Welcome Back! School starts on 8/3.
Allgood Elementary School
We're so glad to have you here!
20-21 School Year
Please see "First Day of School" news above!
K Virtual Welcome!
1st Grade Virtual Welcome!
2nd Grade Virtual Welcome!
Please see each teacher's staff website link for more info.
3rd Grade Virtual Welcome
4th Grade Virtual Welcome
5th Grade Virtual Welcome
Specials Virtual Welcome!
Gifted Virtual Welcome!
ESEP Virtual Welcome!
ESOL Virtual Welcome!
EIP & TITLE I Virtual Welcome!
Admin. Virtual Welcome!
RevTrak - make payments online
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Allgood Elementary - Gators
Welcome Back News!
Please see info above for First Day of School and below for Welcome Back news.
Allgood Elem.
Email: staffname@paulding.k12.ga.us
Website: https://www.paulding.k12.ga.us/Domain/9
Location: 312 Hart Road, Dallas, GA, USA
Phone: 770-443-8070