North Metro Flex Academy
Where You're Challenged...and Belong
A few words from our Principal, Mrs. Kranz!
Happy Summer and Welcome Back!
Welcome back to a new school year to all of our current families! For all of our new families, we welcome you to North Metro Flex Academy! This is a small community where we challenge our students and they belong! Our mascot is the Wolf and everyday we strive to be Safe, Kind and Responsible.
I hope you have enjoyed a “normal” summer enjoying activities with your friends and family. (We finally were able to go on a roadtrip we planned a couple years ago. My husband and I traveled 4,400 miles in an RV this summer with our sons, “Out West”. We went to Mount Rushmore, The Grand Tetons, Arches National Park, and had a family reunion in Reno and Lake Tahoe. )
This will be the 7th year our school has been open! I am excited to share that we have the following new staff joining our teaching and learning staff!
Kelly Winter, an experienced Middle School Math Teacher for grades 6, 7 and 8
Kaylee Nash, new classroom teacher
Chris Cowan, an experienced Middle School Math Intervention Paraprofessional Specialist for grades 6, 7 and 8
Garius Carey, an experienced Special Education and Title 1 Intervention teacher for Middle grades
Josie Borchert, new Reading and Language Arts Intervention specialist
Maddie Jagerson, a new paraprofessional for our younger grades
Gerardo Hernandez, an experienced bilingual paraprofessional for older grades
Our entire staff worked diligently last Spring to go through a very thorough curriculum adoption process for Math and Reading/English Language Arts. All of the research-based currciulum selected will be aligned to MN State Standards and research-based best practices. For reading/language arts, we have adopted Super Kids for grades K-2, My View for Grades 3-5 and My Perspective for Grades 6 – 8. For math, we have adopted Bridges for grades K-5 and Illustrative Math for grades 6 – 8.
We look forward to welcoming everyone back to school Tuesday, September 6, bright and early!!
Be safe, kind and responsible!
Mrs. Kranz, Principal
Parents, here are a few reminders:
School hours are 7:30am – 2:00pm
School doors for parent pick up open in the morning: 7:15am
School doors for parents pick u open in the afternoon: 2:00pm
Students are not to be dropped off at the front doors in the morning.
If you are needing to drop off your students, please drop them off at back parent pick up door at Helen Street.
If you are needing to change your student to parent pick up at the end of the school day the latest you can call to inform the school is 1:25pm. Otherwise, your student will be placed on the bus.
Please scroll down to see the current and upcoming lunch menus!
Calling all 6th - 8th grade RUNNERS
Practices are Mondays and Thursdays 2pm-3:30pm (9/19-10/10)
There is a 5K at the State Fair Grounds on November 13th
New Curriculum at NMFA
We have a new food vendor at NMFA!
Families can help donate money to our school when purchasing from Amazon by just using their account in these simple steps:
Sign up for Amazon Smiles in a web browser:
- Visit
- Sign into their account they use for
- Select North Metro Flex Academy
- Start shopping! They must then always use to generate donations for the school.
Sign up for Amazon Smile in the Amazon app on their mobile phone.
- Open the amazon app
- Navigate to main menu
- Tap settings and then select AmazonSmile
- Select North Metro Flex Academy and follow the on-screen instructions to turn on
- Once activated in the app, all future app purchases will generate donations when eligible.
Need to Know Information for the school year!
Important Contacts at NMFA
o Debbie Kranz – Principal
o Dave Isaacson – Special Education Director
o Chelsea Smieja – Operations Manger
o Jessaca Karg – Office Manager
Please take a look at some of our important times we have at NMFA:
School Hours 7:30a– 2:00p
Building hours: 7:00a – 2:30p
Lunches: Start at 10:50a – 12:10p
Wolf Pack: 2:00p-4:30p grade KG-6th for more information email
( See Below )
North Metro Flex Academy
Location: 2350 Helen Street North, North Saint Paul, MN, USA
Phone: (651)300-6300