The Patriot Update
November, 2022

Dear Birmingham Parents and Guardians,
November is one of my favorite months. I love the idea of using the Thanksgiving month to reflect on all that I'm grateful for and give thanks to. I am so privileged to serve as the leader of Birmingham Community Charter.
We have an incredible number of leaders on campus that are willing to go the extra mile to support students and their colleagues. I'm so proud of our talented committed staff are grateful for all the quality instruction, counseling, and support services they provide to our students and families.
Please enjoy the beginning of the holiday season and try to take a moment to consider all that you are thankful for. All the best to you and your loved ones. Enjoy a safe, healthy, happy holiday season!
Principal Bennett
Dear 9th Grade Families,
We hope that you are enjoying the fall festivities and the recent cooler climate!
Per usual, our students have been busy with various activities around our campus. Our Homecoming Football Game and Dance were well-attended and lots of fun. Our float theme, chosen by the 9th Grade Student Senate was "Just Dance," and students had a great time riding and leading the float around the football field.
Our co-sponsored (with 11th grade) Halloween Movie Night was also a great success.
Over 350 students were in attendance, and funds were raised for future 9th grade events. Also in the spirit of Halloween, all grade level Academy Periods were given the opportunity to participate in a Halloween Door Decorating Contest. The winner for 9th grade was Mr. Lugo's class, and they were rewarded with a pizza party at lunch on Wednesday, November 2nd.
Last, but certainly not least...
As part of our full inclusion model, 9th and 10th grade General Education PE students have been given the opportunity to participate in an innovative program called I-Dance, during which they pair up with our students with special needs for an interactive dance class once a week. As a special Halloween treat, the class was transformed into "I-Craft" last week. Our students have been enjoying each others' company so much, and it has truly been heartwarming to see.
Wishing your families a beautiful and healthy Thanksgiving holiday! We are so grateful to be able to work with your children!
The 9th Grade Team
Junior Students and Families,
We are so proud of the hard work and dedication you have shown in the past months. This school year has had many challenges, but you have met them and are doing very well! 450 of you made it onto the honor roll for the second progress report and we are so proud of the work you have done!!!
There are 5 weeks left of the semester. If you want to make a change, now is the time to do it! Reach out to your teachers because they are your best resource to improve your grades.
Counselors: Grad Checks were completed in October and a copy has been mailed home. Please let the 11th grade office know if you did not get it so we can get another copy to you. This information can also be accessed on Aeries.
Tutoring: Tutoring is available every day in the Blue and Gold Center before and after school. Take advantage of it if you need extra support as we move into the last part of the semester. Information can be found on the attached flier.
Tardy Policy: The new tardy policy is being implemented this month. It is progressive, and will require parent-student-counselor meetings as one gets more tardies. Please make sure your student gets to school on time every day!!!!!
FOCUS Group: The PSW’s are holding a focus group support on various topics for families. The next one is November 29. Please see the flier for more details.
October wrapped up our busiest events of the school year - Homecoming Week.
The week kicked off with a lot of excitement and school spirit with our Dora The Explorer Pep Rally! ASB hosted 4 pep rallies throughout the day that included performances from Play Production, Choir, Marching Band & Color Guard, Cheer, and Dance. Thank you to everyone that made the event wonderful!
Homecoming week continued with games and giveaways at the quad, themed dress-up days, and a memorable Friday night of football and activities at the stadium, which included a float parade, spirit booth and 1000 t-shirt giveaway, and halftime show with fireworks! Congratulations to our varsity team who had a final score of 59-0 that night!
The exciting week ended with our traditional homecoming dance, and this year did not disappoint! Students were able to hang out at our outdoor lounge, eat nitrogen ice cream made right in front of them, play air hockey and arcade games, visit the photo booths, get a henna or spray paint tattoo, and of course, dance! We sold 1300 tickets, the most we have ever sold for our homecoming dance. Thank you to everyone who came!
November kicked off with a celebration of Día De Los Muertos. We gave out hot chocolate, pan de muerto, painted students and staff faces, and displayed beautiful altars that were made by students in their Spanish classes and also by our Parent Center staff.
We are wrapping up our student events for the fall semester. Here is a list of what to expect coming up at the quad:
November 15th - Club Food Fest
November 17th - Fall Fest & Petting Zoo
November 30th - Student Marketplace
December 2nd - Winter Celebration & Snow Day
December 5 - 9th - Destress Activities
Hayley Rubinger
Activities Director
A reminder from our Attendance Counselor
Families, Parents, Guardians please visit our Attendance Page to learn more about how to report your student(s) absence:
We are available for you!
Feel free to
- visit us Monday - Friday from 7:30 am to 4pm
- email us at parentcenter@birminghamcharter.com
- call us at (818) 758-5281 or (818) 758-4479
Remember to visit our website to stay informed: https://www.birminghamcharter.com/our-community/parent-center
2023-2024 Lottery Application window is now open!
8th grade students that live OUTSIDE our attendance boundary and want to attend BCCHS for SY 2023-2024:
- Parents MUST submit a lottery application, even if the incoming student has siblings currently attending BCCHS
- To apply, go to www.birminghamcharter.com and select "ADMISSIONS"
- Click on "Application Process"
- Scroll down and select the TAB "2023-2024 Non-Resident Student (Lottery Students)"
- Select "CLICK HERE FOR THE 2023-2024 LOTTERY APPLICATION" and submit a lottery application
8th grade students that live WITHIN our attendance boundary and are attending BCCHS for SY 2023-2024:
- DO NOT submit a lottery application
- You will complete an Online Enrollment Application beginning March 1, 2023
- We will send a reminder to submit the Online Enrollment Application on March 1, 2023