Peninsula Family Post
January 12, 2024
Upcoming Events
1/15-NO SCHOOL M.L.K. Day
1/16- Conferences 3-7 PM
1/17- Conferences 3-7 PM
1/29- NO SCHOOL (Teacher Planning Day)
1/30-2/3- SPIRIT WEEK
2/5- Author visit for 3rd Grade families
2/7- Bike/Walk to School Day
2/15- Peninsula's Winter Carnival
2/23- The Roots of Hip Hop School Wide Performance
2/27- 1st Grade Field Trip to Hoyt Arboretum
Safety Reminder:
Just a reminder to all families entering Peninsula School to please buzz in at the front door and check in at the office. For the safety and security of all our students, please do not let any other individuals into the school if you are being let in. Please also refrain from standing in doorways with the doors open. This helps us keep everyone safe.
Reminder: Please call the attendance line if your child is missing school
Please call our attendance line at 503-916-6275 or email Sara at if your child is missing school with the reason they are out. If there are multiple unexcused absences it is a district wide protocol that a teacher or member of our team will reach out to see how we can best support with getting your child to school. We know it can be hard and we are here to problem solve and support you and your family!
Conferences have been rescheduled. They'll be held from 3-7PM on January 16th and 17th.
Tree Planting Event: Volunteer opportunity
Peninsula is partnering with Urban Forestry and Portland Parks and Recreation on a tree planting event on 1/31. 3rd, 4th and 5th grade students will be planting 17 of our 29 new Field trees. If you would like to volunteer during this event, here's the information you need:
-Volunteers will need to be available from 9am-12pm on Wednesday January 31st.
-Volunteers must be willing to lead or co-lead for a group of 6 elementary school students.
-Volunteers will get trained and then facilitate the student group to plant, mulch, and stake a tree!
If you are interested, please send an email to Claire at
A message from our School Social Worker
Are you new to Portland Parks and Recreation and wondering how to enroll your kid or family for classes and activities? For families new to Parks and Rec and who are also low income, have family members with disabilities, and/or members of historically marginalized communities, I can help you get early access to registration and support. Please reach out via email or phone directly to me.
Additionally, did you know Portland Parks and Recreation offers discounted passes for qualified funding for either 25, 50, 70 or 90% off their classes, camps, and community centers? For example, a 90% off pass means a week of summer camp would cost $20. More details here to sign up:
Please click here and check out the full list of past resources shared. Most of these are ongoing resources available. If you or your family needs access to additional resources (energy assistance, mental health, childcare, food boxes, clothing, etc.) please feel free to reach out via phone or text at my work cell 971.276.1759 - hablo espaƱol. I work part time and I'm in the school and available via phone Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.
A Message from The Health Room
Many of you have students who have already experienced the stomach bug that is traveling through school. Thank you for your diligence in keeping your child home during this time. For those that have been fortunate to avoid it so far, please be on the lookout if your child complains of a stomach ache and monitor closely before sending to school. This bug moves quickly and most often results in vomiting and diarrhea.
Immunization Exclusion Day is February 21st. Oregon Law requires specific immunizations in order for students to continue attending school after this date. Attached is the link for information about the process, and the steps involved to get your student immunization records complete:
Here is a link to our Student Health Centers, where immunizations can be scheduled and completed:
Please reach out to the health room if you have any questions!
Spirit Week 1/29-2/2
Monday- No SCHOOL
Tuesday- Wear something cozy
Wednesday- Wear something mismatched
Thursday- Sports or Superhero
Friday- Dress like Paul Bunyan (wear Flannel, jeans and beanie)
Author Visit for 3rd Grade Families
3rd Grader meet Breena Bard
Monday, February 5th from 9:55- 10:40 in the Peninsula Library.
Peninsula Winter Carnival
Mark your calendars! The Winter Carnival will be February 15th.
If you are able to purchase anything from the Fall Carnival Wishlist, it would be much appreciated.
Cafeteria Fork Drive
The cafeteria fork supply is dwindling. Please bring any reusable forks you wish to donate to the office!
A message from PTA
The District PTA Clothing Center located on the Marshall Campus is a fantastic resource, serving over 1,000 PPS families last school year. Each school in the district is asked to send volunteers twice throughout the year to help shop for families or sort through donations. Peninsula's second volunteer day is coming up on Feb. 8, 9:30am-1:30pm. Please consider signing up!
Panther Family Resilience Fund
Hi Panther Families,
Did you know that over 1/3 of our Peninsula Panthers are food insecure? Or that our school has a rising poverty rate? Below you will find a link to a fund established to serve the school community, the Panther Family Resilience fund. School staff will use this fund to support students and their families when there is a gap in resources or immediate need. Funds will be used to purchase things like grocery cards, bus fare, emergency home goods and other essentials. If you are able please consider making a small donation to the fund.