Agriculture News - Print Version
University of Maryland Extension - Allegany County

Soil Conservation Districts and Maryland NRCS EQIP Teams Allocation Meeting
The Allegany and Garrett Soil Conservation District and Maryland NRCS EQIP Teams Allocation (aka Local Work Group) held an in-person meeting at the Grantsville Public Library, 102 Parkview Drive, on Monday, September 25, 2023. The meeting was open to the public and was also available through through Google Meet.
The meeting for FY24 funding was conducted as an open discussion among members. Discussion included a review of previous fiscal year decisions and focused on prioritizing local natural resource concerns for fiscal year 2024, which begins October 1, 2023. All recommendations will be considered. Teams Allocation recommendations are advisory. Recommendations will be presented to the Maryland State Technical Committee for final approval.
Specific to FY24 Conservation Program delivery, LWGs are to seek input and recommendations based on the following programs and activities: Conservation Stewardship Program, Environmental Quality Incentives Program, Agricultural Conservation Land Easements including Wetland Reserve Easement and Agricultural Land Easement, and Conservation Innovation Grants.
For questions or more information, contact the Allegany SCD at 240-609-3493, or the Garrett SCD at 301-501-5860.
Funding Help to Assist with Expansion of Livestock Processing Capacity in MD
The Maryland Livestock Processing Loan Fund has been established by MARBIDCO, as a complement to USDA’s Meat and Poultry Intermediary Lending Program opportunity, to assist with the expansion of livestock processing capacity in Maryland. This program offers loans to eligible applicants to help start-up or expand small- and medium-sized USDA-inspected facilities in Maryland to increase the processing of meat, poultry and the invasive blue catfish. (Large meat and poultry processing companies are not eligible to participate in this program.) Go to http://www.marbidco.org to download an application or call the office at (410)-267-6807 for further questions.
Soil Conservation District Supervisor to be Appointed
Nominations for an appointment to the Allegany Soil Conservation District Board of Supervisors are being accepted by the Maryland State Soil Conservation Committee.
The appointment will be for a five-year term and will fill a term expiring on November 8, 2023. Nomination forms should be sent to: State Soil Conservation Committee, Department of Agriculture, 50 Harry S. Truman Parkway, Room 306, Annapolis, Maryland 21401.
Any interested individual or organization may submit a recommendation. Nomination forms are available at the office of Sarah Llewellyn, Extension Educator, One Commerce Drive, Cumberland, MD 21502. Forms may also be picked up at the Allegany Soil Conservation District, 12407 Naves Cross Road, NE, Cumberland, MD 21502. Nominations should be received by the State Soil Conservation Committee by Friday, October 20, 2023. Nomination forms are available online at https://mda.maryland.gov/resource_conservation/Pages/committees.aspx on the bottom right side of the MDA website page, located under “More Info PDFs”. Additionally, please call UME Allegany County office at 301-724-3320 for questions or assistance in obtaining form and further information.
A supervisor must be a resident of the district. District boundaries are the same as county boundaries. Anyone recommended should be able to attend monthly meetings of the Board of Supervisors and have a knowledge of and a sincere interest in proper land use and the conservation of soil, water, and related natural resources.
Apple Workshop For Producers
Harvest and postharvest practices for improving apple fruit marketability: Fruit quality and safety
Harvest and postharvest practices for improving apple fruit marketability: Fruit quality and safety workshop will be held at the University of Maryland, Western Maryland Research and Education Center, 18330 Keedysville Road, Keedysville, MD 21756, on Tuesday, November 7, 2023, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
The cost to attend the workshop is $20 which includes snacks, lunch, coffee, and networking. Learn about the latest technologies and strategies for improving apple fruit marketability while maintaining fruit quality and produce safety. Presentations, demonstrations, and discussions! To register go to https://2023-AppleWorkshop.eventbrite.ca
2023-2024 On-Farm Trials Information
The UMD Agronomy Program is looking for volunteers to participate in our on-farm trials for Fall 2023 and Spring 2024. With funding provided by the Maryland Grain Producers Utilization Board, we have developed three protocols to implement on farm. The University of Maryland On-Farm Trials Coordinator will assist with all aspects of implementing the protocols (linked below) and compensation will be provided.
Please complete this form to indicate your willingness to participate in the trials.
Questions can be directed to Dr. Nicole Fiorellino, Extension Agronomist, nfiorell@umd.edu,
or Mr. Gene Hahn, On Farm Trials Coordinator, ghahn@umd.edu, or by calling (301) 514-8569.
Fall 2023 - Wheat Nitrogen Trial
Deer Survey for Farmers
Attention Maryland farmers! To better understand the many challenges Maryland farmers are facing with the growing deer population, MDA has developed a survey to assist with addressing the issue when developing policy. The short survey will take less than two minutes to complete but will have a huge impact on how the Department tackles this problem.
To take the survey please visit mda.maryland.gov or click on the following link or type the link into your internet browser https://go.umd.edu/DeerSurvey2023 .
Talking Total Farmer Health Podcast
AgriSafe has long been a trusted voice in the health and safety of the people who feed the world, and we’re excited to bring that to you in a new format. Tune in every month to hear the latest from health and safety experts in agriculture. Together we’ll tackle the safety issues important to the producers and ag workers. Find us on Apple Podcasts or Spotify to get updated every time a new episode comes out.
Registration Is Open - Master Gardener Classes 2024
Do you love gardening and enjoy sharing your knowledge with others in our community? It might be time to become a Master Gardener.
Allegany County Master Gardeners are currently accepting Spring 2024 Basic Training applications.
The deadline to apply is December 1, 2023. Interested applicants should contact Sarah @ sllewell@umd.edu or by calling 301-724-3320.
You can learn more here: https://extension.umd.edu/programs/environment-natural-resources/program-areas/master-gardener-program/become-master-gardener
Newest Edition of UMD AGNR Momentum
Check out what is happening around the state. Highlighted articles include preventing a poultry pandemic, elevating Maryland wine and the Montgomery County Agricultural Preserve, connecting Marylanders online, and offering UMD students new classes and experiences on campus and abroad. Digital magazine version
Newsletters from UME offer informative, researched-based information that the reader can put into practice. Informative articles include crop production, disease information, animal science, and upcoming programs. Take a closer look at the newsletters listed below.
The Agronomy News is a statewide newsletter for farmers, consultants, researchers, and educators interested in grain and row crop forage production systems. This newsletter is published once a month during the growing season and will include topics pertinent to agronomic crop production. Subscribers will receive an email with the latest edition. Agronomy News
The Fruit & Vegetable News is a timely publication for the commercial vegetable and fruit industry available electronically from April through October. Published by the University of Maryland Extension Agriculture and Food Systems team. Fruit & Vegetable News
Stay Connected with Allegany UME
Sarah Llewellyn, Extension Educator
Horticulture & Agriculture
Master Gardener Coordinator
Phone: 301-724-3320
University of Maryland Extension
Allegany County Office
1 Commerce Drive
Cumberland, MD 21502
Office Hours: Monday - Friday
8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Website: https://extension.umd.edu/locations/allegany-county
Need to update AG client contact information?
Please email tonir@umd.edu or call the office at 301-724-3320 to stay updated on everything agriculture related in our county and state.
Additionally, if you choose not to receive this publication in the future, please email tonir@umd.edu or call the office at 301-724-3320, to let us know.
University programs, activities, and facilities are available to all without regard to race, color, sex, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, marital status, age, national origin, political affiliation, physical or mental disability, religion, protected veteran status, genetic information, personal appearance or other legally protected class.
This institution is an equal opportunity provider. Accommodation request, contact your local UMD Extension Office.