Inglewood Primary School
NEWSLETTER No 05 - April 14 2020
Our Mission:
Learning to think, to do, to be
Ako ki te whakaaro, ako ki te mahi, ako kia ora ai te mauri
Our Vision: To provide a teaching and learning environment where of those involved: demonstrate respect, expect the best, achieve through opportunity, communicate actively & feel good and safe
Nau Mai Haere Mai, Talofa, FaŹ»afeiloaiga, Bula
Kia ora Koutou
I hope your Easter was full of enjoyable time together in the fine weather.
Firstly, thoughts and love to all who are experiencing extreme difficulty at this time.
We fully understand and appreciate the impact of losing a loved one and not being able to be with them as we normally would.
We understand and appreciate the difficulty and challenges faced when there are job losses, juggling budgets, juggling caring for elderly and young while we are working from our homes.
We understand and appreciate the complexities around having essential workers in our bubble and ensuring safety for all is maintained.
We understand and appreciate how hard it is for our single parent families and those families who have partners as essential workers who are not at home through the day as we as educators are trying to work with children in the house and meet their needs in all areas as well.
We understand and appreciate it is indeed difficult.
Please know you don't need to feel alone.
We have a large number of agencies who we are working alongside to assist with food/kai and wellbeing packages, internet access and data packages. Please let us know if you need help.
I appreciate you will have heard messages through the media over the weekend regarding school resuming once we move down from Alert Level 4.
There is a lot of misinformation out there so I thought it best that you hear it from us via the MoE. The five main points are:
1. No decision has been made yet about when schools will reopen. This decision will be made based on data about the spread of Covid-19. That decision will not be made before 20 April.
2. The very earliest schools would open would be 29 April. And this would likely only be for SOME students, not all.
3. The Ministry (and us) are preparing for several possible scenarios - not opening for a number of weeks etc, opening only for staff, opening for essential workers' children,
staggered opening, a combination of distance and on-site learning - so that children can stay 2m apart. We want to be prepared for whatever the decision is once the data becomes clear.
4. There will be ample notice before schools open. They will not be closed one day and open the next. We will be given ample time to ensure that the school has a deep-clean, and that we put in place any Health & Safety regulations.
5. The Ministry has been VERY clear that we will NOT be moving out of Alert Level 4 early.
Chris Hipkins is, this week, working on guidelines for what Alert Level 3 could look like for schools. We look forward to his guidance on this matter on Thursday
Staff are meeting on zoom regularly or via email. Our Online Learning Hub is available tomorrow Wednesday 15th April.
Weekly zoom meetings are planned with the children. These will be shared via seesaw from teachers. Information on how to access Zoom will also be shared by teachers.
All the learning will be available to everyone, so if your child would like an extra challenge, they are welcome to engage with any of the activities from another team.
Please feel free to email teachers along the way to give feedback and ask questions. We are all learning and we will be adjusting things as we go to make the best of this!
If you have any questions, please do let me know or email your child's class teacher.
Please remember, if any of the online learning causes you stress or conflict - communicate with your child's teacher and tell them. We are flexible and remain consistent with our message - Hauora and Wellbeing first.
You are all doing a fabulous job as parents at this time, be proud of your efforts and let us know, so we can help.
Also at this time, as we navigate a new norm, we do ask that you all show grace to ALL schools and ECEs in the way communication and online learning is being established. We ask you not to judge one school / ECE to be any better or worse than an other school / ECE.
NONE of us have had experience in this before at this level, so we thank you in advance for your grace and kindness to all educators in all sectors.
We look forward to reconnecting with you on our first day of Term 2, via our School Website - look to the right for the tab "Online Learning Hub" . We will also connect with you via Seesaw. Term 2 starts Wednesday 15 April 2020.
Switch on Safety
All the best whanau
School Website link below - Online Learning Hub
Panitahi - Smiths, Adams, Pearce, Bailey, O'Connor
Pouakai - Turner, Zimmerman and Simpson
Waiongana iti - Boyd, Blackwell / Edwards and Krook
Puke Haupapa - Banks, White, Wheatley, Franklin, Reade and Wallace
He Awhi Taonga - Marshall Smith, Williams and our fantastic Support Staff
Many thanks to Aaron Zame for his work behind the scenes , and to our AMAZING Staff who have put this together - fantastic effort. ka rawe
IPS Lockdown Video - enjoy
We continue to work closely with the MoE to get devices and internet access into the homes of whanau who do not have it.
The MoE are developing a way to get the devices out - we are using ours in the first instance and I have contacted lots of whanau in Puke Haupapa and I am working through Waiongana iti today. I am incorporating siblings as I come across them. Pouakai and Panitahi whanau, I have distributed a large number already and will continue to do so over the week. Thank you for your patience as we work through our lists..
If I have not contacted you yet and you would like a device - please email me
As the Principal I am allowed to do this, however I am NOT allowed assistance due to Level 4 Alert regulations, so thank you again for your patience.
Team Communication
As Classes and teams communicate with through Seesaw and hold zoom sessions with your children, please feel free to email teachers along the way to give feedback and ask questions.
Teachers will be available between 10 - 11 daily to answer any immediate questions or concerns. After that they will endeavour to get back to you as time allows.
If you do not have a seesaw code as yet - please email your child's teacher.
Zoom Sessions will be organised by the teacher and they will send you an invite to join the class session.
Please speak to your child about showing our REACH Values while in a Zoom Session.
Thank you in advance for understanding our teachers have their own children at home while they are teaching and sometime there maybe a child interruption unplanned. You are all parents, so you get it .
Our teachers are working in collaborative teams:
Panitahi -
Alice and Rebecca Smith - Rebecca joins us for Term 2 due to increased numbers in Moa iti (New Entrants) - and
Rangi Adams - Year 1 & 2 -
Taryn Pearce - Year 1 & 2 -
Candice Bailey - Year 1 & 2 -
Libby O'Connor - Year 2 & 3 -
Tracy Turner - Year 3 & 4 -
Mel Zimmerman - Year 3 & 4 -
Lynda Simpson - Year 3 & 4 -
Waionganga iti
Steph Boyd - Year 5 & 6 -
Michaela Krook - Year 5 & 6 -
Ashleigh Blackwell - Year 5 & 6 - & Kelly Edwards - Year 5 & 6 - Supporting Ashleigh - Part Time Teacher
Puke Haupapa
Tracy White - Year 7 & 8 -
Rob Wheatley - Year 7 & 8 -
Katherine Banks - Year 7 & 8 -
Nell Franklin - Year 7 & 8 -
Matua Shane Reade - Year 7 & 8 - Part time teacher
Kay Wallace - Year 7 & 8 - Part Time teacher
He Awhi Taonga - Sensory Pod
He Awhi Taonga
Rachel Marshall - Smith - SENCo -
Wendy Williams - SENCo -
Rachel and Wendy are working alongside ALL classroom teachers continuing to provide access to services and the explicit and diverse/complex needs of our Tamariki with Additional and Complex Needs.
The other team working alongside Rachel and Wendy are; Astrid, Cody, Evelyn, Jacqui, Kelly, Kirsty, Jill, Michelle, Rebecca, and Susan. This team is developing resources and also engaging in Online Teacher Aide Modulars as part of strengthening their knowledge through Professional Development.
Leadership and Ancillary Staff
Wendy Nash - our Librarian is providing stories for our school community to enjoy and gathering resources and ideas for teachers.
John and Linda our caretaker and cleaner are ensuring our animals are fed and looked after along with checking security and property. This is also allowed under the protocol set by our MoE.
Debbie and Mia are working from home ensuring attendance registers and critical Office Administration and Payroll is undertaken during this time. Office email is
Our other significant Part time teachers
Whaea Marcelle Messenger -Kay Wallace - ares working on developing resources around te reo and tikanga Maori. Marcelle is working on developing waiata, kapa haka, resources to share out to all.
Martin Jones - Specialist Teacher is working on resources to share online with regard to Predator Free and environmental studies -
Melissa Burleigh - Specialist Teacher is working on Science resources and activities to share online.
Kelly Edwards - Specialist Teacher is working on developing resources and activities to learn Italian and also natural resources to make within the home - soap, beeswax wraps etc .
Matua Shane Reade - is working on developing a bank of activities and resources to increase wellbeing and hauora -
Pene Chadwick our Reading Recovery Teacher -
Our Senior Leadership Team of Michael, Brooke and Myself are collaborating, supporting and communicating with all staff, teams and whanau as appropriate and required. We are also coordinating agencies and officials to assess and respond to all queries and requirements in all areas of Wellbeing and Education. - - Karen Patterson =
Board of Trustees
We are indeed fortunate our Board of Trustees hold the Wellbeing of others in the highest regard.
Fonterra Milk
Happy Birthday
Current IPS School Roll - 382 students
Term 2 Calendar (This may change on a weekly basis)
Wednesday 15 April
First Day of Term 2 - Online Learning Hub