LCPS Career & Transition
November 2021
Potomac Paws Trunk or Treat
Community Business Partners
Rock Ridge Surprise a Coworker
Community and Schools Together (CAST) Rock Ridge students and staff partnered with the Transition Team to create, sell, fill, and deliver treat bags staff on Thursday, October 28. With only 50 anticipated orders, the team had to scramble to fill the 155 orders placed. The collaboration was so successful, plans are in the works for CAST students to create an ongoing business to support staff morale throughout the school year. Proceeds from this initial event will support CAST Rock Ridge Food Adventure Fridays, an independent living activity around food, fun, and collaboration.
When the Bus is Still Coming: Transition in Middle School & Early High School
This presentation addresses the importance of building self-advocacy and workplace readiness skills during students' middle and high school years. We will discuss the importance of planning for the future with the end in mind, defining transition and why it’s necessary, and becoming a self-advocate. We will also review the predictors of post-secondary success and share who our partners are and how they can support students. Finally, we will share transition-based resources. We look forward to seeing you for this informative session.
This event is virtual. Please register here.
If you miss this event, please see the LCPS Parent Resource Services webpage for a recording of this presentation.
Thursday, Nov 18, 2021, 06:30 PM
Briar Woods High School-Back in Business
Briar Woods students are hard at work assisting teachers and running a new business. Last spring the class started a Briar Boost business. Briar Boosts are cards with a personalized message and snack that staff members can order for each other. Starting in December, the business will be open to students. The class prepares the cards by typing, printing, adding snacks, and delivering them to staff.
They've also been busy with a variety of school-based work experiences over the past quarter. As a way to gain new experiences, students have been working in the main office, cafeteria, classroom, and library. Some of the jobs include: delivering paper to workrooms, making copies, laminating, cutting, sorting and delivering materials, cutting letters with the Ellison die-cut machine, and hanging paper and borders for bulletin boards. Students are excited about these new opportunities and learning a lot of workplace readiness skills.
No Such Thing as a Bad Job Video
Contact Information
Bridget Gorey, Special Education Supervisor: 571-252-1033
Jenna Arndt, Transition Specialist: 571-252-1054
Sarah Conlin, Transition Specialist: 571-252-1072
There is also a Transition Teacher at each high school