CMS Parent Bulletin
December 2022
Cinnaminson Middle School
Siiyara Nelson, Assistant Principal
Jason Meile, Assistant Principal / Athletic Director
Website: https://cms.cinnaminson.com/
Location: 312 North Forklanding Road, Cinnaminson, NJ, USA
Phone: 856-786-8012
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/piratesCMS/?modal=admin_todo_tour#
Twitter: @twitter_cmspirates
Happy Holidays, CMS Families!
Greetings, CMS Families! It is hard to believe that December is already here! Among the
"hustle-bustle" often associated with this time of year, I hope that you and your families
also find moments of peace and joy with one another. It continues to be my great honor
and privilege to serve the students and families of Cinnaminson Middle School, and it is my
hope that 2023 brings continued learning, laughter, and positive experiences for your child at CMS! Wishing you all a happy and healthy holiday season!
Mrs. Melcher
CMS Principal
CMS Students of the Month for November
Cinnaminson Middle School is proud to announce its Students of the Month for November. The core value for the month of November was RESPECT. Congratulations to:
Benjamin Carroll (Grade 6)
Callie Karch (Grade 7)
Gabriella Pereira (Grade 8)
The Pirate PRIDE Core Value for the month of December is INTEGRITY.
CMS Governor's Educator of the Year Award
CMS is proud to announce that sixth grade Math teacher, Mrs. Laura Curran, has been selected as this year's Governor's Educator of the Year! Mrs. Curran goes above and beyond for her students each and every day. She thoughtfully plans interactive lessons to meet the needs of each one of her students, and she never hesitates to collaborate with or help a fellow colleague. Her enthusiasm for learning and care for her students make her truly deserving of this honor. Congratulations, Mrs. Curran!
To watch a video clip of the surprise announcement in Mrs. Curran's class, click here!
CMS Music Department
Annual Winter Concert
CMS hosted its annual winter concert on Thursday, December 8th, at Cinnaminson High School. The concert featured performances from students in guitars, band, chorus, and strings. A special thanks to Mr. Bakanas, Mrs. Sigmund, Mr. Reilly, and Mr. Hercock for their direction and dedication to our music program. The concert can still be viewed online at the attached link.
CSS Visits Historic Smithville
Cinnaminson Select Singers traveled to Historic Smithville Village on Saturday, December 10th, for a special performance. Buddy the Elf even made a special appearance during the song "Hot Chocolate". The choir sounded better than ever and a great time was had by all!
Congratulations, Jack Stasko!
Sixth grade student Jack Stasko earned a spot in the Philadelphia Boys Choir and Choral this season. Jack has already performed at the Kimmel Center and Academy of Music, among other venues, and went to CBS studios last week with the rest of the choir. Congratulations, Jack!
Congratulations, Cole Koprivica!
South Jersey Intermediate Honors Orchestra
Congratulations to CMS 8th grade students after their successful weekend auditions and acceptance into the South Jersey Honors Orchestra!
Annabella Simone - Violin
Kyra Mercado - Violin
Lucia Schlett - Viola
Ronin Segrest - Double Bass
The ensemble will perform at 2:00pm on Sunday, January 18, at Rowan University. Thank you to all who have supported these students in their music, especially our district Strings teacher, Mr. Hercock!
Scholastic Book Fair
The CMS Book Fair took place from December 5th - December 9th in our library. Thank you to the parents who kindly volunteered their time to assist at the Book Fair! Families can still shop at our school’s Online Book Fair now through December 18th. All orders ship directly to home, and shipping is free for book orders over $25. Your online orders will also benefit our school! Visit our Book Fair home page to learn more.
CMS Clubs & Athletics
Battle of the Books
Environmental Awareness Club
The Environmental Awareness Club took a service Trip to the AWA (Animal Welfare Association) on December 6th to deliver and sort donations, tour the facilities, take part in various activities, and enjoy presentations by AWA specialists. We were excited to be a part of such an important endeavor as that of helping shelter animals in need!
The Environmental Awareness Club is still collecting donations for the Animal Shelter Drive. This is a community-wide event as emails have been sent out to all parents in the district, and to all schools in the district; flyers were also sent home with all students at CMS. There is a list of donations needed on the flyer, and monetary donations are great if you do not feel like shopping! The CMS Main Office has a collection box and all donations can be dropped at the Main Office, also. Please email siebens@cinnaminson.com if you have any questions. Thank you for your support!
Ms. Sieben - Environmental Awareness Club Advisor
CMS Athletics: Winter Sports
December is Anxiety Awareness Month
CMS Home & School Association
Please consider supporting Cinnaminson Middle School by purchasing these cool HoopSwagg socks for your students! This fundraiser will run through December 14th. If you order by December 14th, you will receive the items before Christmas, and the socks will ship directly to your home. As always, we thank you for your support!
COVID-19 & Flu Testing Information
Care Solace for Cinnaminson Students
Important Dates at Cinnaminson Middle School
December 13th: BOE Meeting
December 23rd: Single Session
December 26th - January 2nd: Winter Break (School Closed)
January 3rd: School Re-opens
January 3rd: BOE Reorganization Meeting (7:00 PM, CMS Cafeteria)
January 9th: CMS Home & School Meeting (7:00 PM, Media Center)
January 16th: MLK Day - School Closed
January 17th: BOE Monthly Meeting (7:00 PM, CMS Cafeteria)
January 27th: 2nd Marking Period Ends