Recycle Plastic & Avoid Drastic
Group 9: Bird Dogs aka Marker
For Starters...
Of around the 8.3 billion metric tons of waste that is produced, 6.3 billion metric tons has become plastic waste. Of that only 9% is currently being recycled. The other 79% is gathering together in landfills across the globe.
root cause
By replacing plastics and non-biodegradables with reusable and biodegradable materials, we will reduce the amount of trash and waste in landfills and improve our community’s ecosystems.
Mission Waco
Keep Waco Beautiful
City Council
School Board
Landfill Representatives
Recycling Company Representatives
We spoke with Larry Holsey from the Waco City Landfill. He told us that the landfill is 30 years old and the most common trash item is household trash and food. The landfill will last for 5 to 6 more years before it reaches its full capacity and Waco will need to build a new one. However a new landfill is a huge process that costs millions of dollars so planning for another landfill will need to begin within the year.
Action Steps
Partnering with Keep Waco Beautiful to set up a river clean up
Partnering with Mission Waco to provide compact reusable items for the impoverished
Petition for law or regulation on plastic bags in stores
Give options for restaurants to use reusable straws for customers
Thoughts from the week
Hannah: I learned about many different problems in our community, and different places that help.
Aldo: I learned more about issues in our community, specifically the issue of immigration.
Anthony: I learned that before you achieve your goal you have to locate your partners and tactics.
Karis: I learned how to advocate for things I am passionate about and the importance of safety in schools.
Emma: I learned about recycling and landfills and how they affect the community
National Geographic
Waco City Landfill Representatives
Sunbright Recycling Company Representatives
Mission Waco Representatives
Keep Waco Beautiful Representatives
Meet the Team
Not Pictured, but still Awesome
Gracie Acosta
Enoch Zhu