This Is How We Lakeview
July 2023 Edition: Volume 4

Latest Updates
We've already made it to the halfway point of Quarter 3, as Interim grades will be posted by Monday night. If you haven't already, make sure you have looked through Infinite Campus for a snapshot of your child's current grades. With Interims posting in the next few days, it would be a great time to set up a conference if you have any questions or concerns for the remainder of the quarter.
Our second round of Parent-Teacher Conferences starts Thursday, February 15th, with another night on Tuesday, February 20th. More information is below. Please feel free to call the Main Office if you would like to reserve a time to talk with your student's teachers.
Toward the end of February, our scheduling window for the 24-25 school year will open. Students will begin to get information starting the week of February 20th. Wednesday, February 21st is our virtual meeting for families to give an overview of the scheduling process. This virtual meeting will be through YouTube and will provide families an opportunity to ask questions during the presentation. On Thursday, February 29th, there will be an in-person meeting for families in the Cafeteria. Both the virtual and the in-person meetings will cover the same information.
Ben Baptist
Important Dates
Thursday & Friday, February 8th & 9th: No School, Professional Development Days
Thursday, February 15th: Parent-Teacher Conferences (virtual), 3:40 - 7:15 pm
Monday, February 19th: No School, Presidents Day
Tuesday, February 20th: Parent-Teacher Conferences (virtual), 3:40 - 7:15 pm
Wednesday, February 21st: 24-25 JH Scheduling Meeting (virtual), 7:00 pm
Tuesday, February 27th: MLK Celebration, Violet Baptist Church, 6:00 pm
Thursday, February 29th: 24-25 JH Scheduling Meeting, 7:00 pm, Lakeview Cafeteria
Saturday, March 16th: CommUNITY Cultural Festival, Toll Gate MS, 10:00 am (more info below)
Fast Feedback Opportunity
Please check out the linked Google Form below to give the Lakeview Admin and Counseling team some quick feedback about the upcoming scheduling presentations. Thank you to those families who have already shared feedback and questions so that we can make sure we provide that information in our presentations.
High School Scheduling for Current 8th Graders
For current 8th-grade students, the scheduling process for the high school will begin next week. Students will be introduced to the high school scheduling hub starting next Monday, the 12th, and will work through the Program of Studies and the scheduling sheets during their E/I class.
On Tuesday, February 20th, there is a scheduling information meeting from 6:00-7:00 pm in the Pickerington North PAC. North's counselors also will be available the rest of that week (Feb. 21-23) for in-person or virtual meetings.
At the junior high, Mr. Gill is the go-to counselor for all high school scheduling-related questions. He will be available to students during E/I starting Wednesday, February 14th.
All high school schedule requests are due Monday, February 26th.
New Online Apparel Store
Lakeview has partnered with 1st Place Spiritwear to bring some really cool, eye-catching apparel to our students and families. Our Grand Opening sale (25% off all merchandise) is going on right now, through February 13th! See the flyer below for more details.
Lakeview Values Recipients
Congratulations to our students who were identified by our staff this past week for upholding our Lakeview Values, by respecting self, others, school, and learning.
PTO Updates
Do you like donuts? Do you look for the "Hot Now" sign as you drive by a Krispy Kreme? Here is your chance to enjoy Krispy Kreme donuts while also supporting Lakeview's PTO at the same time.
Use the link below to place an order and then visit a Krispy Kreme location at your convenience to pick up your donuts. It's as simple as that!
The PTO has created a SignUpGenius for the upcoming staff dinner the night of the February 15th Parent-Teacher Conferences. Please use the link below to donate toward the dinner.
A link for the PTO PayPal account is also provided. To donate through Zelle, use the Lakeviewpickpto@gmail.com address. The PTO greatly appreciates the support from the Lakeview families!
Cell Phone Policy Reminder
Overall, our students do a great job day in and day out with limiting their cell phone use while in the building. As a reminder, students are allowed to be on their cell phones before school, during class transition, during lunch, and after school. Our expectation is that students have their cell phones put away during all class periods, including Study Hall.
One trend that's becoming more common is students going to the restroom to call family when they aren't feeling well. While we will not discourage students from letting families know they aren't feeling well, please remind your student(s) to go to the Clinic if they feel sick. It becomes a safety issue when students are feeling sick and we are unaware (and unable to locate them), especially if a student were to have a medical emergency.
Parking Lot Reminders
For morning drop-off, remember that we use a two-lane system once all the buses are in, which is usually around 7:00 am. Typically, Mr. Baptist is standing in front of the cones, waving vehicles into the left lane. It helps to use both lanes to get vehicles through the line faster and get students into the building.
As best you can, after 7:00, please use both lanes when turning into the school from the main road. Vehicles coming from the direction of the high school can turn left into the entrance and use the left lane.
Upcoming CommUNITY Cultural Festival
Mark your calendars for PLSD's CommUNITY Cultural Festival, taking place Saturday, March 16th, from 10:00am - 2:00pm at Toll Gate Middle School. We hope to see several Lakeview families there!
Global Scholars Program
The Global Scholars application for the incoming cohort at Central is now open.
Check out this video https://vimeo.com/568943377 to learn more about what students do in the program.
Any student who will be a student next year at Central or North is invited to apply.
The 24-25 application can be found at:
Any questions about the program can be sent to Dr. Marie Hurt marie_hurt@plsd.us
Reminder for Athletic Events
PLSD families, let's continue to ensure our competitions are an enjoyable experience for all attendees.
Please note the athletic expectations for students and adults. An adult must accompany ALL K-8 students to enter the winter competition; once inside the competition, K-8 students MUST be supervised by the accompanying adult.
Any action that could cause mental or physical harm is deemed inappropriate behavior and may be subject to immediate exclusion from the competition. Let's continue to work together to support a safe environment for all attendees.
School-Based Health Clinic at Tussing Elementary
This is a reminder to all families of a health resource available to you. New this school year, the school-based health clinic is housed at Tussing Elementary and is designed to support our community and our families.
The athletic website for both PHSN & LJH is now live. Use the https://pickeringtonpanthers.org/ to watch for announcements! All coaches will be using this website for updates and announcements, so please check here if you have any questions. When you go to https://pickeringtonpanthers.org/ you will need to click on "more" and then Final Forms is under "Athletic Registration".
Boys Volleyball This Spring
For any boys interested, there will be a volleyball open gym on Fridays from 3-5pm at North in the Field House. Informational sheets and a sign-up sheet for interested boys will be in the office as we plan to have a team this spring. For more information, please contact Head Coach Marci Truex (marci_truex@plsd.us).
The Community Corner
Recent Feedback
The Lakeview Family Feedback Form
2023-2024 School Year Calendar
Lakeview Junior High Important Links
Office Hours 6:45 am - 3:15 pm
Email: ben_baptist@plsd.us
Website: https://www.pickerington.k12.oh.us/Domain/19
Location: 12445 Ault Road, Pickerington, OH, USA
Phone: (614) 830-2200
Facebook: Lakeview_JH_PLSD
Twitter: @lakeview_jh