Lupine Hills Newsletter
August, 2022
Welcome Families,
Welcome back to the new school year, 2022-2023. I hope you had a relaxing and enjoyable summer. I'm excited to see everyone again on the first day of school, August 16, 2022. Your child's class list will be posted on Monday, August 15th at 4pm.
Lupine has made a few changes this summer that I want to make everyone aware of. First, I would like to welcome a few new faces to our team. Rosy Raza is teaching a 2/3 split class. Linda Posnansky will be our new RSP teacher. Finally, Mrs. Dauer-Sargentini will be job sharing with Patty Carrousel this year. We are very excited to have them join our team. Second, a few of our teachers have changed classrooms, so look for information about the new rooms.
I know many of you are starting to get your children ready for school. Here are few things you should know:
- All students should have a backpack. It's helpful for students to come with some basic supplies like pencils, markers and a notebook. However, teachers will give you more specific instructions at Back to School Night.
- Masks are strongly recommended, but not mandatory.
- We wear UNIFORMS at Lupine Hills. Uniforms include navy or khaki bottoms and white, light blue or navy shirts. Navy or khaki skirts and/or dresses are also acceptable.
- Breakfast and lunch are FREE for all students in California again this year. However, you are also welcome to pack your child a healthy lunch. (Please try to stay away from packing candy and large bags of chips, soda is also not allowed). If your child wants lunch, they tell their teacher in the morning, so they will be included in the day's lunch count.
- Lupine Hills will remain a closed campus again this year. This means that we ask parents to drop their students off at the gate and/or cafeteria (Kinder only).
If you have other educational plans for your child, please call our office (510)231-1411 so we can make those adjustments.
Our Lupine garden needs your support!
Donate here:
Lupine Bell Schedule 2022/23
Summer Reading Program
Summer Reading K-2: https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0?ui=2&ik=b1e0d24a82&attid=0.1&permmsgid=msg-f:1734561928966090133&th=181266e260f0ad95&view=att&disp=inline&realattid=f_l3xk7p6y1
Summer Reading 3-5: https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0?ui=2&ik=b1e0d24a82&attid=0.2&permmsgid=msg-f:1734561928966090133&th=181266e260f0ad95&view=att&disp=inline&realattid=f_l3xk7p610
FORMS FORMS FORMS...much easier and still necessary!
Here is the link:
- Educational Benefit Form - Gives money directly to Lupine Hills
- Annual School Form - Keeps PowerSchool up to date, so we can reach you.
- Parent PowerSchool Account - Tells you how to access your account
Good Bye Dojo, Hello Parent Square!
Learn more:
COVID Guidelines
Unfortunately, Covid is still a reality that we continue to work with in schools. Here are the current guidelines:
- Masks are still strongly recommended, not mandatory.
- LSA will test all students who are registered for the first two weeks only (our day is Friday).
- If your child has been exposed to a positive case at school, LSA will come out to test the class (those who are registered only). If your child is not registered with LSA, they will have to show proof of a negative test before they return to school.
- We have some test kits in the office in the event you are not registered with LSA.
- The office CANNOT test your students, you will have to test your students at home and bring the negative result to the office.
- Stay healthy!
TK/Kindergarten Corner
Welcome to Lupine Hills, we can't wait to have your little ones join our wolf pack. Here's some information to help you get started.
- If you missed the Spring Orientations for TK or K, please find them here. Kindergarten: https://youtu.be/yiBRZIGhizQ TK: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vTL1aUOjlv1fx87Blckt19ngw1D04rhaQCjTvQBKebasepkP1fcrfgs6t2-3jwMDif9mh_IXj-14AFY/pub?start=true&loop=false&delayms=3000
- Our TK class has moved to Room B101, your children will enter through the gate by the office and your teacher will greet them at her door.
- Kindergarten has moved to the main building. Your children will enter and exit through the cafeteria. The door entrance is close to the parking lot.
- If your child is in our SpEd MMSN TK-1 class, your class has moved to B102. Your children will continue to enter and exit through the gate by the office.
- Please note that TK and Kinder have different start and end times.
PTA Corner
Sign up here:
Contact Information
Email: psheldon@wccusd.net
Website: https://www.wccusd.net/lupinehills
Location: 1919 Lupine Road, Hercules, CA, USA
Phone: 510-231-1411