The Weekly Update #18
November 29, 2023
Note from Mrs. Haworth
Good afternoon,
I hope everyone had a happy Thanksgiving!
Tomorrow has potential for bad weather, so that means the car rider line may be extra not fun! Thank you ahead of time for your patience.
We are still accepting nominations from now until December 15th and our Teacher of the Year and Rookie Teacher of the Year will be announced in mid-January. Please click here to nominate a teacher. Students will also be able to nominate teachers at school during finals week.
Below is our Final Exam schedule for the week of 12/11-12/15. Each student will receive a copy of the final exam schedule next week.
Have a great evening,
Tara Haworth
Principal, Tays Junior High
Fall Semester Exam Schedule
Fall Theatre Production
Character Strong
Library News
TJH Student Council
Lost & Found
Upcoming Events
November 29, 2023
Choir Concert at OTHS PAC 7:00pm
Math Club in LGI 4:05PM
November 30, 2023
Cheer Practice in LGI at 7:00am
BB 7th Grade Girls MMJH vs. TJH at MMJH 5:15pm
BB 8th Grade Girls TJH vs. MMJH at TJH 5:15pm
Theatre Musical in TJH Cafeteria 7:00pm
December 1, 2023
Fun Food Frenzy during lunches
Theatre Musical in TJH Cafeteria 7:00pm
December 4, 2023
BB 7th Grade Boys TJH vs. SLJH at TJH 5:15pm
BB 8th Grade Boys SLJH vs. TJH at SLJH 5:15pm
Orchestra Winter Concert in TJH Cafeteria 6:00pm
December 5, 2023
Trivia Club in LGI 4:05pm
TOY Brick Unveiling 6:00pm
December 6, 2023
BB 7th Grade Girls BJH vs. TJH at BJH 5:15pm
BB 8th Grade Girls TJH vs. BJH at TJH 5:15pm
Band Winter Concert 7:00pm at OTHS PAC
December 7, 2023
Cheer Practice in LGI 7:00pm
PTSA Cookie Exchange for faculty/staff in LGI
Math Club in LGI 4:05pm
BB B Team Mid-Season Tournament 7th Grade at SJH - 8th Grade at HJH 5:15pm
December 8, 2023
Beginning Band Winter Open House in LGI during classes
All Information below has previously been included in a TJH Update!
The Katy ISD Close Up: Founding of a Nation Trip has extended its deadline to December 1st. This would be a great Christmas present! If your 7th grade son or daughter is interested please contact Coach Parrish at kyleparrish@katyisd.org. There are only 40 spots left for the whole district, so don’t delay!
Katy ISD Close Up Trip
Clinic News
This is a friendly reminder to please keep students’ home if they are sick. With the upcoming holidays and changing weather, we are seeing more students come to school when they are sick. Please keep in mind that students who exhibit vomiting, diarrhea, or a fever≥ 100, must be excluded from school for 24 hours.
A doctor’s note does no supersede the 24 hour rule.
When and How to Wash Your Hands
How Germs Spread
Washing hands can keep you healthy and prevent the spread of respiratory and diarrheal infections. Germs can spread from person to person or from surfaces to people when you:
- Touch your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands
- Prepare or eat food and drinks with unwashed hands
- Touch surfaces or objects that have germs on them
- Blow your nose, cough, or sneeze into hands and then touch other people’s hands or common objects
ATTN 6th grade parents: Tdap and MCV are required immunizations that are given at 11 years of age.
Please send updated copy of your immunization record to the Campus Nurse.
Please note: The immunization record must come from the medical provider and have the student’s name and date of birth on it.
Records can be emailed or faxed. See below.
Kimberly Wheeler, MSN, RN
Campus Nurse, Tays Junior High School
Office: 281-234-2414
Fax: 281-644-1946
Monthly Clinics:
2:00pm - 5:00pm
Thursday, November 2, 2023
Thursday, December 7, 2023
Thursday, January 11, 2024
Thursday, February 1, 2024
Thursday, March 7, 2024
Thursday, April 4, 2024
Thursday, May 2, 2024
Professional Development Annex
6301 South Stadium Lane
Katy, TX 77494
Enter using Pavilion Annex doors
No Appointments Necessary
Cost:1 Vaccine - $15, 2 Vaccines - $25, 3 Vaccines or more - $35
Accept Cash, Credit and Debit Card Payments
Optional Vaccines Available:
Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine will be available
at no cost while supply lasts.
Quadrivalent Influenza Vaccine will be available for $15.
What to Bring:
"Parent Notification of Immunizations Due Form" from Campus Nurse
Personal Immunization Record
Insurance Card (if insured)
MEDICATIONS: Did you know? Students are not allowed to carry any medications on campus. If your student needs to carry emergency medications, please contact your Campus Nurse for Katy ISD forms.
Kimberly Wheeler, MSN, RN
Campus Nurse, Tays Junior High School
Office: 281-234-2414
Fax: 281-644-1946
School of Excellence – Tays JH PTSA has applied to be a School of Excellence through National PTA. We’re seeking feedback from our families in order to better serve you and our community. If you could take 5 minutes to answer a short survey, we would greatly appreciate it!
English: https://forms.gle/XBh5GCEhakcWjc259
Spanish: https://forms.gle/yxL13JaCPc6aGhWJ8
Fun Food Frenzy - Our next Fun Food Frenzy is on Friday, December 1st. We need many volunteers to make this event run smoothly for the kids and would love to have your help! If you would like to volunteer to help setup and sell food or clean up, please sign up here:
If you would like to support Fun Food Frenzy by donating food or drinks, please visit our Amazon wish list and have the items sent directly to the school, or you can purchase locally and drop the items off at school. With your involvement, we’re looking forward to a fantastic Fun Food Frenzy. Thank you for your support!
Amazon Wishlist Donations:
In Person Drop-Off Donations:
Counselor's Corner
College and Career Informational Webinars
This year, we will offer counseling groups based on the campus’s students’ needs.
These are the topics we will offer based on the feedback from the survey:
- Anxiety/Test Anxiety
- Study Skills/School Organization
- Friendship/Relationship Building
- Grief
- Self – Esteem
- Anger/Stress Management
If your student would benefit from one of these groups, please fill out the brief form below.
Thank you,
Tays Counseling Team
2023-2024 Bell Schedule
School Appropriate Clothing
Additional information and specificity about the dress code can be found in the Katy ISD Discipline Management Plan and Student Code of Conduct on page vii. Click HERE for the Katy ISD Discipline Management information page.