of the school year! We are proud of all of our North stars!
Each day they SHINE and are committed to being the best that they can be!
Please take this break to rest, rejuvenate, and have fun with your family on these two-weeks of break.
Robert Lugo
North Elementary
Mr. Lugo's Brainbuster
Quinn Pussehl from Mrs. Garibay's room is the winner of the brainbuster. Quinn wins lunch with Mr. Lugo! Congratulations on challenging your brain!!!
Upcoming Activities and Reminders
10/10/22-10/21/22 Fall Break
10/13/22 Papa John's Fundraiser
10/26/22 Late arrival - school starts at 8:15
10/27/22 Title 1 Family Meeting 7:50-8:20am or 5:30-6:00pm
10/27/22 SAVE THE DATE: Family Literacy Night 6pm-7:30pm
10/28/22 Picture Retakes: see info below
11/01/22 eLearning Day
11/02/22 Late arrival - school starts at 8:15
11/10/22 Papa Johns's Fundraiser: see flyer below
11/23/22-11/25/22 No school - Thanksgiving break
Picture Retake Information
North Elementary retake/makeup picture day is Friday, October 28, 2022. Please read through this retake information if your child needs a retake or a makeup photo.
RETAKES: If you need a retake of your original image, you MUST turn in your packet with all contents to the photographer even if you did not place an order. If a packet is not turned in, we will NOT be able to do a retake. No longer have your packet? Please email us here: Customer Service Contact Form
MAKEUP PICTURES: If you missed the original photo day, ordering for North Elementary makeup/retake day is now open! To order with a debit or credit card, please follow the link below. Make sure you are ordering under the RETAKE button. You do not need to turn in any receipt or form for an online order. If you need to pay by cash or check, the office will have an order form available.
If you have any questions or concerns please fill out our Customer Service Contact Form
Fun Run Update
Thanks to everyone who has donated! We truly appreciate all of your generosity!
Student Services
Monthly Lifeskill Responsibility
Responsibility is our monthly lifeskill for October. Responsibility means to be accountable for your actions. This is a lifeskill we practice everyday. We teach students the importance of being responsible through classroom jobs, assignments, and following our school SHINE procedures. As part of our lifeskill convocation, 4th grade created a video discussing responsibility and providing tips for students. Please watch this with your child.
It is never too early to start teaching your child about responsibility. Some ways you can teach your child responsibility include:
Having your child complete household chores
Teaching money management skills
Caring for pets
Planning and helping cook a meal
Caring for younger siblings
Cleaning up after yourself
Red Ribbon Week
We will be celebrating Red Ribbon Week the week of October 24th. This year’s theme is: Celebrate Life - Live Drug Free. Students will engage in activities that promote a drug free and healthy lifestyle. Please partner with us and discuss this message at home. Students in grades 1st - 4th will be bringing home an activity book. This is a great tool to use to start the conversation. Students are encouraged to wear red on Wednesday, October 26th.
Want a fun way to start or continue the conversation about drugs with your children and have a change to win an iPad? National Family Partnership is sponsoring a photo contest. This contest is free, simple and you could win an iPad and $1,000 for our school. Log onto www.redribbon.org and find out more.
Child Safety Lesson
Each school year, all students in grades K-12 must receive education on child abuse prevention prior to December 15th per Indiana Code 20-19-3-11. Students will receive this education through a curriculum created by the Monique Burr Foundation, which will be presented by the school social worker or school counselor. This curriculum focuses on how children can keep themselves safe. If you have questions or concerns please contact the school social worker, Erin DeCocq, erin_decocq@nobl.k12.in.us.
Notes from the Nurse
HAND WASHING. Please remind your student(s) that good hand hygiene is one of
the best ways to remove germs and prevent the spread of infection and illness.
Good hand hygiene can protect you, your family, and the community. Be a friend…
Don’t share your germs!!
ILLNESS/SICK DAYS. Reminder: Per Noblesville Schools, if your student has a
fever of 100.0 or more, vomiting or diarrhea, they are to be fever/vomit/diarrhea-
free for 24 hours – without medication - before returning to school. If your student
is not feeling well, please keep them home.
Family Literacy Night
Title 1 Family Meeting
Schoolwide Title 1 Family Meeting
If you are interested in learning more about the services offered to all
students we invite you to attend a brief informational meeting with our
North Elementary Learning Specialists Mrs. Elkin and Mrs. Griggs.
Thursday, October 27th
7:50-8:20 am
5:30-6:00 pm
North Elementary Media Center
eLearning Days
November 1
January 9
February 13
March 15
Please call the office at 317-773-0482 if you need supervision for your child on any eLearning day.
Excessive Tardy Time Change
New Time for Excessive Late Arrival Tardies
Please note that any arrivals after 8:20am will be counted as an excessive tardy in our attendance system.
On late start Wednesdays, any arrivals after 9am will be an excessive tardy.
For more information on our attendance procedures please refer to the Noblesville Schools Elementary handbook.
Community News
"Boys and Girls Club winter youth basketball league for grades K-8 is now open for registration!"
"Learn about KidStrong academy and how your child might benefit!"
"White River Sports Youth Basketball League registration deadline has been extended until November 4th! "