Board Meeting Summary
February 15th, 2023
General Information
Visitor Tim Kaus was welcomed by President Snider and asked if he wished to make any comments. Mr. Kaus shared that he is running for the BOE in the upcoming election and wanted to come watch and learn.
During communications, Superintendent Kashner shared information regarding PreK screening numbers. Member Waller shared a thank you from a bus driver about the district holding a potluck for bus driver appreciation with a suggestion to not have it during route times.
Information regarding Old Business, New Business, and the Superintendent Report is listed below.
Old Business
The working cash bonds will be used in the O and M fund for building construction. Superintendent Kashner shared that these funds may not be necessary, but this allows the district to plan and it will not increase the tax rate. Superintendent Kashner commented that depending on rates he may recommend the BOE table the use of working cash bonds, but will have more information later on.
Gehrke construction had the low total package bid for the elementary gym floor remodel of $356,150. The BOE approved the base bid and both alternative bids for a storage room and basketball hoops.
2 year cooperative renewals for speech with Pearl City and golf, cross-country and track with Chadwick-Milledgeville were approved. Superintendent Kashner shared that these cooperatives have been working really well and that he is happy they are continuing to provide additional opportunities for Eastland students.
New Business
Superintendent Report
Personnel and Job Vacancies
Approval of the following personnel sheet:
1. Postings
a. Homebound Tutor
b. Custodian
c. 12 Month Administrative Assistant
2. Renewals
a. Non-Tenure Renewals: Jaymee Schrader, Rachel Streight, Zach Hook, Carly Kupersmith, Jessica Merchant, Megan Smith, Brenden Schultz, Logan Gibbs, Ally Owen, and Jessica Stricker
b. Achieving Tenure Status Renewals: Hannah Ludwig, Sara Swart, Karin Myre, Lindsay Petty, and Dillion Eich
c. All other certified staff renewals
3. Retirement
a. Nancy Kniss (effective April 1st, 2023)
Eastland CUSD #308
Email: akashner@eastland308.com
Website: www.eastland308.com
Location: 601 South Chestnut Street, Shannon, IL, USA
Phone: (815) 493-6301