Point of View
Excelsior Springs, Missouri
The future ain’t what it used to be.
It is the time of year, we project future revenues and expenditures to achieve council goals. This year is a little bit more difficult, because all of our revenues are economic based and all services are necessary as we either learn to live with COVID-19 or wait for it to sputter out. I thought we needed the humor of Yogi Berra, cause it's not over until it's over.
Week of August 31st - Recovery Phase 2, Step 2
CCPHC Order - Masks are required indoors until further notice.
Monday, 4 pm - BZA; 6pm - Planning & Zoning Commission
Friday, 7:30 am - Council Work Session
Labor Day Weekend
Worthy of Mention
Finance is a department of four, that has been struck with adversity. In June, Marla Ellison broke her leg; July, Rick McGlocklin replaced Steve Marriott as interim Finance Director until Steve's position can be filled. August, the department suffered three illness each overlapping & spanning two weeks. One day last week, we thought we had no one to open up, when Jane Due was well enough to return. We apologize for any difficulty or delays in responding to inquiries, payroll, collections & payables. We are looking forward to next week when Kimberly Herring can be back in the office again, the office will get caught up quickly with full staffing. Thank you to Marla who was a rock star to complete payroll while working the collection window, answering phones & trying to teach others to work the window. Marla's leg is healing beautifully, allowing her to run between work stations to answer customer questions from all fronts. Our new Finance Director is scheduled to start on September 28th - we are pleased to welcome Vonda Floyd to join the mighty four.
Council Actions
City Council met Friday in Special Session to set 2020 property tax rates before the 9/1 deadline. The new tax rate is $.6318 for General Fund providing $1,043,033; & $.1779 each for Parks, Recreation, & Hospital providing each $293,694. Because the assessed valuation increased more than the cost-of-living; the tax rates have been reduced so tax revenue collected will not be greater than the cost-of-living. Board appointments were also made to Community Foundation includes Kim Halfhill, Tray Harkins, Kenny Manley, Molly McGovern, Sharon Powell, & Sonya Morgan. There is one seat left to be filled. Also, Stephen Stubbs was appointed to serve as an alternate on BZA.
Key Project Updates
Public Works is continuing with various concrete repairs, currently working at Kimball/ Wildwood, [FUNDING: TT, CIP] WHY? Continuous improvement is important to maintain our community in good physical shape; Shirewood sewer project is ready for final testing & residents to start connection [Funding: CIP] WHY? connection to public sewer will eliminate pollution from failing private septic systems; begins work on Risk & Resilience Assessment at WTP, [FUNDING: Water], WHY? report is mandated by EPA; Smoothie Shop reopens [Funding: Community Center], WHY? Healthy, convenient option for community center members, returns after shut-down; Wellness partnerships formed with Excelsior Springs Hospital to staff & operate wellness corner; & with Liberty Hospital Diabetic Clinic, [FUNDING: Private], WHY? to provide health assessment options in convenient locations to improve wellness of our membership; Community Center is rebuilding staff, programs & membership after closing a few months ago, increased memberships by 40 this week [FUNDING: Community Center], WHY? Memberships support staffing & programs, improve community wellness; electrical work is complete at Splash Park, [FUNDING: CIP, LWCF, Donations], WHY? Community prioritized a Splash Park as a community need; HPC offers masonry repair & window renovation classes, [FUNDING: Grants], WHY? to teach skills needed to maintain older homes; Contacting nominees to fill Equity & Inclusion Task Force, [FUNDING: N/A]; WHY? COE is forming new Task Force to help inform decisions being made for our community.
Choose Your Attitude!
Come FALL In Love With Downtown Excelsior Springs
During the fall, the air is a little crisper, the leaves a lot more colorful and everything just seems to be a little more beautiful. Make the most of it by spending it with us in Downtown Excelsior Springs! https://visitexcelsior.com
Email: mmcgovern@excelsiorsprings.gov
Website: cityofesmo.com
Location: Hall of Waters, 201 E. Broadway, Excelsior Springs, MO 64024
Phone: (816) 630-0752