Boyden Weekly Update
December 22, 2023
Dear Boyden Families,
On behalf of the Boyden Staff, we would like to wish everyone a happy holiday season. Please enjoy the time with family and friends. We look forward to seeing everyone in 2024!
Chinese Acrobats
Today Boyden students enjoyed Young Audiences’ Traditions of Chinese Acrobatics, a performance by acrobat Li Liu, brought to you by the Boyden Parents Advisory Council (PAC) and generous funding by the Local Walpole Massachusetts Cultural Council. We got a glimpse of Chinese culture while witnessing these astounding feats of traditional acrobatics, and learned so much! Ms. Liu taught us about the historical significance of dances (especially linked to the upcoming Chinese New Year in February), and we even practiced some phrases in Mandarin! Ask you chidren about it.
Thank You!
Thank you to everyone who helped to make this year with the Gifts For Kids program so successful! The outpouring of support from the Boyden Community was incredible. We collected over $5000.00 in toys and clothes and we were able to help make 23 children across Massachusets have a very happy holiday season. Special thanks to Mrs. Ivatts and her students for organizing the Gift for Kids.
What are the students learning in Art?
Seasons Reading...A Message From Mrs. Moses
As we approach the winter break, here are a few tips to encourage reading.
Consider setting aside time dedicated solely to reading. Did your student receive a new book as a gift? Do you have a favorite family holiday book? Ask them about their library checkout or explore our ebook collection called SORA. Read aloud together.
Create a comfortable reading environment. Break out those pillows and blankets.
Read a book together and then watch the movie or series. Is your reader a fan of The Babysitters Club, Ivy and Bean or Last Kids on Earth? Try watching the shows on Netflix after you read the book. For our younger students, Apple TV has created series based on Frog and Toad and Shape Island by Mac Barnett and Jon Klassen. Lastly for our older readers, Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Christmas Cabin Fever and Percy Jackson and the Olympians begins on Disney + in December.
While the Boyden Media Center is closed, visit the Walpole Public Library. They have a wonderful selection of books along with programs, such as Family Game Night.
Pair a nonfiction book with an activity. Read a cook book or recipe and create it. Find a craft project and follow the instructions to make it. Read about an animal and create an activity based on it.
Keep it fun and do it together!
Happy Reading,
News from the Digital Learning Coach
Over the last several weeks all students have been reminded of an important aspect of digital wellness—Balancing Screen Time. Students in K-3 learn alongside their monster friend, Bean (from Seesaw) by helping him make decisions on how to balance on-screen & off-screen activities. Students help Bean ‘Pause & Check’ with these statements: How Does My Body Feel? How Much Time Have I Spent On-Screen? & Am I Spending Time with Others Off-Screen? Students in 4th-5th grade have been learning about how to make ‘Healthy Media Choices’ by analyzing CommonSense Education’s real-world scenarios. Students engaged in conversations about whether the choices represented were healthy or not after considering the What (what media, what platforms), When (what time of day/week; what else is happening at the time), & How Much (time is being spent at once; how much media is being consumed) for each activity.
Why Screen Breaks Matter
- Physical Well-being: Encouraging our students to step away from screens promotes physical well-being. It allows them to engage in activities that enhance their gross and fine motor skills, supporting their overall physical development.
- Mental Health: Screen breaks contribute significantly to mental health. By providing moments of respite from digital stimuli, we create opportunities for reflection, creativity, and relaxation, fostering a positive mindset.
- Social Skills: Face-to-face interactions are invaluable in the development of social skills. By taking breaks from screens, students can engage in conversations, collaborate on projects, and build meaningful connections with their peers.
How Families Can Support:
- Lead by Example: Children often mimic the behavior of adults. Consider implementing screen breaks in your routine as well, showcasing the importance of balance between online and offline activities.
- Create Tech-Free Zones: Designate specific areas in your home where screens are not allowed. This could include the dining table during meals or the bedroom before bedtime.
- Encourage Outdoor Play: Foster a love for outdoor activities. Whether it's a game of catch, a nature walk, or a trip to the park, outdoor play is not only beneficial for physical health but also provides a break from screens.
Math Games
With Winter Break a week away, we thought it would be the perfect time to share some fun math games that can be done at home. Math games have many positive benefits that go beyond just math skills and concepts. It is wonderful that they help children reinforce and practice math skills, but they also can help reduce the fear of making mistakes, help foster communication and social emotional skills, build a love of math and develop strategic thinking skills. “Children learn to solve problems together, think strategically about what moves to make, and how to be successful in playing the game. Throughout a math game, children make a lot of strategic decisions as they problem solve and plan their next move.” (10 Benefits of Using Math Games with Students).
Our Family Math Site is full of games and activities that your children can do with a grown up, a friend, a sibling, or any willing participant! Many only need a deck of cards or a set of dice. Most board games involve some type of math and definitely involve critical thinking skills around problem solving and decision making.
Play is an important part of learning at all levels, in the words of Mr. Rogers, “Play is often talked about as if it were a relief from serious learning.But for children, play is serious learning. Play is really the work of childhood.”
Kindergarten Registration 2024-2025
It is time to pre-register your child for kindergarten. Children who are five years old before September 1, 2024, are eligible to come to kindergarten. Kindergarten Pre-registration will be conducted from January 3 - January 26, 2024. The school assignment for your child will be visible in the online registration program, Family Connection, once your child's address has been entered.
To pre-register a kindergarten-age-qualified child, a parent or legal guardian must complete the online pre-registration form by going to the following website
Once the online pre-registration form is completed, you may then provide the required documents (see below) to the school, in three different ways:
- Drop off at the main office of your elementary school from 9:00 AM-2:00 PM
- Copy and mail to the school (see school address above)
- Scan and email them to the school secretary Julie Morris at jmorris@walpole.k12.ma.us
Required registration documents
- Proof of residency (town tax bill, utility bill, or lease)
- Health history form and Immunization records
- Original birth certificate with seal
- Mass Health Form
If your child is currently enrolled or receiving special education services through Daniel Feeney Preschool Center, you do not need to submit the online registration form, birth certificate, or proof of residency. However, you will need to provide the elementary school with a copy of your child’s latest physical.
DEI Newsletter
Check out the 3rd Edition of the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Newsletter
Boyden Apparel
Start your holiday shopping at The Run House! 20% of all sales from Boyden’s store will go back to the PAC. Many new items to check out along with the favorites!
PAC News
Next Meeting: Januaru 10th at 7:00 PM in the Media Center
Walpole Wheel of Fortune
If you aren't a member of the Walpole Wheel of Fortune Facebook page, join us! The Wheel is a fundraising page managed by the Boyden PAC where items are raffled to raise funds for the school. Raffles will be held weekly on Wednesday or Thursday nights.
Boyden Friendship Directory
Want to add your child's name to the Boyden Friendship Directory? Fill out this quick form and you will be all set! CLICK HERE
Important Dates
December 25th to January 1st - School Closed for Vacation
January 2nd - Students Return to School
January 10th - Boyden PAC Meeting (7:00 PM)
January 12th - No School for Students (Staff Training)
January 15th - No School (Martin Luther King Day)
Click Here for the Walpole Public Schools School Year Calendar