English Village Family Edition
January Week 4
Greetings, EV Families!
We hope that everyone is healthy and enjoyed the weekend! What an exciting time of year if you are a football fan, playoff time (especially if your team is still in it) As you know, if you follow, this is that critical time of the season where teams hope to show their best and celebrate success!
This also goes for us here at school as we are more than halfway through the school year. This same excitement of strong performance and celebration are real. This is the time of year where we hope to see things really click for your children/our students and for them to show great growth. We will blink and it will be Spring (although it hasn't felt that way the last few days, weather-wise).
We will continue to provide a high quality, standards-based education here at school making sure to monitor and adjust instruction as needed to provide what every student needs to be successful, both academically and socially/emotionally.
We ask for you to remain our partners in our work to accomplish these things. Now more than ever, we ask for you all to take the time, as possible, to read with your children every night and practice Math facts as well.
Please let us know if you have any questions and/or whether we can be of any support to you. Thanks again, take care, and have a great week!
Jason Lewis
Rosa Bellone
School Improvement Plan Update
As we are now around the middle of the school year, we will purposefully check in on our progress of meeting our SIP goals. In fact, we have what is called a SIP Update coming up next week. This is essentially a SIP Mid-Year Review where we will go over our SIP with our District Office supports, review progress, problem-solve, and discuss next steps. Our DO Team will ensure that we have the necessary supports to give each student what they need to be successful.
February 9th: PTA Valentine's Day Dance - 6:30-8pm
February 13th: Last day Session 2 of Tuesday Clubs
February 15th: Last day Session 2 of Thursday Clubs
February 19th-February 23rd: Winter Break NO SCHOOL PREK-12
February 27th: Save the date - Zumba Night
March 9th: Spring Family Fest from 11-1:30 at Arcadia Middle School
March 12th: Save the Date - Leap and Laugh Night
English Village Updates
EV Morning Announcements
Take a peek at the EV Morning Announcements to hear what is going on at English Village this week.
1/16/24: https://youtu.be/5a9HFhrWc4Q
1/17/24: https://youtu.be/9jjw81WLazQ
1/18/24: https://youtu.be/K92jeaKB-2A
1/19/24: https://youtu.be/D20EK6QKEYY
Join us for the Winter P.A.W.S. Meeting
Please join us for the winter PAWS meeting. The event is on Friday February 2nd from 9-10am. This is a time to collaborate with other English Village Families, our Parent Coordinator Katy Cooper and Principal Jason Lewis on how we can improve EV together. Come and ask questions and participate in parent led discussions. Please register to attend here. Register for PAWS Meeting
Thrivers Book Club
We are excited to introduce a collaborative book club for English Village and Lakeshore Families. We will be reading the book Thrivers and then holding 2 evening book discussions.
For additional information and to request materials please RSVP here: https://forms.gle/tnLNxeXKC6qHinXz8
2nd Graders learn how to harness the wind
Our community partner 4-H came in this week to read the story The boy who harnessed the wind. Students then built their own paper windmills. Testing them out by harnessing their own "wind" (breath) was super fun.
Author Visits with furry main characters
English Village was visited by author Tricia Dellanno of No Dog in my Yard this week. Students got a chance to listen to the book, participate in a book discussion and meet the furry main characters in person.
Community Schools Corner
Neighborhood Navigation Center - Click here to learn how our GCSD Navigation Center can provide support and services to your family
Families, we want your input!
By completing the survey, you can enter to win an accompanying sweepstakes for a chance to win a grant prize of $100 Visa gift card courtesy of the Center for Youth. To enter the sweepstakes please email your name, and phone number to parent.helpline@greececsd.org and mention that you are entering the Family Perception Survey Sweepstakes by February 9th. You do not need to complete the survey to enter.
Thrivers Book Corner
The Parent Coordinators and the Assistant Principals are reading the book Thrivers by Michele Borba - We are excited to announce that we have dates set for the book club discussions. Please see the flyer within this SMORE to sign up.
Activities that boost empathy:
Praise teamwork. Don’t succumb to a “winning is everything” philosophy that pits kids against each other and reduces empathy. Instead, praise team efforts. “I love how your group supports each other” I’m proud when you helped that injured player’
PTA Updates
SAVE THE DATE - 2/9/23 for our Valentine's Dance
Here is a list of all the upcoming meetings.
March 18th
May 2nd
June 5th
A few notes from our 1.11.24 meeting:
- We will be doing a spring fundraiser, more information coming soon.
- The buy one get one free Scholastic Book fair will be the end of April.
- We are starting to plan our Spring Carnival for June 8th (Saturday) so mark your calendar now.
- Teacher appreciation is the week of May 6-10th - more info on how we will celebrate our phenominal Staff soon.
Any questions/concerns can be emailed to evpta800@gmail.com
Valentine's Day Dance
Please join us for the Valentine's day dance on Friday 2/9/24 from 6:30-8pm. We cannot wait to see you there. Please RSVP here
Volunteers Needed: Please sign up here
GCSD District News
UPK information
Children who will be four years old on or before December 1, 2024 are eligible for our free Universal Prekindergarten (UPK) programming during the 2024-2025 school year.
The UPK application opens on January 12, 2024 and applications are due March 1, 2024. Click here to complete the application or call 966-2472 to have a printed application mailed to you.
UPK Wrap-Care options are available through KidsCare for the 2024-2025 school year. Please see our UPK KidsCare flyer for more information
Childcare Transportation Department Applications due 4/1/24
The Transportation Department is taking applications for Childcare for the 24-25 school year. Applications can be submitted by visiting here Applications are due April 1, 2024. Families had until July 1st in previous years to get us this information but it is now due April 1st, which is the due date identified by SED.
Athletic Opportunities within Greece
We have some upcoming opportunities for your child to get involved with activities outside of school. Please find the attached flyer for soccer and/or lacrosse opportunities within the Greece Community. No experience is required!
Greece Power Girls Lacrosse - Grades K-8th - Monday and Wednesday nights (7pm-8pm) from now through February 14th
GUFC Micro Soccer - Ages 4-8 - Saturdays from 1:15pm-2:15 pm - Begins 1/27 through 3/2
Useful Links
Virtual Backpack - contains flyers for events
Reading Resources for Families - Book Lists by IRLA level available here