Super DAC News: May 2023
All District Advisory Council / Committee Monthly Update
Hello, Conejo Valley USD Community!
Welcome to this edition of Super DAC News, a monthly newsletter that highlights the work and activities of CVUSD’s six parent district advisory councils and the student district advisory committee. We hope that the information shared here each month is informative and helpful to families, students, staff, community members and community partners.
News & Updates from the DACs
African American District Advisory Council (AADAC)
We look forward to providing our next update in a future Super DAC Monthly! In the meantime, please click here to visit the AADAC webpage and learn more about us.
District Advisory Council (DAC)
At our April DAC Meeting, one of the main items on the agenda was a presentation by Parliamentarian Susan Hanscom on proposed updates to the DAC By-laws. The proposed updates will bring the by-laws into alignment with recent changes in technology and our membership roster, and we plan to vote on them at our May meeting.
We also had a brief presentation and discussion on Middle School Guided Studies by Director of Middle School Education, Dr. Sonia Wilson, with additional information provided by Colina Middle School Principal Shane Frank. Students are recommended for Guided Studies to receive additional academic support, and the course is taken in place of another elective.
Finally, Mr. Kenneth Loo, Assistant Superintendent for Instruction, made a presentation on the Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) and the Parent/Guardian Feedback Survey. Then, we went into breakout groups to give feedback on several questions from the survey on topics like creating an inclusive environment, academic support and social emotional learning; check out the feedback here.
Visit the DAC webpage for additional information.
District English Learners Advisory Council (DELAC)
Dr. Victor Hayek shared an overview of the district's budget. Several parents had questions about the budget and were answered by Dr. Hayek.
Dr. Sonia Wilson and Dr. Jayna Suter shared a presentation about the CVUSD Math Pathaways. The presentation was highly informative and a lot of parents had questions that were answered by Dr. Wilson and Dr. Suter.
The process for DELAC elections was shared with all of the DELAC members. Current members started nominating individuals for the different positions and for the Nominating Committee. DELAC elections will be held at our next and final meeting of the year.
Visit the DELAC webpage for additional information.
Gifted and Talented Education District Advisory Council (GATE-DAC)
We look forward to providing our next update in a future Super DAC Monthly! In the meantime, please click here to visit the GATE-DAC webpage and learn more about us.
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer or Questioning and Others Advisory Council (LBGTQ+ AC)
We look forward to providing our next update in a future Super DAC Monthly! In the meantime, please click here to visit the LGBTQ+AC webpage and learn more about us.
Special Education District Advisory Council (SEDAC)
Unified Soccer tournament was held at NPHS on Tuesday April 25. Unified teams from WHS, TOHS and NPHS competed. It was a beautiful day of friendship and inclusion.
The Special Olympics track and field event will be held on Saturday, May 20 at NPHS. check-in will begin at 8:00 AM and the event will start at 9:00 AM Come out to support the athletes and cheer them on!
Visit the Special Education District Advisory Council webpage for additional information.
Student District Advisory Committee (SDAC)
We look forward to providing our next update in a future Super DAC Monthly! In the meantime, please click here to visit the SDAC webpage and learn more about us.
Learn More About Us
What is a DAC?
A DAC or district advisory council/committee is a body made up of parent or student representatives that advises district leadership and administration on education programs, policies and procedures related to student achievement, academic performance, overall success and wellbeing. DACs are one avenue for parents, guardians and students to be involved and have a voice about the education of students in CVUSD.
What are the current CVUSD DACs?
• African American District Advisory Council (AADAC)
• District Advisory Council (DAC)
• District English Learners Advisory Council (DELAC)
• Gifted and Talented Education District Advisory Council (GATE-DAC)
• Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer or Questioning and Others Advisory Council (LGBTQ+ AC)
• Special Education District Advisory Council (SEDAC)
• Student District Advisory Committee (SDAC)
How can I learn more about the different DACs?
To learn more about the Student District Advisory Committee, check out their webpage.
Can I attend a DAC meeting?
District advisory council meetings are open to the public, and all are welcome. To see the upcoming meeting dates for all the parent DACs, check out the Master Schedule.
Upcoming DAC meetings and agendas are available on the district website through BoardDocs, which is the same portal for the Board of Education meetings. Access the BoardDocs portal here.
Conejo Valley Unified School District
Website: https://www.conejousd.org/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ConejoValleyUnifiedSchoolDistrict
Twitter: @ConejoValleyUSD