District Digest
A weekly newsletter for employees
Gold Stars!
- Heather Christian (Human Resources) is always the first to lend a helping hand when someone is in need! She will stop whatever she's doing to get things done and will make sure it's done right. Everyone needs a Heather!
- Marmie Poage (Ticasuk Brown) - Her shift ended by unloading one pallet of Chromebooks and securing the other. Her next shift began with clearing snow AND making sure the other pallet was out of instruction's way! She lives by her reply: I'm on my way!
- Kelly Zerbst (Midnight Sun) - From welcoming students every day at the front door, to assisting with MTSS services, to filling in for recess duty, Kelly goes above and beyond EVERY day.
- Shelly Curtis (Salcha) - Ms. Curtis was critical in coordinating our Fire Drill Flash Mob with our Partner in Education, Salcha Fire and Rescue. You can see our video on our district's YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B8Am8NXoqpM
Alaska Native Education
- The second Native Youth Olympics meet on March 1-2 was awesome! Check out the results!
Communications, Development & Engagement
- Last call! Nominate an outstanding school mentor, volunteer, or partner by Friday, March 22.
Special Education
- Article on how to create trauma-sensitive classrooms. Many early childhood educators are likely to encounter young children who have experienced trauma
Teaching & Learning
- Draft 1 of the CTE Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics Curriculum is now available on the website. Please submit comments by March 20.
Upcoming Events
Mar. 18 | Revised Board of Education Special Meeting / 5:30pm / Administrative Center, Board Room
| Board of Education Work Session: FY2019-20 Recommended Budget Work & Discussion / 6:00pm / Administrative Center, Board Room
Mar. 19 | Board of Education Regular Meeting / 6:00pm / Administrative Center, Board Room
Mar. 20 | Board of Education Special Meeting: FY2019-20 Recommended Budget Approval / 5:30pm / Administrative Center, Board Room
Mar. 21 | Continued Board of Education Special Meeting (if needed) / 6:00pm / Administrative Center, Board Room
Mar. 29 | Project SEARCH Application Deadline
Mar. 31 | Spring into the Workforce / 1:00pm / Administrative Center, Board Room
Share Your Story
Email: publicrelations@k12northstar.org
Website: http://k12northstar.org/pr
Phone: (907) 452-2000 11403