Westside Weekly
August 29th - September 2nd
Principal's Corner
Dear Westside Family,
We hope your family is settling into the new school year and adjusting to the 7:30 start to our day! Arrival and Dismissal is really starting to flow well and we appreciate your support and preparation to help us execute a safe arrival and dismissal for all!
This upcoming weekend is our annual Welcome Back Social! Our fabulous PTA and Volunteers have worked to organize a great family evening at Soccer Zone! We hope your family can join us for some family fun and getting to know one another at this event! Westside staff will also be attending, and kids just love seeing their teachers at these community building events! We look forward to seeing all who can attend!
Always the best,
Amanda Lillard
Adjustments for Inclement Weather & Walker/Bikers End of Day Dismissal:
As we lived inclement weather at dismissal the 2nd day of school, we have found some tweaks to our system that will benefit our walker/biker families. For those who are not aware, when there is lightening and thunder in the area (yes that means rain may not be present), we are not allowed to release kids out into that weather without a parent/guardian. Car rider is easy because we place the student into the car. However we do have a large walker/biker group and we recognize that some of our families prefer to still pick up walker/biker during these times. Therefore we will respect your family decision during these events. Here is what we will do to create more options for our families:
- KG/1st Supervised Walkers and Big Kid Walkers who come pick up KG/1st sibling: They will be able to continue to be a walker but they are REQUIRED to have a parent/guardian there to allow us to release them to you. Once we release them to you, it is your parent decision to walk out in the weather. If you do not like this option, you would submit a transportation change for your children when we notify you of Inclement Weather Dismissal Plans.
- 2nd-5th Walkers (Big Kids): They will be able to continue to be a walker but they are REQUIRED to have a parent/guardian there to allow us to release them to you. Once we release them to you, it is your parent decision to walk out in the weather. This dismissal will occur by the exit doors closest to the garden or as we call it 2nd Grade Neighborhood Exit. If you do not like this option, you would submit a transportation change for your children when we notify you of Inclement Weather Dismissal Plans via REMIND.
We hope these tweaks allow for you to have options that don't involve having to go the front office, allow for you not to have to submit a transportation change if you don't want to, and allows us to respect your parent decisions with ease. No Walker/Biker will be allowed out of the school without a parent/guardian there to retrieve them during Inclement Weather.
Westside Calendar of Events
- Lunch Opens to parent/guardian visitors. Recess remains closed to visitors at this time.
- 3rd-5th Grade Find Your Voice Choir Sign Up, Begins September 13th
Saturday: Welcome Back Social at Soccer Zone 5:00 - 7:00 p.m.
Save the Date:
- September 6th: Parent Orientation Night KG/2nd/4th Grade @ 5:30 or 6:15 (QUEST Orientation Prior at 5:00)
- September 7th: Parent Orientation Night 1st/3rd/5th Grade @ 5:30 or 6:15 (QUEST Orientation Prior at 5:00)
- September 9th: Grandparent's Day Lunch!
Upcoming Special Events
Join Westside at the 2022 LEEF MUDstacle
Volunteer At Welcome Back Social
Westside Spirit Wear Round 2
Volunteer At Westside
Back by popular demand.................................. Find Your Voice Choir!
Nurse Heidi's Notes:
Immunizations: All students without updated immunizations will be excluded from school beginning September 16, 2022. Please submit your child(ren)’s records to the clinic as soon as possible.
Health Information: If your child(ren) is/are a new student or your child has any new medical conditions that need to be updated, please submit that information HERE
Medications: All medications are kept in the clinic only. Please contact the nurse for more information.
COVID: Guidelines and updates can be found HERE
CHANGE OF CLOTHES: The clinic has a very limited supply of extra clothing. We ask that ALL students K-5 keep a change of clothes in their backpacks for any number of reasons.
Heidi Grohs, RN, BSN
School Nurse
2022-2023 Breakfast & Lunch Info
Free Breakfast & Lunch will NOT continue this year!
Breakfast Cost: $1.50
Lunch Cost: $2.90
Snack Items Cost: Vary (set daily limits for your child in your child's online account)
August Menu (English)
August Menu (Spanish)
Complete a Free & Reduced Meal Application for price adjustments.
Let's Talk with Mrs. Burkett, Our School Counselor
Let's Talk!
If you have questions for our campus or district, there are several ways to contact us.
You can submit your questions through LISD's Let's Talk!. Click Here to Submit a Question
You may also contact the campus receptionist at 512-570-7000.
Or you can reach out to the Westside Front Office Team at:
Receptionist: alicia.villanueva@leanderisd.org
Registrar: heather.kavanagh@leanderisd.org
Principal's Administrative Assistant: delia.villegas@leanderisd.org
Nurse: heidi.grohs@leanderisd.org
We are happy to answer any questions you may have.