Counseling Corner
November Newsletter
Saturday ExCEL dates are coming up on the following dates:
- December 3 bit.ly/excel12-3
- December 10 bit.ly/excel12-10
- December 17 bit.ly/excel12-17
- Retakes, Make-up work, Review, Re-teaching, Tutoring, AP/Final Exam preparation
- Detention time (6 hours marked off for the full 4 hour Saturday ExCEL session; no partial or future credit given)
College and Career
College and Career
Cash for College Financial Aid Workshops
Please join us for the next Cash for College Financial Aid Workshop at Beckman on December 6 from 6-7:30 PM! During this general workshop geared for seniors and their families, you will be introduced to the FAFSA and CA Dream Act Application, how to get started on the applications, and the types of financial aid that students can qualify for. The goal is for students and families to have their financial aid application completed by the end of the evening! Registration link
Unable to attend? Sign up for a Cash for College Statewide Webinar! These webinars will provide students and their families information on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and California Dream Act Application (CADAA).
Registration link: Cash for College Workshop Registration - California Student Aid Commission
Irvine Valley College Application Workshop: Seniors
IVC will be in the Career Center at lunch on December 6 and December 15 for an application workshop for seniors. During this workshop, seniors will work with an IVC Admissions & Records specialist to complete the first step of becoming an IVC student for Fall 2023.
To prepare for the workshop, students should bring:
- Social Security Number (if applicable). Card not required, just know the numbers
- VISA Information (if applicable)
- Parent/Family Income
Register here
To be eligible for IVC's Promise Program, students must complete a financial aid form (FAFSA or CA Dream Act) AND complete the steps to become an IVC student. On the FAFSA, please select IVC code 025395. This program is available on a first come, first served basis!
Need help with completing financial aid forms? Register to attend a Cash for College Night at Beckman!
Regional Occupational Program (ROP) Spring 2023 Registration
Registration for ROP Spring 2023 classes will start on the week of November 14 for students. The spring 2023 course schedule is available ROP’s registration portal, CourseStorm. ROP offers career education classes and internship classes that are FREE and count towards Beckman high school transcript credit. Classes are offered after school at several locations across Orange County. Many courses satisfy A-G UC/CSU requirements. Beckman students may not have more than 7 courses on their Aeries schedule (Beckman and ROP classes). Internship classes are available for students 16 and older. ROP class examples include: Baking & Pastry Fundamentals, Sports Medicine Internship, Certified Nurse Assistant (CNA) Pre-Certification Internship, Medical Nursing Careers Internship, Dental Assistant, Auto Tech, Auto Tech Internship, Emergency Medical Responder (EMR), Careers in Artificial Intelligence, Culinary Arts Internship, Careers with Children Internship, and Administration of Justice.
Registration Dates:
Grade 12: November 14 at 4 PM
Grade 11: November 16 at 4 PM
Grades 9 & 10: November 18 at 4 PM
- https://coastlinerop.coursestorm.com/: ROP registration portal for Spring 2023 classes
- How to Register for a ROP class: Instructions on how to register for a Spring 2023 ROP class
For questions, please contact Ms. McDonald, ROP/College and Career Specialist at mmcdonald@tustin.k12.ca.us.
Scholarship list: Scholarships 2022-23 - Google Docs
Social/Emotional Well-being
Social/Emotional Well-being
Mindfulness Monday
Close your eyes, imagine you are at the beach, and take 5 slow breaths. Mindfulness is when you can actually pick up one thing as your senses are heightened when you close your eyes and your surroundings. Let us not worry about what happened last night, last week, but focus on a new week! This will help you calm your mind/body freely. This is a positive way to start the week! 😊
Thoughtful, Talk about it Tuesday
What one thing can you do for someone today? What have you done today to uplift someone’s spirits? 😊
Wish them Well, Wellness Wednesday
First of all, how are you feeling today? Re-evaluate how you can do better before the week is over. Think of someone who is struggling and wish them well.
Thankful/Therapeutic Thursday
What is one thing you are thankful for? In time, happiness is not about getting what you want, but to appreciate and love what you have and being grateful for it 😊
Fabulous Friday
Think for a minute what makes you feel great and how you can celebrate your weekly achievements! 😊 Great job!
Grade Level Information
Senior Scene
Thanksgiving & Winter Break are good times to fill out & submit the FAFSA/Dream Act application, it is due March 2, 2023. Here are some resources to help guide you through the process.
Financial Aid: Income Changes Due to the Pandemic
If your family's current financial situation has changed and been adversely impacted by the pandemic, check out this podcast about the process to ask your college to consider these changes in their financial aid package.
We would like to share with you some important information regarding your student's mytusd.org email address.
- As they are working on college applications and exploring opportunities available after high school, they must be using a personal email address when completing these applications and not the mytusd.org email.
- Once students graduate high school, the Tustin Unified email address will no longer be available to use. Using a personal email address when applying will allow students to continue to receive communication once graduate.
- We wish your family all the best during this application season. The Beckman High staff is here to support you throughout this process!
In November during CCR, the senior class participated in a Financial Aid Overview Lesson created by the Counseling Team. Seniors learned the importance of applying for financial aid, how to identify which financial aid application is right for them, and the different types of financial aid available. They were also connected to resources to help them through the application process. Check out the Pre and Post data to see how the student Financial Aid Skillset developed.
Junior Junction
Pre and Post Surveys help us to see the knowledge gained from these important lessons.
CCR Lesson Post-survey Results:
- 96% of students know their Naviance login information.
- 94.3% of students can name three careers that may be a good fit based on their interests and strengths.
- 98.3% are now able to identify at least one resource for exploring college majors.
If you'd like to learn more about college majors to further assist your student, here are the websites that were provided in the CCR lesson:
Sophomore Stop
Freshman Forum
November is National Career Development Month! To celebrate, freshman took an interest inventory in their Naviance account on November 2nd. This interest inventory matches student interests to career clusters. Freshman explored their career clusters, career pathways, and individual careers of interest. Ask your freshman about their career clusters matches.
Study Skill Tip for November: Increasing Focus and Concentration
Data from Aeries 4-Year Planning Lesson October - November
Freshman learned about high school graduation and A-G requirements and the CTE/fine/performing arts pathway electives available at Beckman. Freshman left the lesson with an Aeries 4-year academic plan to work with throughout their 4 years. Pre and Post survey data collected shows freshman gained valuable knowledge. Go to Aeries and click on the classes tab and scroll to academic plan to view your student's plan today!