Piner Elementary
October 2021 : Panther Press
Get Your Spirit Wear!!
Car Rider Updates
Please be sure to have your car tag hanging on your mirror before you drive pass the school to ensure your tag is being read by the scanner.
Attendance Updates
Every Student, Every Day
As a reminder, if your child is absent, please make sure to call the school to inform our staff of the absence. When the student returns to school, send a parent or doctor note for the absent date(s). An attendance note (parent note or doctor note) is required within three (3) days any time your child is out of school, including late arrivals and early dismissals. If your child is experiencing COVID - related symptoms, a doctor’s note or negative COVID test is required to return.
Keep in mind that a maximum of ten (10) excused days each year may be excused with a signed note from a parent/guardian or doctor.
If there are more than ten (10) days excused, a Medical Excuse Form must be completed, stating the student was seen in the doctor’s office, and returned for review by school officials within three (3) days of the absence, for the absence to be excused.
If students are in quarantine due to a positive Covid test or exposure only, synchronous instruction will be provided. The family will be asked to complete a survey to document the reason for quarantine and determine a return date. The teachers will then contact parents regarding synchronous learning. If a student does not participate in synchronous learning it will be considered an excused absence and students will still be expected to make up the work. Please contact your child’s teacher if you would like to pick up work while your child is out.
KY Safe Schools Week: October 17th - 23rd
Red Ribbon Week: October 25th - 29th
Red Ribbon Week: Sock it to Drugs and Kick Them Out in the Cold
Monday - "Pledge to be Drug Free"
Wear Red; Red bracelets will be distributed for students to wear all week
Tuesday - "Our Future is Bright"
Wear Neon Colors and Sunglasses
Wednesday - "Sock it to Drugs"
Wear Crazy Socks - Bring items to donate to the KY Cold Center
Thursday - "Team Up Against Drugs"
Wear Favorite Team Shirt
Friday - "Say Boo to Drugs"
Dress Up In Your Halloween Costume - No full face masks - No weapons
Piner PTA Skate Night
Piner Skate Night
Thursday, Oct 21, 2021, 06:00 PM
Independence Skateway, Independence Road, Independence, KY, USA
Your Help is Needed!!
Complete the form below to HELP Piner Elementary receive funding to support academics!
The Kenton County School District will continue to provide all students with free breakfast and lunch for the 2021-2022 school year, regardless of income. However, it is extremely important that if your household would qualify for free- or reduced-price meals, you still complete the Free and Reduced-Price School Meals Application for all students in your household. The USDA free and reduced lunch program not only helps families with school lunch, but it also provides our school with funding for programs that incorporate ALL Piner Elementary students. Again, the number of applications approved can affect how much funding our school receives to meet academic benchmarks.
Below is a link to the online form. If you would prefer a paper application, please contact Mrs. Bohman at 957-0046. Mrs. Bohman can also deliver a paper copy to the homes of virtual students. If a form is needed, please contact Mrs. Bohman before Friday October 30th.
Online Application Form: https://frapps.horizonsolana.com/kenc01
Click the link below for more details
Upcoming Virtual Book Fair
Piner's Virtual Book Fair
- The first link provides an interactive virtual tour of the fair, with previews of the books, as well as short videos of books.
- The second link will allow you to shop Piner's Virtual Book Fair.
Employment Opportunities in the KCSD
Upcoming Events & A Look Ahead
10/6 - Midterm Dojo Cart
10/6 - Special SBDM Meeting
10/7 - Midterm Reports Sent Home
10/8-10/11 - Fall Break (Schools Closed)
10/12 - 10/15 - Fire Prevention Week
10/17 - 10/23 - KY Safe Schools Week
10/17 - 10/23 - Piner's Virtual Book Fair
10/21 - Piner PTA Skate Night
10/25 - Red Ribbon Week (RRW): Wear Red
10/26 - RRW: Wear Neon Colors and Sunglasses
10/27 - RRW: Wear Crazy Socks; Bring items to donate to the KY Cold Center
10/28 - RRW: Wear Favorite Team Shirt
10/29 - RRW: Wear Halloween Costume; No Weapons or Full Face Masks
11/1 - 11/2 - No School
11/9 - SBDM Meeting 4:10 pm
11/12 - End of Trimester
11/16 - 11/17 - Parent/Teacher Conferences 4:30-6:30 pm
11/18 - PTA Skate Night
11/24 - 11/26 - No School