LSNHS Counseling Newsletter
Counselor's Corner
Ms. Robin Gray
Counselor (Cr-He)
November is a busy month for us in the counseling department as we move into the holidays. Some of my favorite observations and activities include beautiful trees, falling leaves, warm sweaters, boots, pumpkin spice anything :), Kansas City Chiefs football, and of course watching our own Bronco, ALL GAS NO BRAKES, football team. Students, please be reminded of the following opportunities that are available to sophomores and juniors as they begin thinking about enrollment for the 2023-2024 school year. Students have access to four half day programs off campus where they have a chance to learn more about a specific interest, or jump start a vocational/technical career. Off campus locations include Summit Technology Academy, Herndon Career Center, CASS Career Center, and the EARLY COLLEGE Program. Students and parents can learn more about these programs through our CAREER CENTERS Website, Open Houses, or field trips sponsored by the counseling department. Open links for additional information about these opportunities. All programs have specific prerequisites and require an application. Applications open for most programs in November. Please take time to learn more about these opportunities and talk with your counselor if you have additional questions. HAPPY FALL NOVEMBER!
Email: robin.gray@lsr7.net
Phone: (816) 986-3036
Twitter: @LSNGuidance
- Gratitude Journals
- Holidays and Observances in November
- Save the Date: Post-Secondary Planning Night
- Military Discounts
- FREE ASVAB test at LSN
- LSEF Scholarships
- Transcripts
- FAFSA Reminders
- Letters of recommendation
- 2022-23 ACT dates
- Mental health awareness resources
- Job opportunities
- Community Service
How to start a gratitude journal
In gratitude journaling, there are no right or wrong answers, only how you feel. That’s why it can be so challenging to get started. So, push all those worries aside and take a moment just for yourself. Here are some of the best gratitude journal prompts to get you going. You can write about:
- Someone you’re glad to have in your life
- Your favorite part of the day
- Positive news or something that made you smile
- A favorite song or painting
- A gift you’ve recently received
- Lesson learned
- Favorite place in the local area
- Something beautiful you saw today
- Favorite book
- A recent compliment
- Someone who inspired you
- A challenge you overcame recently
- What you love about the place you live in
- A hobby you have
- Something you love about your work
- One thing you adore about your body
- A friend who gives you the best advice
- Someone who gives you support
- Your favorite coffee place or restaurant
- One thing you’re incredibly proud of
Or anything else that’s on your mind!
Holidays and Observances in November
Source: Emily VanSchmus is the assistant digital home editor at Better Homes & Gardens wrote
November is all about spending quality time with family. Of course, we're already anticipating gathering for Thanksgiving, but there are dozens of holidays to celebrate before then. November is Family Stories Month, and the third week of the month is National Family Week, so it's the perfect opportunity to learn about your family history. November is also National Native American Heritage Month.
It's also a time to recognize and appreciate service members. November is Veterans and Military Family Month and November 11th is Veteran's Day.
Throughout the month, you can observe some tasty food holidays like Deviled Egg Day (November 2nd), National Nacho Day (November 6th), National Apple Cider Day (November 18th), and of course, the biggest food holiday of all—Thanksgiving Day on November 25th.
Here are all the monthly observances in November
Military discounts in Kansas City, MO
Military resources on LSN website
Career in the Military (powered by ASVAB CEP)
There are literally thousands of careers in the Military. Here they are categorized to help you decide the type that's right for you.
The Department of Defense introduced the ASVAB (which stands for Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery) in 1968. It was originally designed to predict future academic and occupational success in military occupations. However, extensive research indicates the ASVAB assesses academic ability and predicts success in a wide variety of occupations.
FREE ASVAB test will be given at LSN
WHEN: Friday Nov. 18th
TIME: 8:30am
WHERE: Elliott Hall
WHO: 11th and 12th graders can sign up
HOW: Sign up in Counseling Office or Email: Ms. Laura Hillbrand at laura.hillbrand@lsr7.net.
More info can be found at: https://www.asvabprogram.com/parents-test
Friday, Nov 18, 2022, 08:30 AM
LSN Elliot Hall
LSEF Scholarships Opening and a Raffle Drawing!
We are excited to let you know of two things!
1) The Foundation Scholarships are OPEN! Click here to see the list: LSEF Scholarships (A few scholarships are pending as we are waiting on a couple of details from donors. Once confirmed they will appear on the list.)
2) Students will be eligible for a gift card raffle drawing if they have completed a scholarship application before the December 16th priority deadline! *One drawing will be done for each high school
The scholarship's final deadline will be February 10th. The priority deadline is December 16th. Completed applications by this date will make the student eligible for the raffle drawing.
Post-Secondary Planning Night
Save the Date!
LSN Counseling will again be hosting a Post-Secondary Planning Night for parents/guardians, back in person after a two year virtual hiatus. The event will take place on Thursday, Nov. 17th, from 6-8pm. Presentations are targeted for sophomore and juniors parents, but all are welcome.
Hear from college and financial aid representatives on college admissions, scholarships, and other forms of financial aid. Additional presentations will include Summit Technology Academy, Herndon Career Center, LSR7 Early College Program, Sophomore Survival, NCAA/NAIA Eligibility, Attacking the ACT, Test-Optional College Admissions, Competitive College Admissions, and more.
Thursday, Nov 17, 2022, 06:00 PM
Lee's Summit North High School
REMINDER: Counselors will be presenting signs of suicide, suicide prevention in sophomore science classes on Monday, November 14th
Eating Disorders, Grief and Loss, LGBTQ, Military, Parenting, Sexual Assault and Rape, Substance Abuse and Suicide Prevention
Meet Your Counseling Team
Website: https://sites.lsnhs.lsr7.org/counseling/
Location: Lee's Summit North High School, Northeast Douglas Street, Lee's Summit, MO, USA
Phone: (816) 986-3003
Twitter: @LSNGuidance
Ms. Rebecca Steele
Ms. Robin Gray
Mr. John Stone
Ms. Laura Hillbrand
Ms. Dana Green
Ms. Tina Faulkner
Ms. Karla Barnhill
Ms. Heather Stout
Ms. Cortney Moreno
College and Scholarship Coordinator